Veggie gardens

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Is anyone else jumping on the gardening bandwagon this year?

We have grapes, several types of berries, 3 bean varieties, cabbage, onions and broccoli in the ground. My dining table is COVERED with starter trays (over 400 individual ones) filled with all kinds of veggies and herbs that are growing like crazy. We'll plant peas, corn and several other in the ground type seeds this weekend and will put the plants in over Easter weekend.

We know they won't bear this year, but we put in Gooseberries (@@ Steve's idea-LOL), three different type of Raspberries, thornless blackberries (our pasture has two huge blackberry patches, about 20'-30' around each) and 4 different grape plants. We planted the beans on the same trellis (16' x 5' heavy gauge wire cattle panels), so hopefully they won't overtake the berries/grapes too badly.

The blackberries kind of sold us on this place :) Every time we came to "just look at it again", we'd end stuffing ourselves on blackberries, covered in scratches and having a wonderful time.

I've gardened by hit or miss and little actual knowledge for several years, but this is the first year I've started seeds. Mia and I have had a BLAST planting all the little beggers. Seeing them all growing like crazy tickles me to death~LOL
Not yet...but I would like to try some grape tomatoes in a pot on the deck. Our soil here is too sandy to plant veggies and succeed unless you're a farmer with crops and have all the gadgets to keep varmants and such out.

Blackberries YUM!!!! I like making "my version" of blackberry jam!! :bgrin
Still to early to put anything out here in Ohio, we had snow on the ground Weds morning :new_shocked: I took over a bigger section of the front field for the year, Scotts gonna be helping this time! We're goin all out, corn, beans, cow peas, tomatos, beets, carrots, zuccini, summer squash, acorn squash, garlic, herbs, salsify, okra, radishes, and, and, and.

We freeze for the winter and between the garden and home grown beef (hey girl, you got room for a calf there now!!! :aktion033: ) we fill two chest freezers every fall and eat like kings!

[SIZE=10pt]It's still a little to cool here to plant anything other then onion bulbs. My husband rototilled part of the garden yesterday afternoon and will be putting in the onion bulbs this weekend. We also grow lettuce, peas, green beans, cucumbers ( can well over 100 qts every year ) tomatoes, radishes, green peppers and last year melon. I would love to grow some swiss chard this year, I remember my mom grew that when I was little and I just loved it. Very similar to spinach which I love too. Such a fine time of year![/SIZE]

Yep.. we had a garden last year and this year we made it bigger. I already have my gourds, watermelons, and some of my pumpkins and my onions, lettuce and carrots in the ground. The middle of this month I will be puttin out our Tomatoes, Cucumbers, cabbage, green beans, green peppers, banana peppers, corn, more pumpkins out then. Not only does our garden supply us with more than enough veggies during the summer and we freeze alot and can alot for the winter. But it also supplies my parents and my sister and her kids with plenty. We have a cookout almost every weekend during the summer so it helps to have fresh veggies especially since most of the ones in the grocery store are nasty... OOO and I am considering putting in several strawberry patches this summer.

I would LOVE to grow a garden!! We did it the first three years we lived here, and it went like this...

Year one: we bought an expensive rototiller, tilled up a patch of ground, and since we are essentially on a sand pit, added manure, peat, fertilizer, lime, and tilled and tilled and tilled. Planted all sorts fighting the black flies, horse flies and deer flies (they even managed to get inside my bugshirt, I looked like something from another planet with all the bites) Last frost here is usually late May/early June, and first frost where we are is almost always by mid August, so we covered everything up and uncovered everything morning and night. It was worth it, beautiful rows of vegetables began to appear which we carefully tended!

Then the pigs escaped from their pen and rooted up every last thing in there! We had bags and bags of baby potatoes that year!

Year two: repeated year one up to the point where the veggies were growing, and the goats jumped the fence we had put up to keep escaping pigs out, and ate everything in the garden except for the zucchini. They took one bite and didn't touch those again. We got lots of zucchini that year...HA, we ate the goat's leftovers!!!

Year three: repeated the whole routine again, fenced the goats in better, and about the end of July the (large) horses broke two fences to get to the corn, and trampled everything else in the process. :no:

Year four: we sold the rototiller and gave up....sigh....but I do envy all of you with good gardening weather, and good soil, and no bugs, and no trampling, rooting animal problems. There is nothing like veggies fresh out of a warm sunny garden...mmmmm
Too soon here in Kentucky but I did put compost on my raised beds. Also put weighted down plastic on the weeds to make them die out. My asparagus should be popping through soon. ummmmm- sauteed in butter until crisp tender & lots of freshly ground pepper- Yum yum
:saludando: My Mom has a large veggie garden and she planted her peas almost 2 weeks ago.
Don't say blackberries to a northwest Oregonian! I love to eat them, but the plants are the scourge of our existence! The pop up everywhere and take over the landscape wherever the thistles haven't already staked their claim.

I'm already a manic ornamental gardener, but I keep promising to put in more than tomatoes and salad greens...I planted ichiban eggplant one beautiful as any useless plant I ever put in! I've promised Keith I'll put in a stir fry garden...and a salsa garden...we have enough room for a fantastic, self-sustaining bed, but we have little all-day sun...