Visions of death, you won't believe it

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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You won't believe this, but I had a feeling that this was going to happen since graduation night. No, I'm not sedated. I can't type when I am, nor have I lost my mind although maybe I wish I had. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before or anyone else that I know of.

Call it a preminition, call it mother's intuition, I don't know what it was, but I knew something was going to happen to Michael. I thought he was going to be in a car accident for the past month.

I've been a nervous wreck since the day Michael got his license and car. He had wrecked the first week he had his license back in the fall on the mountain roads hitting the guard rail head on with Daniel on their way to school one morning and I've been a basket case ever since. Everytime he got in that car, I'd come unglued. I loved it every time it broke down and he couldn't get anywhere. That car to me was a symbol of death for some reason and I just hated it. Made plenty of excuses not to let him go out at night. I always told him that we didn't have the money to give him to get parts for it. I did not want him in that car. I'd say if he wanted to go out at night, to take the truck because if that little car were hit, it would be totaled and he'd be dead.

Then the strange stuff set in. It began graduation night when Jerry and I had waited for Dan and Michael to join us in a restaraunt near the school. We got tire of waiting and knew they were still up at the school celebrating so Jerry and I ditched them and came on home. On the way up the mountain I had this very disturbing feeling but I couldn't describe it other than saying I was nervous about something but not sure what.

The next day I was washing dishes and out of nowhere I had a vision, like a daydream of me in a funeral parlor looking at caskets and it was very clear. I stopped washing dishes and just starred out the window like "what did I just see that for" and felt, oh my gosh I'm loosing it. It didn't happen again until about a week later, same daydream. I was in the middle of a lifetime movie when it happened and just came over me. I got up and came into the kitchen and got hit with another one right away only this time it was me sitting in a brown metal chair on the grass in a graveyard at a funeral and I knew it was Michael. I kept saying to myself "Michael's going to die" but of course that was insane. What a terrible thing for me to think. How dare I think that? Why would anyone have a horrible thought like that? Something was really wrong with me in the head I thought. I look at Michael and I see death for him. Completely insane.

This visions continued a few more times getting more and more intense and I finally told somebody. I had to because they were eating me up. But I couldn't tell Jerry of course and I didn't know who to tell something like this to. I called my best friend in Connecticut and she was never home. So I finally told three people that I trusted and thought would understand somehow. I was convinced that I was back to having panic attacks from the wreck I had on the mountain road 4 years ago. I was back to having panic attacks again because I was so paranoid about Michael driving that car. I was giving the lecture about how he's growing up and how I was not going to be able to keep him home all the time and everyone wanted me to get used to it and accept it and just calm down. I was a bundle of nerves and I'd have to get ahold of myself.

A couple of weeks later on Memorial Day weekend Michael and Dan wanted to go out at night and I went crazy and told Jerry not to let them go because they hadn't done any chores. I sorta lied to keep them home. They argued that they did chores and everyone got mad at me and Jerry let them go. Soon as they left I told Jerry that this running around at night was too dangerous and he had to take the car away and he refused. We argued over it back and forth and things got heated and I said he was too permissive and they were going to wreck and he'd never forgive himself. He said that if I don't back off and give them space, and stop trying to lock them up, I would drive Michael right out the door to go live with his friends in town. Jerry was really mad at me and warned me this was going to have to stop everytime they wanted to go out. I was in a mess all night long watching the clock and waiting and waiting and I knew something had happened because they were so late but I did not have a vision. Jerry began to worry too. Then the phone rang and it was the state police. They said that the boys were broke down at the State Park up here but they were ok. The car hit a really big pot hole and something was busted in the car and they couldn't get it running. We drove out to the park and picked the boys up and Jerry looked and said he thought the fuel pump was shot and called for a wrecker the next day to bring the car home. I was elated. It was all messed up and wouldn't run. Michael now had no ride and no money to get the car fixed.

That's when Michael began to fiddle around with the little mini chopper engine so he could atleast go up and down the road to his friend's house. Every day he spent a little time on getting it running. He'd test drive it through the yard and I'd tell him, don't ever ride that stupid thing on the road because some jerk will run right over top of you. Those were my exact words. He said awwwwww ma.......quit it......... and proceeded to keep testing it around the yard but it would cut out and back he'd go to work on it some more.

