Weather Storm Warning - Ontario

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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Get your snowblowers, shovels ready
, good grief. They are forecasting 30* centimeters of snow so a foot and more (they are saying in some locations as much as 40) accumulation mixed in with freezing rain. Blowing snow will make visibility NIL. Oh just lovely
. Well, we all wanted a white Christmas
and we will have it,
, not like last year.

Guess I go out and buy groceries today, bring lots of hay into the barn and get the horses ready to stay in for a day or two. They won't be happy campers!

What is with the weather everywhere this year
sure will, lol. I am sitting here laughing because this storm that we are going to be going through is thanks to a "low from Texas", lol
so thanks for the white Christmas!
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Yep, calling for a lot of snow....though by the radar, looks like we'll miss the worst of it here...we'll see

Danielle, I know I laughed when I heard about the 'arctic system coming in from Texas'
Too funny....

This is the first year in a long time that I can remember snow being on the ground this early for this's been a month that the ground has been white!!! YAY!!!
Maybe we will have a white Christmas this year!!!! I hate green Christmases.....

They are calling for only 20-25 cms here. We had that much dumped on us just on Tuesday. It would take a heck of a lot of sun to make this year a green Christmas for us.

I think I will head out and get some groceries today too.
Well you are all welcome for your white Christmas

Anytime you need more snow you just let us Texans know and we'll do our best to send you more.
I was just talking to a friend of mine in Ohio, and it looks like it's not going to be as bad there as originally expected.... And it's almost 2:30 p.m. here with not a flake in sight yet, so i'm keeping my fingers crossed that we won't get the huge dump of snow (30 cm.) that they're calling for.

As for a white Christmas, it sure would be nice, but with the temps milding up from Monday and beyond, clear through the big day, I'm not sure we'll be so lucky in this area. I guess that's why it's called the "banana belt" here in southern Ontario.
Just got back from my grandaughter's ballet recital, she was an "angel"
. Okay.... ROFL. This child is so hyped for Christmas that I get tired of watching her in action, all day action, can't sit still for one second
. I also managed to go and buy groceries and I have NEVER seen the grocery store soooo busy. Everyone is batting down the hatches for this storm as we are suppose to get hit head-on :DOH! They are now saying a minimum of a foot of snow and more than likely much more, maybe double that
. Reminds me of the winters we use to get when I was a kid. You remember, those of you who are "vintage" in age
. I remember winters where you didn't know where to put the snow anymore when doing your laneways, the snowbanks were way over our heads
. Haven't seen that in many years but I wouldn't be surprise if this will be the year to take me back to my childhood days. The difference is I couldn't have cared less as a child, it was fun, because I wasn't the one that had to shovel all that whack of snow!

I am going to go put about 10 bales of hay in the barn so I don't have to fight my way to our hay storage building tomorrow because I have a funny feeling the snow will be to our hips by the time this is all done and yes they are saying winds of up to 70 kilometres an hour just to add to the fun
. Guess it will be a good day to crank the Christmas carols up and do some baking for Christmas that I have been putting off.

oh Denise, if you want I will come and get you and bring you up here so you can be part of this fun that you Texans are graciously sending us
. I laughed when I read your post, too cute and thanks for making me smile.

Okay, off to freeze my behind off and get the critters ready to be stuck inside for a few days. As the song says "Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow"
[SIZE=14pt]Dani, I want to see the pictures too! It was in the eighties here earlier this week... We never get to see snow either.
Stay warm!

[SIZE=14pt]Shannon [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]It is supposed to start here on tomorrow (Sunday) blizzard conditions , at least a foot but up to 2. We have had a ton of snow, my husband just came in from shoveling our deck off again. It has been so cold here the last week or so, it's negative 6 right now :Cold-Scared ...stay warm and safe everyone, Nikki[/SIZE]
We already have lots of snow here but we are supposed to get up to 25cm overnight, with strong winds and it is minus 12celcius so it is really cold. They are warning people not to drive unless they really have to. All the critters are in the barn all snug and cozy, guess they will have to stay in for a few days. We got groceries in, we have the generator and diesel, the fire is on so we can stay cozy inside
Hope everyone stays safe through the storm.

Shannon, I will swing by after I pick-up Denise so you can get a front row seat, lol. I truly don't mind storms like this, it's the freezing rain one we got in 1998, somewhat like Oklahoma, Kansas, etc. just got which is NOT fun
. We will just stay put, mingt lose power but that's okay for us. We learnt our lesson after 1998 storm to have a generator so we will be just fine and we have a 2 woodstoves and a fireplace to heat the house so no problems here. My animals are snug in the stable, with lots of hay, Christmas carols playing for them too, lol. My barn cats are in their stall room with their beds, heaters, etc. They aren't spoiled at all. The cat from next door, that seems to have moved in to my stable will also be okay. He fights with my other cats so he is not in that seperate room but I did put a cat bed in the stable for him and hung a heat lamp for him as well and he is purring away, in his bed, under the warm. The ducks are in their "Duckingham Palace" and they are doing fine too and will be cozy, so we ARE READY FOR THIS. I even bought some Caramel Bailey's
and am ready to cozy up on the sofa tomorrow with a good book and a spiked cup of coffee. No worries here.

