Nasty Winter Weather Here

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For awhile there we were starting to have some sunny days in the mid-50's which for us is quite warm this time of year and the driving horses were indicating they'd like to have a little clipped off, please. Of course now that I planned to trace-clip this weekend it doesn't seem to want to get above 40 and the nights are freezing again. Waaahh!! Still, looking at the crazy weather in Arkansas I think I'll count my blessings.
At least we don't tend to vary more than 15 degrees between one day and the next!

we are 8" under snow........I have tons of pictures but don't have them uploaded yet...........remember Sat and Sunday we were 75 degrees as I was out stripping stalls in shots and a t-shirt :angry: READY for SPRING!!

My plans always get changed, Sat was the day the show horses go up into the barn and start working........
: yeah no working this weekend for sure.....tomorrow it's suppose to be high 40's and it will be as muddy and nasty as a hog pen I'm sure....

view towards the back.....


from the front


the deck


some of the horses

I let the babies out for a bit and they were loving it, they've been out for about an hour and I'm going to strip their stalls and back in they go......but you can see it's up above her knees








Erica, that picture kinda looks like Iowa...except we've had 54+ inches of snow this winter and last night it was -6 below for actual temp.

The good part about snow to remember is.... it takes 12'' of snow to = a equivalent inch of liquid/rain. So even if it looks bad now....when it does melt's not quite as bad as a actual big rain storm. Also it's really good for hay/pastures in March....I bet it kicks your pastures in big time when you warm back up.

Now would be a good time to make your 08 christmas card Tiny Trotter pictures....
The snow kinda sets the mood for christmas...
I think we're trading places with you guys out west and south. It has been a very mild winter here. Got up to the 70's this past week and we were able to sleep with our doors and windows open!
There was a nice breeze blowing and it felt like the beginning of summer instead of the end of winter. We should be getting a blizzard or two by now and some snow accumulations. At least the ground should be frozen...but ...nope! There are Tulips and all kinds of buds and bulbs popping up all over. We are about a month ahead of spring here. Kinda scarey....
Ya'll better not send it north to Minnesota...

Hey wait...why did I say Ya'll...... I'm a Minnesotan :DOH!


[SIZE=12pt]Erica , I feel your pain.. LOL ! Not as much as you have but ours is still falling and we must remember I am almost 200 miles south of you..
No pictures and I can't really complain about the snow, after all it is Wisconsin, and we haven't really been in the "deep freeze" most of the winter just a lot of snow. So I took the snow blower into the round pen to get most of the deep stuff out. Then it got above freezing for about 2 days and we had a swimming hole. It's now 18 for a high and my round pen is an ice rink!

Do they make skates for minis?
we are in ohio and having a terrible snow storm
with near blizzard winds on the way...more coming tonight. so....I went out early this morning and got lots of yummy stuff to eat this a fire and snuggle in for the weekend with my sweetheart.

stay safe and warm everyone

God bless

Well I can't complain too much here in Middle TN, we are expected to get the first real snow in our area all year...we are suppose to get 3-4". I know that doesn't even begin to compare to what everyone else is getting but for a girl who was born in Alaska...we will take what we can get!! and it will be gone Sunday morning. My Little girl made me go and get her sled out last night with the shear mention of snow, so please let us get enough to drag her around a day!! Everyone stay warm and should be back in the 60's here by next Thursday!!
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We had an honest to goodness Texas snowstorm. Snow all over the place this morning and coming down more. This afternoon, blue skies, snow all gone!

Here is what it looked like here. Captain was trying to eat the snow.



Yep, sleety rain early this a.m., then flakes as big as quarters, now, late afternoon, blue skies and sunshine!

No accumulation of snow, but I think our minis will be able to compete in the suimming competitions. We have a show next week-end, and they are wooly and nasty. Sure hate to clip them!
Wish I had one of those little laughing guys that rolls on the ground...or one that points and laughs
Because that is what I'm doing right now! ha HA! That is how 7 of the 12 months of the year is for us...exactly what Erica's pictures look like. Only ours just piles up and up and up. If I had my camera I would show the monstrous snow hilll outside my window right now. Hope all the minis are doing ok down south though. Ours just expect it now. They look like little buffalo. I'm expecting 2 babies late April and I'm super nervous about it. We usually wait until May because then we know for sure there won't be any below freezing (or below zero!) nights.
I feel for you all! We are in the same prediament at the moment here in Ohio. Under a BLIZZARD WARNING! It's been snowing since yesterday morning & won't quit until tonight sometime. Expecting at least a foot of snow before it's done....AND to top it off, we have 35+ mph winds to blow it all around! It's just awful outside...all the horses are snug as bugs in the barn tho. Just a few days ago....we had an ice storm that brought down a lot of trees, limbs, and electric wires! It was unbelievable....just driving down the highway, it looked like a tornado had been thru with all the downed trees & broken limbs! Then a couple days was in the this!
This has been the strangest winter!

Here's a few pictures of the ice storm a few days ago....



I have to admit, i was sceptic. I talked to fran last night and when she told me we were under a Blizzard warning i looked outside and went "yeah ...right", there was hardly anything falling and it was on and off. Well ...woke up his morning to drifts up ontop the back deck. I put the horses that are outside last night over in the big pasture so they have a larger run in, i had to do a head count this morning over there to make sure no one got covered in a drift.


Drifts on the creek behind the barns ..



Here in Connecticut we've had rain since last night, heavy at times, and windy and surprisingly 60 degrees most of the day and evening so far. Minis were outside this morning but came in the barn this afternoon.

Going up now to throw hay and make sure everyone is A-ok.

In fact they just gave out that we could have downed trees and possible power loss and a chance of thunder storms. Good thing this rain isn't snow with this wind or we'd be buried. Keep safe and dry everyone.

Here in Central Ar, about 40 miles south of Little Rock, we got about 4-5 inches Friday, started melting yesterday. Temp around 40. Today it was 65 and the snow is gone. That's AR for you. If you don't lke the weather, wait 5 mins and it will change.... that is what we say down here. Did I mention I HATE COLD!!!!


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