The last week of his life was intense because the daydreams were coming like crazy and I was shaking all the time really bad.

Michael and I were together every single day that last week from morning till night and having a lot of fun goofing around but I was still shaking every now and then. I told him a million times a day that I loved him and he was handsome and I was so proud of him and we were making plans. When Jerry would come home, I'd say "Jerry be sure to remind Michael how proud you are of him ok?" But seemed like every time I'd look in Michael's face, I pictured him "not right" and I'd have to get up and go outside or leave the room. On one occasion I asked him to hurry up and get me an asprin because my chest was feeling so tight.

On his last day we went to town because for some reason I woke up and wanted him to get the parts he needed for his car. He was like "HUH?" He needed some kind of bolts. I don't know what made me suddenly want to help him get his car running again. I just knew it was something that I had to do for him to make him happy, but I couldn't understand what was making me want to help him buy car parts for a car that represented death to me and was the cause of my visions.

We and had such a heart to heart talk on the way back from town which was way over due. Seemed like feelings just poured out of both of us and I told him that I would now accept his relationship with his girlfriend that I had been against for the past 9 months, only due to her young age. I told him how sorry I was for being against it but explained that it was only because I wanted him to get that diploma and focus on nothing else. I asked him if he thought I was a bad mother or a mean mother several times and he said no that I was just goofy. It was like we somehow were getting closure to a lot of things. He had told me that he had been waiting for me to accept his relationship with his girlfriend for so long and he couldn't beleive that I was making him so happy that morning. He told me that "mom, sometimes you rock"

When we got home I told him to call his girlfriend and take my truck to get her in the morning and to go to Walmart for pool supplies. Then to bring her back here and set the pool up and we'd plan a huge 4th of July party together. I promised not to drown her. He got her on the phone and told her "mom's lost her mind"......she was so happy that for the first time I was letting her come over and would accept her. I told Michael that he had got the diploma, was well on his way for a good future, and he made me so happy. We were now both content. I remember saying to him that he was the light of my life and I'd never let him get too far away from me. I was over come with emotions and just couldn't seem to get enough of him that last day. I kept taking pictures of him. I took pictures of him in the house and on the porch with his kitten.

Later on he was back and forth to the garage about that chopper and once when he headed out to the garage to work on the mini chopper, I told him "hey, don't forget about what I said about that thing" ...........someone will run over top of you............

When my doctor & staff heard the news and showed up at the viewing the look on their faces was in pure shock and horror. Michael had recently stopped in their office and sprayed the staff all over with some cologne and loved to harrass them all the time. She was keeping a very close eye on me, no doubt.

To top it off, on the way to Chattanooga hospital I had my hands in the praying position and I kept praying over and over "Lord, please don't let Michael leave me" about a million times. Once when we were about 30 minutes into our trip on the interstate and I had a sudden jolt of my entire body that was so strong where my purse which I was hugging on my lap just flew onto the floor of the truck and I spilled my pepsi. Then as we approached the emergency entrance while looking for a parking place it happened again when my whole body had a huge spasm that made me practically jump off the seat. I think that the timing was about the same time that Michael's heart stopped beating and was being jump started two times.

This is the absolute truth.

I would never make up such a thing.
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Reading this I have goose bumps. I believe you also, a mothers connection can be so strong!

I absolutely believe you. I have had something very similiar happen so I know exactly what your talking about.

Wish I could give you a big hug
I believe you Marty. I think there is a strong bond between mother and child.

Take care Marty and God Bless you!
Marty, you know me, I would never doubt one single word, one single thought. I do believe, and I thank you so much for sharing that. Love you!
I absolutely believe you 100%

I had a similar experience, not as intense or profound as yours, acutally had it happen twice.

The first time was way back in 1976 at Christmas time. I had this strong need to be close to my grandfather, never let him out of my sight the entire time I was there, had to be touching, following, sitting with him. He was gone a month later.

More recently, it was a co-worker who had ALS. One day I saw him getting into his car at work and it just popped into my head that I would never see him again. Silly me, he is doing ok, what was I thinking? Never saw him again.....

