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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2004
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Le Grand, Iowa
I will keep this short but feel I should share with others in hopes of saving another dogs life. Our Great Pyr, Cody went to our neighbors as usual in the early AM last Friday. Unknown to us the neighbor had put out Golden Marin Fly bait in fresh meat to kill raccoons in his sweetcorn patch. Our dog ate it and made it home to die, it kills so fast. It wasn't a pretty sight to witness with Cody looking for us to help him and we couldn't . It caused trembling, convulsion, foaming at the mouth. Our vet came with in probably 15 minutes but Cody died a couple minutes after he arrived. It is very fast acting and lethal to dogs. If you use this product please dispose of it properly. Also check with your neighbors and ask if they put out Golden Marin bait. Maybe by sharing this Cody's death will save another dog.
I'm sorry this happened to your dog, I know it must have been horrible to witness. However, I know some neighbors around here who also put poison out much like you described, to kill the loose dogs who come into their yards. While I feel terrible for the dogs, I have witnessed first hand the destruction our neighboring pit bulls type dogs do, and I would not feel bad if they happened onto some of this "bait". The best remedy as I see it, is to make sure that loose dogs remain at home. So sorry that you had to lose one of yours this way though.
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I'm so sorry to hear this, what an awful way to go
That is horrible........I am so sorry for Cody.
We NEVER put out any kind of poison because of the risk that other pets will get to it.

PS: I am a BIG user of LIVE TRAPS.......for mice, feral cats, raccoons, you NAME IT!!!!
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So sorry for your loss, how awful

While I feel terrible for the dogs, I have witnessed first hand the destruction our neighboring pit bulls type dogs do, and I would not feel bad if they happened onto some of this "bait". The best remedy as I see it, is to make sure that loose dogs remain at home. So sorry that you had to lose one of yours this way though.
I can not believe that an animal lover would feel this way, death by poison of any kind is horrible. I would not wish that on my worst enemy. Shoot and shut up is kinder than poison. Quick with no misery.
And with poison you have not control over who gets into it. People get thoughtless and unthinking and do not keep track of important things she should.
I agree, it is a HORRIBLE way for any animal to go. I did not say that I agree with it, but on the other hand, I live in a populated neighborhood where the shoot and shut up option is not available. You try calling Animal Control and they don't respond in a timely manner, and by the time they do show up, the dogs are usually in their own yards and they can't do anything about it.

When you have agressive dogs running the neighborhood threatening people's pets (ripping cats to shreds, attacking other dogs through fences and attempting to chase livestock) and people who walk the streets (many of which are children), people get tired of watching it go on and on. While I do feel really bad for the animal, I feel even worse for the innocent people/pets that they terrorize.

I have posted on here before concerning my neighbor's pitbull, who last weekend ran loose and stood outside my kitchen window growling in at me as I looked out at him (I was scared to leave my own house and made my husband go out with me to feed the horses 2 hours later). His owner tells him to "go get em" as people walk by their yard. He is a horrible dog that has an even worse owner. Some day he is going to do serious damage to someone walking by. I won't even bring the horses up to my own front yard anymore because they get him rallied up. I just pray that he doesn't get in to them in their pen. In no way am I saying that ManySpots dog terrorized anyone. I'm just saying that around here, I have heard of people laying out poison for the dogs that come into their yard. I really am sorry that her dog got into poison.
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I'm sorry this happened to your dog, I know it must have been horrible to witness. However, I know some neighbors around here who also put poison out much like you described, to kill the loose dogs who come into their yards. While I feel terrible for the dogs, I have witnessed first hand the destruction our neighboring pit bulls type dogs do, and I would not feel bad if they happened onto some of this "bait". The best remedy as I see it, is to make sure that loose dogs remain at home. So sorry that you had to lose one of yours this way though.
I have to agree on the loose dog issue. I am NOT saying that poison is the solution. But nothing irritates me more than loose dogs. I don't know the OP's situation and why the dog was in the neighbors field. But please for the sake of everybody involved, make sure dogs stay at home. Even if the dog is not aggressive some people just don't like dogs and don't like them on their property. I have had people assume that just because they live in the country that they can let their dogs roam.

