What are your mini goals for 2010?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2006
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Suffield, CT
I think I read somewhere that if you write your goals down you are more likely to actually get them done. So here goes my list:

1. Get Max (our 2009 colt) into the show ring.

2. Show Ruby in AMHA performance classes to use the show incentives that we got with her in 2004 (yes, they are still good). Take her to HER first ADS driving show.

3. Have an uneventful foaling season, with a live foal as a result. (Our 2009 goal was to finally have our first live foal, and we are pleased with that ultimate result, but we could do with less drama and fewer vets involved).

4. Breed more mares for 2011.

5. Introduce more new people to the wonderful world of minis.

6. The rest depends a lot on #4. Show and/or drive whoever doesn't get pregnant. Maybe pick up some Pinto points in hunter and/or jumper for Princess toward her Supreme Championship.

Oh, yeah, and survive the show season (and foaling/breeding)!!!

What are YOUR goals for this year?
I actually have a list of things posted on my mirror above my computer of things I need to get done / buy. List of blankets and sweats I need to buy...clippers ext. I pin it there so I can always see it and remind me to keep my priority in order

Apart from that, My goals / plans are as follow:

1. Have 6 horses to show this year, 5 are in the barn. 1 is out in the pasture, coming in the barn like early March.

2. Don't think im going to attend either Congress or Nationals this coming year...I'm going to stay and do about the same number of shows we do every year, most likely more this year. Last year, from the first week in May to the end of August, we were at a show every other weekend. Going to try and keep on that same schedule this year as it worked out well..

3. Since I kept back both colts from '09 to show (an under and over colt - both I am thrilled with), I am going to allow myself to keep one foal back this spring. We have 3 foals coming this fall - I'm going to allow myself to keep back 1 to show. I'm pretty excited about Dream x Flyte's upcoming foal as I've been wanting to cross them for a while. Hoping for a filly, but I shouldn't say that to loud and I think I jinxed myself last year. Dream is a Supreme Dream daughter, Flyte is a double bred "BTU" grandson..


4. I left several mares open for '10 to get on a early breeding schedule...so will be breeding them starting in March to the stallions I have lined up for them.

5. To not slack on the show horses this year ...last year I let my work schedule at my actual job get out of hand. I started working nights full time about half way through show season and was so tired all the time it was hard to get anything done at the barn. But, I am now at the point i'm use to it and don't really get tired anymore. Can wake up at 5pm and go out and work horses....feed and work horses at 8:30am when I get home and make it until 10am before going to sleep.
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Cool thread!!!

Being that I just got my first show horse that I have had in eleven years, I have LOTS of goals for 2010!

1. Get my new girl home and get to know her and start training/conditioning.

2. Show on NW AMHA circuit in Ammy and Open Halter, Showmanship, Hunter and Halter Obstacle.

3. Qualify for Worlds and aim for at least one NW High Point award

4. Start Mico's driving training and take lessons for myself

5. Show and exhibit and spread the word of the wonderful mini at local fairs, parades, etc

6. And have FUN, FUN, FUN the whole time!

I think that is a good start. LOL
It's the same each year; to get the foals I bred born fafely. Their lives and their moms depend on me to be there.

And I'm wishing to maybe get my filly Willow shown (maybe)

A fun thread to say the least, thanks for starting it

As far as what we are planning:

1. Getting three fillies from last year out on the show circut, so folks can see what the Luxor/Rio crosses are producing.

2. Jose held back a two year old and three year old colt that are tiny and he wants to campain this year as he thinks they are going to be hard to beat. He has not been this excited about the show string in a few years as he is for this coming year. LOL

3. Attend Congress, Worlds and the National show this year. This is going to be fun!!

4. Get the grandkids back in the ring after a year lay off. Most important goal for the year as far as Grandpa is concerned.

5. Foal out the mares we bred this last year and hopefully produce our next set of winners.

6. Attend 7 or 8 local/area shows in AMHR/ASPC and AMHA arenas.

7. Buy two or three ASPC classic mares this coming year.

8. Go thru our normal evaluations and set goals for 5 and 10 years down the road from a breeding standpoint.

Hope to see everyone out on the show circut, I think we all are going to have fun in a better economy this year!!!!!
Since this will be my 1st full year back with the Minis, I have a lot of goals and plans! A few may be pushed back, but we'll play it by ear...

Show both Khan and Jet in Halter at as many AMHR shows as we think we can afford (we have bigger plans for later in the year).

Get Jet's stifle issue taken care of, so he can once again continue his driving training.

Go to AMHR Nationals.

Possibly buy a filly (and that is all I'm gonna say about that...lol)

MOVE across the country with horses..........
Possibly buy a filly (and that is all I'm gonna say about that...lol)MOVE across the country with horses..........
I'm assuming my lovely wife means after the move across the country unless she's wanting to push that move back. But otherwise would agree with her post.
I have a few, but probably wont get them all done. Money is a necessary evil...

1. Safely foal out the 3 mares that I have for this spring.

2. Successfully breed my mares for 2011.

3. Better learn how to drive our 2 geldings.

4. Get the 2 geldings in the show ring with both myself and my kiddos.

5. Get my new buckskin colt and grulla pinto yearling filly in the halter show ring.

6. Nationals 2010!

7. Build a better barn for my foaling mares.

8. And I will have to sell at least a couple horses to keep my numbers where I want them. LOL!
I am very excited to get started working with my horses again, I've had a manditory break after my surgery.

I have a lesson booked with Deb Laderoute in April, can't wait! Would like to take a couple other lessons in the spring with Hawk as well.

I want to move up to Preliminary with Hawk at some point this year and would like to go to as many CDE's/driving trials as money/logistics will allow.

My goal is to show George as my primary AMHA show horse this year. I better get started.
Also have some youngsters I want to show.
My goals are considerably smaller than normal simply because my driving horse is still undriveable.

So the #1 goal for 2010: GET KODY HEALED UP!!! There's not much I can actively do about that except keep doing his suppling exercises and continue with the massage and Reiki, but I will keep doing those and hope for the best.

Other mini goals:

1) Continue the halter training I've begun on the almost-two year old and teach him the basics of obstacle work and long-lining.

2) Since I had to get an AMHA membership to transfer him into my name ($140 for a $15 transfer, grr) I think we'll dip our toes in the AMHA ring in AOTE halter, solid color and maybe Liberty and obstacle-in-hand. Kody might come try Classic Pleasure if he's up for it.

3) Do our usual AMHR shows in those same classes. No jumping or obstacle of any kind for Kody, just Liberty and a few Western Country classes if he's sound enough.

4) Get more practice handling pairs and tandems, drive as many singles as possible.

We're going to be starting our Sheltie puppy in Agility and Obedience trials so I'm sure some of those are going to conflict with mini stuff, I still plan to attend the CDE's even without a horse, and of course there's still the full-time job and taking care of the three horses I've got. I think between all of those I'll stay quite busy!
Not to mention a possible trip to Great Britain with our own MiniHGal in August!

Goals for 2010:

1. Get myself in shape to be able to get my horses in shape. LOL Hey at my age that a big hurdle!

2. Work my horses more so they'll be able to perform better.

2 1/2. Encourage my granddaughter to learn to show. (she's only 5)

3 Get a rack on my trailer (then figure out a way to get my carts up there).

4. Get at least one new(er) show cart.

5. Get a another horse so I can show in Pleasure Driving.

6. Go to Nationals and.......well the rest is more dreams/hopes than goals.

And Reo, all I can say is WOW nice looking filly.
Robin, that filly is breathtaking! You have to get her into the ring. :D How fun!

Well, I am going to be easy on myself this year. My goal is simple. Have a little fun. I am down-sizing my herd, placing as many of the big horses as I can. I'd also like to find a great home for a little guy I picked up this year. He's a super little fella that needs his own special person. If I have time, I will start him driving so he has a job.

I would love to find the time to start Gaia driving. She is such a neat little mare.

I need to get Esprit through the AMHA hardshipping process.

My main breed show goals are a couple of years away. I nominated both of my 2009 foals for the AMHA performance futurity. I would like to get them to the World show in 2012.

I guess I have two main goals for this year. I have purchased a cool 4 wheel carriage so that I can drive pairs. I am excited to try this, and in all probability I will stick to ADS competitions this year. I am going to pair up Flirt and Esprit, they are both beautiful driving horses and I look forward to seeing how they work together. The other goal is to have Isabelle continue to work with Alladdin and learn to love this game as much as I do. I am so looking forward to the years ahead with my granddaughter. We are going to have a lot of fun.
Robin....you should take that "maybe" out of your goal for Willow! She's beautiful!!

My personal goal this year is to lose weight and get as physically fit as I can! I started in Dec already and have lost 12 lbs so I'm starting the year off right!!

Horse goals:

Send Danny off to driving training! Can't wait to get him in the show ring! He's going to be my all-around "B" mini in Pinto this year.

Get the foals safely delivered.

Breed the few mares I've selected for next year's foal crop.

Show Nikki in halter and hopefully find her a good show home.

Continue to improve my driving skills with my good old Bubba so I'll be ready for Danny! Bubba gets to be my all-around "A" mini at the Pinto shows once again.
My goals are;

1) get Dusty into harness.

2) Work Missy on Jumping.

3) Train Ellies foal for halter.

4) Train Ellie for halter so she might have a longer attention span.

5) Go to the 2 AMHA shows in Reno with horses.

6) Go to the Regional show with horses.

Since money is tight I am not sure how much I will be able to do.
Aw thanks Sandee, Amy & Sandy!

I LOVE my filly!
I would dearly love her shown!

I hope every ones hopes & ambitions come true for them!!
My goals are as follow...

Most Importantly, #1: Get Beamer to a healthy plateau in his life!

#2: Prepare Calvin for Halter classes.

#3: Work Calvin more over jumps this summer.

#4: Buy that BEAUTIFUL western show halter for Beamer.........okay, fine, I know he's not in show condition at this current moment in time, but it would look Soooooo stunning on his little clipped body this summer!

#5: Bring Calvin to County Fair this fall. In an ideal world, I would of course bring Beamer, but I don't want to risk anything as far as his mediocre health by rushing his recovery. Besides, he's only two! We've got, what, 30 years ahead of us?

Interesting topic. I'm striving to...

1. Finish remodeling the barn.

2. Begin & hopefully finish by years end, setting up new turnouts, pastures, arena & round pen.

3. Will try again for the 3rd year in a row, to show at a few shows.

4. Have another fun filled year with our little herd.
1. Get Mini stalls in the trailer, so we can fit more

2. Get my horses in spiffy shape

3. Get my new mare , Sadie hooked to the cart

4. Start a couple horses in harness

5. Get to as many AMHR sanctioned shows as the budget can afford

for the first time!
Well this past couple years were wonderful in that we were blessed with two beautiful little daughters but we didn't get any showing done. 2010 is the year!

1. Get my surgery out of the way and get strong enough to at least do most of the work with the minis on my own

2. Condition and train our show string (already started last winter)

3. Show in local/regional AMHA/AMHR shows

4. Try, Hope, Pray to attend and compete at either R Nationals or A Worlds, leaning towards Nationals but undecided.

5. Have a safe uneventful foaling with Whitney, that results in a healthy live foal to show at said Nationals

Good luck to everyone with their goals!