Vacations- where are you going this summer?

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I wont be able to go anywhere this year with my new mini comming home soon and the New Barn Being Built .

Maybe I will do an over night trip in my back yard and stay in the barn for a night when its done
Horse Shows = Vacation

It would be nice to go on a real vacation though
. I am going to Nationals in Tulsa in Sept with Sheryl, that is about as close to a vacation as im going to be getting for a while unless of course i go to Convention, which at this point i am planning on.
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Last year we went to Fletcher and then from there, to Tam & Dan's in Sweetwater, TN. That was the absolute best vacation for me. We had taken our mare & foal and yearling stallion to Fletcher to show. They were the ones I would have worried about, so what a great vacation. They had great stalls in the barn at Amazing Grace and got to run the beautiful rolling pastures part of the time. Wish we were doing it again this year, but NOT - have to do the family thing in Ohio, but then to Sweetwater. I'm just looking forward to getting away and getting my TN fix - been a long time since Christmas 2007.

Have a great summer.

VACATION????? Whats that??? I live in a resort area and our small quiet town becomes a booming city in the summer months. :DOH!
The resort area/lake starts right next to our farm. Its funny, because every day you can find people walking/ riding golf carts or jogging down past many stop to ask if they can see the horses, and I always do show them all the animals. After there second or third visit back to "pet" the horses they always tell me that visiting our farm is the best part of there vacation...So I guess I dont need to go anywhere, I am very content here at home. We do have a cottage on a lake about 10 minutes from our farm, but thats no vacation to me takes more time to pack up things to go there and keep up with the lawn, etc then its worth, usually the only time I go there is when we have friends up and they stay there. My idea of a vacation is just going for the weekend to Door County. (its like the Cape Cod of the midwest) and even that is only about 10 minutes by boat across the bay, or about a 1 hour I guess I dont venture very far. We go to Door County at least once a that dont really count as a vacation either :DOH! Besides, I would miss my animals! Oh well...maybe someday..
Interesting to see so many people heading to Tennessee! I'm involved in tourism here and I like to hear that! We use most of our vacation time for horse shows, already been to NC and Va this year showing our walking horse. We hope to make it to the beach at some point soon!
We rarely get to take vacations due to the horses, dogs, cats, ect... but we are this year!

We're headed to Kentucky! We're going to Breyerfest for our second year, can't wait! But more exciting is we're house shopping b/c we're moving there
Can't wait! Two more weeks...!

Does going to Walmart count?????????
No Marty Walmart doesnt count at least for me!! I strongly DISLIKE going to Walmart. It is a job.. I would rather stay home and clean out the barn...

When i was younger Walmart was fun to go look around. Well now it is a job to go get so much, but they do have everything...

It just wears me out...

But you have fun at Walmart if that is your thing, cause we all have different things that please us...

We tend to do a "real" vacation every couple of years, and this isn't it LOL. Went to Hawaii last summer so the most we will do this year is probably a weekend somewhere in the hill country.......and of course Nationals, but my husband doesn't count that as much of a vacation since he's here feeding horses the whole time......

For me vacation is simply being able to stay home & not go to work...I had one week off in May and will be taking 5 more weeks in Sept./October...and I'll just be staying at home & doing work around the place and hopefully do some driving. Won't be going anywhere at all, but that's okay, I'm happy to stay here & play with the ponies & not have to go anywhere!
Our vacations usually center around horse shows and dog shows. I was out in NJ and PA

at the beginning of May for some dog shows. Of course AMHR Nationals is coming up,

and we hope to be at convention this year, too!

Our 7 year old son loves the horse shows, but I don't think it's fair to tell him we can't do something else once in a while, too. I have a whole list of vacations I'd love to take him on. We did take him to Chicago on the train over Spring break this year, which he LOVED, and he is begging us to go to Cedar Point. The last time we were there he was too young to remember it, so we are looking into spending a few days in Sandusky yet this summer.

Last year I went to Vegas with my sisters...would sure love to be going again this year...wah!

Sounds like you all have some wonderful trips planned!


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