Ulcers in pregnant mares

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Aug 13, 2006
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Has anyone ever had a mare with ulcers and what drugs were given and at what dosages. I am concerned that it be ok for the foal. Any help would be appreciated.I will ck back in a few minutes. Thank you

Yes, more than one and the treatment given was the same as for non pregnant horses. The mares were in all stages of gestation. All foaled normally and had normal foals. They all recieved Gastroguard for 3 weeks or more and several days of Sucralfate at the start of treatment to get them eating again..

My vet's take on the situation......you won't get a live foal from a dead mare. One mare was so bad she was hemorrhaging before she was diagnosed. She had been under treatment for colic sevaral times in the past few weeks...the banamine made the ulcers worse. The colic symptoms were caused by the ulcers so if you have recurrent colic symptoms in a horse suspect ulcers.

Good luck with your mare. Please let us know how she comes along and what treatment was used.

Has anyone ever had a mare with ulcers and what drugs were given and at what dosages. I am concerned that it be ok for the foal. Any help would be appreciated.I will ck back in a few minutes. Thank you


Do not self medicate what you suspect are ulcers. Have your vet out for sure, and if you feel its serious enough (or if your vet recommends it) have her scoped. Ulcers are serious business. There are many different drugs used to help with ulcers, some work better for different situations, so you really need to know what's happening with her. As far as healing serious ulcers only one drug is proven to work, and that's Gastroguard. Others can stop them from forming, but only Gastroguard will heal them. It really depends how serious the problem is. Sometimes high doses of Cimetadine can be just as effective with some kinds of ulcers. Definately get the vet out
Not something to try to handle yourself.
At the moment my vet is out of town but we have been communicating via phone. My one stud had an ulcer we treated with Ranitidine and Gastrix. She has all the same symptoms as he did. I only asked about the meds etc cuz he hasnt dealt with that many minis and I have to stay on top of things with him. lol Would the ranitidine be ok to use beings I have it on hand? Anybody ever use it? It worked great with my stud.
As I have said before when this subject has come up, it is very unlikely that what you have is actually Ulcers, per se.

What Charlotte had in her mare- THAT sounds like ulcers.

What other people are describing is the scenario that would lead up to ulcers forming if not treated.

Ranitidine and Cimetidine are the drugs of choice for these situations and neither will harm a pregnant animal or human- I have been on Ranitidine since it was first on the market and I have not grown an extra leg yet!!

BUT neither of these drugs has actually been tested on animals and are not approved for animal use by the FDA- thus there has been no actual dosage worked out by clinical trials.

I use Ranitidine as a first line of defence because I have it to hand- I really do believe Gastroguard (Omeprazole) is better.

You do need to talk to your vet at the very least- if yours is out of town phone another and get advice as to the dosage.

Ranitidine/Cimetidine are very tolerant drugs and it is hard to overdose but you do need to be sure that you are actually treating the problem correctly.

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