We survived!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2004
Reaction score
Shawnee, Oklahoma
Hi everybody!

Just wanted to say thank you for the calls, thoughts, and prayers. We now have electricity again. It was out 7 1/2 days. The electric company finally got us reconnected Monday. I left early Monday morning for an out of town job and they got the elecricity back on Monday evening. If you ever want a challenge, try packing for a trip by candlelight.

The horses did fine, they had plenty of hay, feed, and water and were in the barn. Their main job seemed to be making cleaning an aerobic workout, and they did that job very well.

The damage here was minimal compared to some. I had to saw my way out of the driveway because the tree that overhangs the driveway was ice covered and blocking it. We lost our back yard fence to the neighbor's pecan tree but that is easily fixed. We lost everything in the freezer even though we put it in ice chests in the garage, it was just not cold enough.

We are extremely thankful that it was not worse.

Everybody have a safe and happy holiday week.

Merry Christmas!

Glad you made it
. We are supposed get an ice storm starting Friday night
yikes!! i thought we had it bad, being out for two days but 7-1/2?? holy guacamole!

it's definitely a challenge and isn't it amazing how many times, even though you have no power, you STILL walk into a room and flip the light switch?!

i wouldn't care if i EVER saw another ice storm!
Wow that's a long time to be without power. Sure glad to hear things are back to normal.

After the worst of things was over here, my SIL (who is a lineman) was talking with a friend who works for another company and the friend told him he had just finished a 119 hour work-week.
I knew these guys put in long hours but thought that was extraordinary. IMO those guys are unsung heros.

Charlene's comment about flipping a light switch brought to mind a "thank you" letter I sent to our power company. I'd like to share it if you don't mind. I sent it in as a Letter to the Editor of an Electrical publication hoping they would print it for the employees of all the companies involved to read.

"As citizens of one of the richest nations in the world we have also become a society who all too often take our conveniences for granted. One of those conveniences is obviously our electric service. We think nothing of flipping that light switch, taking a hot shower, adjusting the thermostat, clicking the remote control, and any number of things that contribute to our daily comfort. All too often it is only during times that the lights don't come on, the water isn't hot or the room is too cold that we may stop and realize that these conveniences would not be available to us without the dedication and hard work of employees like those at Callaway Electric Coop.

Please let me extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you who make our lives so much easier. I know we take you as much for granted as we do the service you provide; but I want you to know that occasionally (unfortunately it's probably only when the "power is off") your customers do realize the important roll you play in our daily lives. I want you to know that I appreciate the hard work and long hours that you put in to insure that we can, once again, begin to take these things for granted."
Nice job, Donna!!!!

We would all do well to remember those that make our lives so comfy!

They are heros, everyday for being out there to keep it going and

even more so at those times of extreme weather.
Good to hear from ya Mary and good to know that all is well over at your end! Merry Christmas ....may your New Year bring you better weather!
I know how hard it is to be without power that long....we have been out as long as 8 days, and just recently were out for 6.5 days with our big windstorm damage.

I am glad you're back, and that you were safe....


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