Ice Storm Photos!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Piqua, Ohio
This has been the strangest winter here in Ohio. We keep going from one extreme to another. We'll set a "low" record...then a few days later a "high" record. It's been back & forth like that all year.

Last week, we had so much rain there was flooding everywhere (our paddock was a mudhole!)....then a few days later, we had a really bad ice storm. Covered everything with a 1/2" coating of ice & brought down whole trees, limbs, power lines....looked like a tornado had been thru! Then just a couple days after the ice storm....our temps were up to 60 degrees & sunny.
Now...just a couple days after the warm weather we are in the midst of a BLIZZARD WARNING! It's been snowing since yesterday morning....and we are expected to get a foot of new snow by tonight when it all ends. Add to that the 35+ mhp winds that is blowing it all around & creating 0's just a mess! Accidents everywhere! Some of our surrounding counties are already on Level 3...which means only emergency personnel are allowed on the roads...period!

I sure will be glad to see spring get here! Better yet....we leave for Vegas in 3 weeks! I can't wait to get out of this awful weather!

Here are a few pictures I took of the icestorm a few days ago.



very nice photos. thats exactly like how it is up here in NY. a few days ago we were up to 62 and niw today were supposed to get a foot of snow its windy and still snowing its 26.1 degrees and im stuck at the house when i should be at the llama farm playing with my 2 llamas and the other 25
i hate winter dont you?
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wow awsome pictures, we had something like that once, everything had a layer of ice on it , it was so pretty!!!
We got the ice too.. Our poor trees in the woods look horrible.. They got hit hard two winters ago when we had that really bad ice storm, were finally starting to come around and they get hit again..





This blizzard is CRAZY!!
The drifts are the worst part.. Will try and snap some photos if I can..
That's exactly how it looked around here on Wed the only difference is we only get into the 30's between ice storms and snow storms. At the moment we are in the mid 30's and it is raining.We were warmer this morning than any of you how crazy is that?
You know what was strange to me. Is we have the blizzard warning with all the snow, then we get the freezing rain with thunder and lightning. I don't think I have ever experienced thunder and lightning when the ground had inches of snow. Sooo strange.

Emma in Northeast Ohio
WOW Dona, you always seem to get such beautiful shots!!! Sorry about the mess it is causing for all of you in that area, but it sure is pretty! are more than welcome to use that picture. That is the only size I have of it tho.

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