Just got a call from the vet that examined Missy last week. She is suggesting
that her estrogens are low enough to go ahead and give her a
Prostaglandon (sp) shot. She wants to watch her for a few hours after in case of
any side effects. ie sweating, mild colic etc.
She feels Missy is too small to survive a pregnancy. We have an appointment
on Wednesday at 9am for the shot. Judy and I will stay with her the time she is in the hospital so she won't be alone. She is adapting fairly well, but is still very wary of people. Judy turned her out last week to graze with her 2 friends and finally was able to not have her on a lead. This is a major milestone for this little one as she is very flighty.
that her estrogens are low enough to go ahead and give her a
Prostaglandon (sp) shot. She wants to watch her for a few hours after in case of
any side effects. ie sweating, mild colic etc.
She feels Missy is too small to survive a pregnancy. We have an appointment
on Wednesday at 9am for the shot. Judy and I will stay with her the time she is in the hospital so she won't be alone. She is adapting fairly well, but is still very wary of people. Judy turned her out last week to graze with her 2 friends and finally was able to not have her on a lead. This is a major milestone for this little one as she is very flighty.