Trading training for a horse or a lease

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2009
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Hope ya can follow this, & I can post this...

So I have a couple of things going on in my mind right now and Im thinking of doing and not sure about asking it as not sure if its worth the trade or a good deal at all.

1st: I am leasing a mare out to a friend this yr after she foals out and weans the baby. The mare will be gone for 2 yrs and being bred to her stallion for her anticipated future driving horse. ( she dose have a good eye for leg action and my girl has it and so dose her boy) This is a FREE lease but nothing set in stone yet on paperwork at this point.

2nd:I have a 2009 jr mare who is 28" tall and would make a great contender in the under halter classes BUT wont stand still. She is afraid of the ring and since I totally spoiled her from birth, all she wants to do is cuddle and crawl into my lap at the shows. Pretty much she needs some disipline and some proper horse manners. (she dose not bit or kick, just to lovey dovey

3rd: I do have another quality mini available for purchase. ( sorry no more info as then it is considered a sales add, but ya get the ideal of the 3rd deal)


4th: I would love/need that 2009 filly trained for the 2012 show season. I had always wanted a home bred horse to go in the ring and win as many ribbions as possible and take home the champion neck ribbion. I only show at fun local and AMHR shows But to me, thats all I can aford and want to do. It sounds silly as folks want world/national champions but I could never go show there so the local shows are just fine. BUT I do want to win there with my little girl and I know she could.

SO heres the ?'s, do you think its worth asking the person who will be leasing my mare if she could do a couple months training on my jr mare since the lease is totally free? Shes no trainer but is good at training her own and wins in the arena. Or would this mess up her amature status with the registries? Or do ya think if I advertized the for sale filly as a trade for training, is it worth it for both persons involved?

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"SO heres the ?'s, do you think its worth asking the person who will be leasing my mare if she could do a couple months training on my jr mare since the lease is totally free? Shes no trainer but is good at training her own and wins in the arena. Or would this mess up her amature status with the registries? Or do ya think if I advertized the for sale filly as a trade for training, is it worth it for both persons involved? "

If you put in a contract that training the filly is part of the deal with the mare lease, it would void the amateur status of the leassee. She would not "legally or ethically" be eligible to show amateur.

I don't understand the 2nd part - if you trade the filly for training, what would you end up with? The filly would be trained, but then belong to someone else as I read it. Am I missing something?

if the filly is as nice as you say, it may be worth it to spend a few $$$ to send her to a pro trainer for a month and get her ready to show. It would also help sell her if that is your long term goal.

Good Luck!
I think the "for sale filly" and the filly she wants trained are 2 separate horses and so she would end up with the one, she wants to keep, trained, in exchange for the for sale filly going to the "trainer". But yes, that would negate the other person's amateur status if she were to show your filly even if money doesn't actually change hands - a horse is a "gift of considerable value". Rather than writing it into a contract perhaps it could be a favour among friends if she is not actually a trainer (I am assuming that she is a friend as you are willing to let her have your mare for 2 years to breed and foal out for herself without charge) and were to help you out with your filly by showing you how to train and show her yourself in exchange for the lease of your mare.

OR you could ask on here for advice on how to show this little lovey-dovey yourself
It isn't hard to correct a horse that wants to cuddle instead of show. It just takes a change in your frame of mind. Put a show halter on her and ask her to realize that the "special" halter means a different mode of being. Shake the lead rope at her and get her to stand off you with a sharp "ah ah" if she attempts to get too close. Teach her to whoa at a distance from you (the end of the lead) by consistantly asking for whoa and if she steps towards you or moves at all give her a little downwards tug or shake on the lead and another whoa. Count to 30 and then, if she hasn't moved, release her with a kiss and reward her with a pat at that point. Some people recommend starting with smaller increments of time and building up gradually but you need to be sure that you start by asking her to whoa long enough that she realizes she must stand still until you release her.
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Yes this is 2 diff horses Im talking about.

The 2009 jr mare is mine. Will never sell her. Just really want to show her, no one else to show her, just me.

The other horse is the "sale" horse.

With the person who's taking the sr mare (a 3rd horse), That deal is she is not interested in the "sale" horse BUT I was thinking is possibly asking her to work with my 2009 jr mare since Im doing a 2 yr free lease with her with my sr mare.

sorry this is so confussing.

The other opption I was thinking was without the leasee, BUT maybe someone else that would like to trade my "sale" horse for training on my 2009 jr mare.

I was more-n-less thinking cause of the poor ecomany, I dont have the $$$ for a trainer ( and have been ripped off before by a known pro trainner) BUT do have a quality "sale" horse that might be worth the exchange with training if maybe a trainer or someone out there who wants a new horse would like to do a even trade.

Im just wondering if it might be worth it for all who's involved?

That is also y I asked if the leasee was able to train my 2009 jr mare if I asked her since I am doing the 2 yr free lease of my sr mare. Cause then I would'nt have to trade the "sale" filly, & the 2009 jr mare would be trained, and the leasee would have the sr mare and all would be good. As long as it dont revoke her amature status if I was to ask her to train or do disapline work with the 2009 jr mare. Kinda like a favor for a favor, 2yr lease for training. (regardless of a trade, the leasee is still getting the sr mare as a freind favor no matter what.) Just figured before I ask her if she could train my 2009 jr mare, and if she said yes, She would be ok from not being revoked. Just being careful for her sake as she shows way more then I do, and dose goes to nationals.

Hope this clears it up for ya Dana. LOL

And No I would not put that in the contract, just a "by mouth agreeance" with the leasee.

Only on paper with anyone else with the "sale" horse.
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I would suggest maybe asking her for HELP with your filly - maybe she has some words of advice that would be more beneficial than her taking the filly for a period of time. You seem very eager and excited about a home-grown show horse, if you worked with her yourself, it might be more rewarding....

Edited to say - you don't want to get into a gray area with amateur status vs. training with your friend.
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If you request your friend to trade training a filly for the lease it is no longer a "free" lease so would ruin her amateur status.
Could the ametuer trainer coach the owner and still maintain her ametuer status?

Absolutely, as long as no money or "value" changes hands. I've learn lots from my amateur buddies, and have helped others (I hope
) from time to time.
Could the ametuer trainer coach the owner and still maintain her ametuer status?

Absolutely, as long as no money or "value" changes hands. I've learn lots from my amateur buddies, and have helped others (I hope
) from time to time.

I think this would be the best way to go too. Like I said, I defently dont want to get her in any trouble or revoked. I just figured I would ask here what I should do before asking her. Im sure she would have no problems doing so, Just wanted to make sure shes portected 1st!

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