Top Breeding horses

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2006
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I am starting to learn more and more about miniatures but to get to the point i have heard specific names come up regularly, in America, and i am just wondering if some one could tell me what are the top breeding horses and why they have got the name for this. I have heard alot talk about Buckaroo and also Eygptian King, are these both top horses? Any info is good to me.
I am starting to learn more and more about miniatures but to get to the point i have heard specific names come up regularly, in America, and i am just wondering if some one could tell me what are the top breeding horses and why they have got the name for this. I have heard alot talk about Buckaroo and also Eygptian King, are these both top horses? Any info is good to me.
You can read lots and lots of information on our Historical Stallions pages and come to conclusions of your own, as to what are top breeding stallions and why. Certainly the list is not all inclusive, but it would be an excellent source from which to start your education. Good luck and enjoy it.
Great Info Tony, I have looked at that site many times. Thanks for sharing, Great Job
Another list to really check out is AMHA's top producing sires list. It is the list of the sires in the US who have produced the most show winners. The rankings are updated annually ..............
Thanks everyone i really wanted to know about these horses and what made them special. I went onto the link and it was really helpful, it is now down as one of my favourite sites. I am hoping to eventually get into breeding but i have a lot of work to do before that.

Thanks again

Personally my belief is that they constantly have get in the showring and are taking home the prizes. A stallion that can produce quality year after year is certainly worth the title.

Also their owners promote and selectively breed.
Never forget that 1/2 of the mix is the mare! You should look at both sides of the coin when researching

WELL SAID :aktion033: :aktion033:

AND now that you say that your going to start breeding eventually , after assuring me that you only wanted a pet,im sure glad i declined the invitation
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Lynda you have got it wrong and i am sure it is none of your business but i am not breeding baby she is a minimal dwarf and she is now a pet and will not be shown again. Jumping to conclusions can get people in trouble so if you are stilll unconvinced i think you should ring or e-mail me and i will let you know the truth as i have never lied to you and i think this is the wrong place to say something like that to me.
it is my business when you are trying to use MY STALLION!!!
: and did NOT inform ME of her dwarf characteristics, as advised i didnt use him,as i would have been looking round at a show at a little dwarf sired by my stallion it does NOT make me feel very cheery when i hear that you are going to be a breeder,as i have said before, you have a lot to learn imo before you start your breeding programe. and this is the same mare that you kicked up a stink about because she came last,

now you know why

i do not wish to be argumentitive on this forum, but when you said its none of my buisness,you just made it my buisness as my stallions good name was at risk

good luck
I don't know either of you, but I have 2 things to say;

IMO Ballynoe is to be commended for admitting that she does have much to learn before she begins breeding; she said it herself above, and said nothing about now breeding any horse she currently owns. Sounds like she considered it at some point but has now changed her mind. I give her credit for studying & learning & changing her direction.

shane, that last post was, I think, more of an attack than any other post I've seen on this forum. If you're trying to make ballynoe look bad, you just failed in my eyes. I thought better of you.
I'm going to add my usual caveat regarding pedigrees and farm names: these are only as good as the paper they're written on to your breeding program.

Yes, there is parent qualification on some to assure you are getting what is shown ON the paper, but first and foremost look at the horse itself, and any siblings, the parents themselves where possible, and if it's already producing, look at the offspring. You will begin to get a feel for what is "right" and "wrong" about a bloodline, and how best to match up your potential breeders.

I know I wish I"d paid half the attention I try to now, regarding bloodlines and types, etc.

A name is just a name, and the "good" ones don't always have "good" ones, sometimes a dud comes along, and a breeder (not all, just some) will sell touting a famous sire/dam name, or a "farm" name and sell at a higher price to someone who may not know any better or is hoping to bank on that name themselves.

Doing your research is a great way to get your foot in the door and make better decisions when you do find your breeding stock.

Kudos to you,

Liz M.
Hi everyone, i dont want to get involved in a agruement but minimor i totally agree with you 100%. Muiread i understand that you want to learn just like i want to but i wont be breeding as mine are for pets, and you are right not to show baby but you could use her for jumping like im going to use my gelding and also do to obstacle clasees. Shane if it was me i'd have checked out the mare first and seen did she have any dwarf signs thats what i be looking for and i would say breeders on here would think the same.Does everyone agree?????
MINIMOR IM SORRY IF IVE GIVEN YOU A BAD IMPRESSION OF MYSELF...IM SORRY, my reaction shouldnt have been put on a public forum, again i appoligise, but you dont know the situation


said nothing about now breeding any horse she currently owns. Sounds like she considered it at some point but has now changed her mind. I give her credit for studying & learning & changing her direction

ONLY BECAUSE I WOULDNT LET MY STALLION COVER HER MARE, OR THERE WOULD BE A FOAL ON THE WAY ............ i helped muried as she will agree, i was the ONLY one who took her under my wing at the start of her showing her mare, i supplied her with show halters, advised her in what to wear , told her were the shows were, only to be how shall i say let down BIG time by this person

and you know what im not even going to bother putting into details of the situation, because you will probably side with the person that comes across as the nicer of the two, so ill just leave it there, muriead AS LONG you know
: and thats all that matteRS

and cheeky charlie i guess ive "met " you before also as your wording SOUNDS SOOO familiar

"Shane if it was me i'd have checked out the mare first and seen did she have any dwarf signs thats what i be looking for and i would say breeders on here would think the same.Does everyone agree?????

" oh and also i did check,THATS WHY I DIDNT USE HIM

ill crawl back into my hole now :saludando:
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Your pm says your box is full, I tried to send you a pm

I have met you before yes not just once a couple of times!!And this shouldnt go any further on here

THANK YOU..Im here to learn not to argue.
Ballinoe, I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that there is a mini conformation and showing seminar planned for November, here in Ireland. The first of it's kind! Details will be in the national horse press soon. Come along and then you'll be able to judge each stallion's merits and weaknesses for yourself!
This is great......Count me in i'll be there ...Im so excited... :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: