Visions of death, you won't believe it

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I believe you Marty. What a nightmare to have had to live with that vision. I think you handled it just right with letting Michael know just how loved he was and still is....
I believe you Marty. I'm an identical twin. When my twin gave birth in Georgia to her son in middle of night I was awake with terrible stomach cramps. Thought I had flu, awful pain. About 5am it stopped.

Got a phone call in morning telling about the baby born at 5:15 am..

I was in California!

[SIZE=10pt]I believe you Marty. I also believe that every thing happens for a reason - that sounds really lame I am sure - but I believe it to be true. Your Michael has touched many more then those that new him or - were at his funeral...Take care of you and thank you for sharing.[/SIZE]

Marty, I dont think anyone of us on this forum would doubt you for a minute. You were extreamly clost to your boys and that is what made you the loving and caring mother that you are. I do believe we all have "visions". Corinne
I diffently believe you Marty. Many years ago I had a dream about going to my husbands brother's funeral & about 3 months later, I relived his funeral to the tee. He had shot himself, but I did not dream that part, just the funeral. It seemed so real at the time I was afraid to tell anyone. So, I do believe things like this can happen.
Marty, you may or not read this, and heck, even if you do read this I don't expect you to actually believe me, but I am going to post it anyways.

There was something about it, I don't know, I just knew something bad was going to happen. I waited around for a reply, hoping that what I was feeling wasn't true.

Later that night, I got on the forum again and I saw a posting saying Michael was in an accident. Somehow I just knew that it was bad. I went to bed thinking about ways I could cheer him up in the hospital. I was going to decorate a pair of socks, and label them Michael's Sexy Sox... we had this joke going about the one's I woke up from surgery with. They were going to be white and pink, because I thought that he should have girly socks. I think I still may send you some.

Marty, I hope you got my letter. I know it wasn't very long, but it was at the time what was going through my mind. I am so incredibly sorry for the loss of Michael. He was such a sweet person. I was actually planning on calling him up and talking to him in person. Do you remeber when you said that him and I should have gone to prom together? I thought that was very nice, and then I did want to come out and visit. It wouldn't be prom, but I would have been able to meet my friend.

He had a love for Captain Ron like I have never seen. I thought I was the only one that really liked that movie, and I had asked him to reccomend a movie. We talked about Captain Ron, and turns out that day he watched it because he hadn't seen it in a while. At least he got to watch it before he was gone.

I am going to e-mail you the messages I got from Michael. It's not too many, but I just thougt you would like to have them.
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I can't imagine anyone doubting you about this. And Leia is so right about what a vision is, IMO.
Hi Marty

I believe you with all my heart. Your visions allowed you to make peace with your son - which many people do not get to do b4 somebody is taken away from them. I know this is in no way a consolation for what you have lost but maybe this is why you had the vision - to enable you to have those heart warming final chats with Michael. You and your family have been in my thoughts since the day of this tragedy and as time goes by, although it may not be discussed as often - neither Michael nor your family will not be forgotten. From all your posts, you sound like a great mum and I am sure that Michael was genuine when he said that "you rock". As you can probably tell from the feedback from the forum, we all think you rock too. Thoughts always, Kerrie
Hold on, I have a pic to show you Jamie
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I've been "writing" several letters to you and your family ever since I got back from vacation and saw the terrible news on the forum. I will yet write them and send them to you--they are in a way my prayers for you and your family.

With your artist's soul you were granted a gift, although I'm sure you didn't think it was that. Because of those visions (and you are too honest of a person to make that up--I believe you for sure), you and Michael had talks and shared experiences that may not have happened otherwise.

How often we don't say what we think or feel because we think that there will always be "tomorrow". Since you were fearful of no tomorrow's, you said what you needed to say at the time. You could have chosen to ignore them, but you didn't and I'm sure you are glad and have some measure of peace in knowing that your connection was solid. It was solid in this world, and it is solid while you both are in different worlds, with different tasks to complete, and it will be solid in the next, when you are all joined back together.

Have faith Marty--God will hold you up each step of the way--and we in the forum will help be His arms in that upholding love.

I am glad that you got to talk to Michael and settle some issues between you. Maybe the visions helped the two of you say in a day what the rest of us put off in a lifetime.
Hi Marty,

I know what you say is very true! My best freind, my horse Danny, who I had gotten on my 12th birthday as a yearling, was stolen from me, my first semester in college down in Oklahoma. That was back in April of '92. Will NEVER forget that either! My mom did NOT want me to take him back down there to college.. we got in a huge fight over it. After he was stolen, she said she knew something telling her not for me to take him, and she should of listened. He was my best friend in the whole world! I had a really tuff time growing up and he was the only thing that kept me centered! I had dreams of him threw out highschool of him being stolen... but only years later would that ever happen..... I did not see him as a horse... He was bigger than life to me than any person was...... I was devestated.... it ruiened my grades that semester along with a huge whole in my heart....... which will never go away......

I've never been able to be that close to another horse as Danny...... he was the first horse I ever owned, trained showed and won first places on...... And my best friend who knew how to give great "Bear Huges"... I sure miss that! lol!

But I think if we all "listen" closely..... our inner senses and gutt feelings & intuition try to tell us something good or bad! Just knowing when to listen to it..............

Life is soooo hard to deal with at times...... I guess that's what makes life "life"......... huh?

Marty you are such a good person!
I believe you Mart!! No doubt here.

I had a similar thing happen to me, my friend past away June 12. I was not close to his family anymore so was not sure how I would have closer. I had a really weird dream about him sitting in a chair at an old fast food place we used to hang out at. I walked up to him and gave him hug and kiss.

Next thing I am in my at my car, he then drives off. Is that my closer, mind you I do feel better?

So I do believe that these things can happen.

i have just read the origional posts and skipped straight passed all the replies, as i just had to quickly write down my feelings..... reading your "story" has brought me close to tears..... you sound like a remarkable woman!!!. it goes to show the strength of a mother and child bond.

i think one should always pay attention to " visions" and strong feelings,

lots of love to you and your family.
[SIZE=14pt]I believe you too Marty.... you are somewhat of an intuitive...... I think maybe God was trying to prepare you a little before it happened.[/SIZE]

I think of you often..

something similar happened to me, so i have no doubt at all what you've said x
: Oh Marty ,I'm so glad Michael and you had your special time together,I guess God knew there were things that needed to be said..and a lot love to be given....I too believe you ,I have never met you ,but knowing you through the forum I know you are an honest and truthful person....yes there is a special connection between mothers and sons....

I think of You,Jerry, and Dan often and I keep you all in my strong Marty, and God Bless your family....
I send my love and sorrows to you, Marty, and Jerry and Dan.
: I was gone for a while and hadn't seen your posts about Michael.....I can't imagine the hole it has left in your lives--but it sounds like Michael lives on through your family's efforts to clean up the mountain.

No matter what anyone else thinks, it is your feelings that must guide you--if it has connections and meanings for you, then it is true for you. Personally, I do believe there was something odd affecting you, a premonition perhaps, or something else....somehow, you knew.

I am glad you had so much time with him in the last week he was physically here. That showed him your love quite clearly and you 'ended on a good note'. He was happy.

Hugs to you, Jerry, and Dan. I hope Dan is feeling better--the loss of a sibling is a terrible thing.

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