Again, I am NOT suggesting that the OP let the dog out to terrorize the neighborhood or was negligent in any way.
My own dogs are not even allowed in my own front yard. That is off limits. They have the run of the back and that is plenty big. One thing that irks me is to go out in my front drive and find OTHER people's dogs presents they have 'left behind' while they are loose in the neighborhood.

But, as mad as I get, would never want anything to die of poisoning and am so sorry that happened to your dog. That is just awful. I can't imagine the heartbreak and the fear your poor dog must have felt while he laid there hoping someone would help him.

Is that even legal, to put poison out for animals like that? This is a great example that ANYTHING can get into it, so it's not just the raccoons that will have a horrible death, but other things as well- birds, dogs, cats and other animals. I dont think it's legal here.... it is meant for fly control but I wont even use stuff like that cause I know the birds will get into it also and I dont even want to take a chance that any of my animals would get into it by accident.
Maybe I should clarify our situation better. We live in the country and it is one mile of gravel road. it is a dead end road and we have two neighbors just to the north of us and an old cemetary to the south next door. All three of us here have or have had dogs and they play together, nothing mean here and no one minds they are in one anothers yards often. Our Pyr being a Pyr always marked territory every AM when he was let out of the barn and this is how he found the poison in the sweetcorn patch with fresh meat. I have been mad at myself for even letting him visit the neighbors and I do take part of the blame. However, I think people should be forwarned that poison has been put out. Now I wonder about our three young barn cats that are spayed and neutered, will they go there and will there be more posion. I will have to talk with the neighbor and ask. His own dog came up "missing" a few months ago a yellow lab and now I have noticed since Cody is gone the other neighbors dog has not been seen. I am going to call them and ask if it is ok or maybe it met the same fate as Cody and these folks weren't home to witness what may have happened. I know it wasn't intentional just bad judgement on our neighbors part. Our Pyr was very friendly and has even attended funerals next door and welcomed. He has often helped a grieving person while visiting a loved ones grave and I am sure when people find out there is no more Cody they too will be sad.

I even feel bad for the raccoons that have been poisoned, it is horrible to witness the suffering. I would rather someone shoot and get it over with from the beginning. A live trap would be great but I imagine it would keep one person busy all the time as we are close to the Iowa river and lots of trees here.

before this I had no clue how lethal fly bait is, we have never used it or ever will. I just hoped by writing the above that possibly one dogs life would be spared.

Now we will see how the coyotes do if they get brave to come up to the horses or not. Maybe we will have to get a llama, I don't know if I have the heart to get another dog. Lavonne
I am so very sorry about what happened to your baby
Recently I found a dead baby duck in our backyard. I found it very strange because we live in the city and there are no ducks around. I worried that someone had baited the duck and then stuck it in our backyard for our dogs to get.

I don't think poison is the way to go to take care of animals that are a bother. Traps are a much better route for all involved. Once trapped you can then determine if you have caught the right animal.
I have seen this stuff in action myself and it is bad, lucky for me and my dog it happened right in front of me and I was able to save him. All it takes is just a tiny drop of this stuff.

My mom had put some out on her porch and I went over to visit with my cur in the lead. I came around the corner of the house just in time to hear my dad say, " you shouldn't have put that there, Rhonda's dogs can get into that". Just then my cur licked up a little drop. Next thing I know he was running around in circles and went blind. He was running and couldn't see and we chased him down. My dad came with a pot of old cooking grease and told me to get it down him. My friend held my dog down and I kept putting the oil down him. His gums had turned blue and he had almost no life left in him. I kept rubbing him and talking to him. Blowing in his face. Everything I could think of. Then his breathing started getting better and slowly after about a hour he started coming around. He walked funny for a few days after that but made a come back. Vet said he was one lucky dog.

That happened 14 years ago and I still remember that to this day. It is not fun to watch. No animal should have to live his last minutes that way.
Diarygirl gave a perfect example of why we ANIMAL OWNERS should NOT set out POISON. There is no way to control it.

Another scary thought is.......what about SMALL CHILDREN who are being curious????

Again, I know I am repeating.......Live Traps are best for the smaller nuisance animals. For feral dogs, coyotes, etc.... A shot gun speaks volumes.

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