Update on Miss Charlotte-NMHR

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Active Member
Aug 28, 2003
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Well Charlotte has made a complete turnaround from her awfull state we got her in last Oct. She tapes out in the 1300's now
. Our vet is so surprised of how her body condition improved & her muscle tone came back. She loves to eat, for the first couple of months she was eating 15 pounds a day, now we cut it down to 9 lbs and divide that to 3 times a day. She has given us so much & taught us too, they said she was lucky to have us come into her life, but we were blessed the day she came into ours! So Happy Birthday Miss Charlotte ( 30?) & hope to have many more with her! She'll share a special carrot cake with our 3 Mini's. Sorry about the size of the Pics. The first one was a couple of days before we got her & the next one is today


I am so impressed! I remember your posting about her and the picture then. Woww, great job
Can you imagine how wonderful she must have been as a young mare
I believe that it was a match made in heaven for your family and her to meet up!!!! She's lovely.
[SIZE=21pt]She sure is a beautiful old gal!
Now, that is very impressive! You are wonderful people!

You are a very special person, thank you for showing the pictures. I just cry to think how much pain that poor mare must have been in before you came into her life. Hugs to you and I hope you have many more years with your old gal.
She looks wonderful! You have done a wonderful thing with her, May God Bless.

Oh my goodness....what a huge difference. More people like you are needed in this world!
What an incredible transformation
Bless you for opening up your home and your heart to this wonderful lady...............
Wow, she was thin! What's the story behind her? Why was she so skinny? Poor thing

Good job at turning her around!!
WOW....that is all I can say! I had to keep going back to her before picture, then to her after, and back to the before again...she is a completely new horse! You did a spectacular job and it is so heartbreaking to see her expression in her before photo....she looks like she just wants to give up and leave this world...but her after photo she looks refreshed and very happy that she has you!!! My god she looks FANTASTIC!!! Bless you for all your hard work and dedication put into bringing her home and keeping her in this world, and showing her what a great life she should have been living from day 1!
WOW! Amazing!! You really turned that ol' gals life around!! Thank you!! You did a great job!!

I just wanted to Thank everyone for letting me share Charlotte's update, and for your posts of praise & wishing her well, I look forward to sharing her Birthday with you all Next Year!
What a difference! My neighbors have a mare that looks just like her first pic.......all bones! When I talk to them about her I get "oh, she's just really old and can't keep weight on" The problem I had is they had a baby on her and were breeding her back for next year! The poor thing is obviously giving everything to her babies.....the foal actually looked pretty good. So sad!
You have been responsible for a near-miraculous turnaround for this mare; you have my complete respect and admiration!!