we are hoping to restart it in 2005. with everyones hectic schedules its just impossible to find someone with time to manage the auction. I have begged several times for a volunteer to load and track them but never have any takers. Cathyjo is now working full time again and just cant do it anymore. Sooooo hopefully after the holidays well get a volunteer that can manage and track it
Well let me know if you want me to put the Category back up Kay, if Tami is going to take over. It may be a good time to have items listed, as Christmas is not that far off, and people will soon be shopping!
Okay, this is cool. I'm glad people want it back. It's a great thing for the rescue, and a wonderful way to help the horses and get something great in return. Please be a little patient while I find out exactly how to go about this. With poor Kay's work schedule it may take a day or so for her to tell me what's to be done.
Tami, one thing that needsw to be done, is to change the info on the auction account, so that it goes to you and n0ot to Cathy Jo. Please email me at [email protected] me your name, address, and the email account you plan on using for the auction. I will need to get this done before you start listing items. Thanks!