After these experiences and reading yours, I will never again ignore those feelings!
I believe you Marty. I, too, have had similar experiences. Granted I didn't lose a child but I lost a friend and I knew it before anyone told me. There are things that no one can explain and we just have to take them at face value. Some of us are blessed (or cursed) to have visions of what's to come. You can't stop it from happening, you just have to take the opportunity to be prepared.

You are not crazy; just very intuned to what's going on around you.
I believe you! I know this will sound so minor compared to your loss but the night my cat died I had the same sort of experience. Right before I let her outside that night (which I normally don't do, we usually try to keep the cats in at night) I had this feeling like something was going to happen to her but I let her out anyway. I knew I was going to regret it. That night she was hit by a car and died.
God Bless you Marty. It is wonderful that you had the talks with your son. And the pictures you got of him are priceless. I just love the one of him and the kitten. Precious!!

I know others have had experiences like yours. My father, who was 90, called me to his room one night (late) He said he wanted to tell me he would die in about 10 days. I told him there was no way he could know that, that he was doing great. He said he had talked to God. He wanted me to be prepared for his death. He died nine days later, at 11:30 PM. SO he was very close to knowing the date of his death, within 1/2 hour. I had marked that date on my calendar but then forgot all about it, until that night. We had wonderful times together and grew very close the last three years. He depended on me completely and became almost like a child in the end. It was an honor for me to care for him in his last 3 years. Dad was a Christian. Visions of him in the loving arms of God, helped to comfort me.

May God comfort and give you peace Marty. You are in my thoughts and in my prayers.
Marty you know i believe you, i've heard of things like this happening before ....i wouldnt have blaimed you for the panic attacks and everything you did to try to keep the car out of working condition.

You are a great mother, one of the best one's i could imagine. What you did for Michael was incredible, from keeping him in school and graduating up untill that last trip into town. You were and are a great mother.

Leeana H.
You are a wonderful Mother Marty ( Keep your Faith )
I believe.

Visions are warnings. Seeing what is to come doesn't mean you can change what will happen, but it means you can change how you act up until that moment and maybe make a difference.

That's what you did. Because of you, Michael knew every minute how cherished he was and you had wrapped things up so that there was nothing left unsaid.

THAT is what made and makes you a great mother.

Dearest Marty!!I beleive that you had those "visions" When we lost Ashley Ron and I BOTH knew something was wrong...I beleive his feelings towards the visions were stronger than mine. We both knew that she was going to die in an auto accident...still a very long story about her death but I won't take your time right now.

In your heart know that you were right and you did right by trying to make peace with your son...

Again, my sincerest condolences to your family. i fully understand your feeling.
Marty, I believe you!

This is very minor compared to what you experienced, but I was on the road in NY the day he died and there were a bunch of motorcycles on the road for some rally. I got really nervous and I actually thought about one getting into an accident but thought maybe I just was bored and let my mind wander.

Stay strong, you are doing a good job so far!

We love you!
Marty, I've been considering sending you a copy of the book, "Embraced by the Light" but wasn't sure if you would be interested in it. It's kind of "off-the-wall" but it really helped me understand Life and loss a little better. Maybe everything the author says is wrong, but maybe it's not. When I read what you wrote about the visions I decided that you might be interested in the book. The thing that stood out for me the most was the idea that before we are born we choose to take a certain path in our Life. One example was a man who chose to live as a bum because his friend was going to be a lawyer and the bum panhandled outside the lawyer's office to help remind him to be compassionate. Please don't be offended by this, but I can envision someone like Michael choosing a mission like this. Because of his death you will be working hard to make things right on your mountain. I am sending a copy of the book to you today. I hope that it can help you find a little bit of peace. I wish I could take the pain away for you but no one can do that. Hugs, love, and prayers heading your way. -jo ann in Florida-
You know, I keep reading these things, and I keep praying that Nathan and I will have even HALF the bond you had with Michael (and Dan, too, I'm sure).

I believe you, too. It's no stranger then me feeling an earthquake 3k miles away that my best friend was in, when it happened.
Visions are warnings. Seeing what is to come doesn't mean you can change what will happen, but it means you can change how you act up until that moment and maybe make a difference.



I think you made a very wise statement........


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