I will take pics tomorrow and post. Now watch the weather man make a liar out of me, and this whole thing passes us by, ROFLMAO. Won't I look like the proverbial fool :DOH! but I am still going to have my coffee and bailey's

But tonight it's HOCKEY. My daughter has gone into Ottawa to the game, Ottawa Senators vs the Atlanta Thrashers
. I am a very passionate hockey watcher, so life is GOOD!!!! GO SENS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
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I was reading the weather warnings on the environment canada site, and it sounds like a nasty storm.

Hey Danielle, it's better to be ready for a storm that never happens than to be hit by a storm that you were sure wasn't going to happen & so you didn't prepare for it!
HOLY "S" sorry, my husband just came to see me in my "computer room" and said they have just announced that we have a chance of getting "60 cm of snow"
Okay, that's not funny. That is 3 feet of snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Denise, you are going to come up here to see what your "southern hospitality" is going to do to us
:DOH! :DOH! :DOH! . Oh well, nothing we can do about it, oh dear dear.

Nikki, more than likely you are going to get much more than 25cm as well, probably more like 40 or 50. GET READY! Want some Bailey's for your coffee?
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Merrickville-Wolford - Kemptville

3:44 PM EST Saturday 15 December 2007

Winter storm warning for

Merrickville-Wolford - Kemptville upgraded from winter storm watch

A near-crippling snow storm with heavy snow and blowing snow as well as some ice pellets tonight and Sunday.

This is a warning that dangerous winter weather conditions are imminent or occurring in these regions. Monitor weather conditions..Listen for updated statements.

A massive winter storm is about to strike much of southern and eastern Ontario with near record snowfall amounts. Latest analyses indicates that the developing low pressure system is moving into western tennesee preceeded by a burgeoning area of moderate snow with some freezing precipitation extending north to Lake Erie.

The low will move northeast towards the lower Great Lakes and intensify rapidly as it reaches Ohio Sunday morning then track across New York state into New England Sunday night. This storm track will place much of southern and eastern Ontario directly under the brunt of heavy snow. A few claps of thunder along with bursts of very heavy snow are also likely.

Patchy areas of snow have affected portions of southern Ontario today as well as a lake snow band meandering across Toronto. There is a chance that this band may intensify this evening over Toronto giving locally 5 cm or more. The brunt of the main snow event will begin this evening in the southwest and rapidly envelop all regions east to Ottawa in the overnight hours. Copious amounts of snow as well as strong winds causing blowing snow are expected. Freezing rain is also possible near Lake Erie.

Widespread snowfall accumulations of 20 to 30 cm are expected in most areas tonight and Sunday. Some local amounts of 40 cm or more are quite likely in a few areas by Sunday night..Especially from the west end of Lake Ontario and eastwards into far eastern Ontario.

Significant blowing snow is expected to accompany the heavy snow due to strong northeast winds gusting to 60 km/h whipping up the freshly fallen snow and causing whiteout conditions. In addition freezing rain is possible especially near Lake Erie for a few hours overnight and Sunday morning as milder air pays a brief visit aloft. Ice pellets are also quite possible generally along and south of a line from Grand Bend to near Toronto and east to Cornwall.

The public should be prepared to change plans accordingly to avoid unnecessary travel during this storm. This massive snow storm has the potential to cause near-paralyzing conditions as road travel on any unplowed streets may become next to impossible on Sunday. All motorists who must travel are urgently advised to use extreme caution and plan for much extra time to reach their destination.

There is a high degree of certainty with this storm as the concensus of weather model data is virtually unanimously forecasting this event.

Environment Canada continues to closely monitor this situation. The winter storm warnings will likely be expanded northeast across the remainder of the regions this afternoon.
Hey Danielle, I have chocolate mint Baileys here, want some? Keep snug and safe. Hubby just went out to put the ducks in and that is everyone safe and snug for the night

Hey Danielle, I have chocolate mint Baileys here, want some? Keep snug and safe. Hubby just went out to put the ducks in and that is everyone safe and snug for the night

Oh hey, Yvonne, that sounds like a good idea!!!
I went out to put my little guys to bed an hour ago....brrrrrr :Cold-Scared

I had 2 families come to look at puppies today...both from Toronto....hope the drive home wasn't too bad for them

hmmm, wonder where my Baileys is.....

Hey Danielle, I have chocolate mint Baileys here, want some? Keep snug and safe. Hubby just went out to put the ducks in and that is everyone safe and snug for the night

Oh hey, Yvonne, that sounds like a good idea!!!
I went out to put my little guys to bed an hour ago....brrrrrr :Cold-Scared

I had 2 families come to look at puppies today...both from Toronto....hope the drive home wasn't too bad for them

hmmm, wonder where my Baileys is.....

Bet those puppies are cute as buttons now
We haven't had any frsh snow yet but the wind is high and blowing the snow that is already down all over the place. Hope they are wrong and we don't get it.

Keep safe,

I'm only coming along if I get to make snow angels.

My mom use to bundle us up to the point where we waddled when we walked so when we fell down it was just easier to lay there and make snow angels. Gosh those were the good ol days.

I loved the snow in Wisconsin it was just the freaking below zero temps we couldnt take anymore so off to Texas we went.

Now got another question for you ladies, are we talking flavored Baileys Irish Cream? I love that stuff and did not know it came in Caramel and Mint, where I have been lately!

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