Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

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There's a big difference in not beleiveing in something and mocking those who do...

AND, Chick-Fil-A could not purchase better advertising than the current media and internet storm

Yes Miss Jill to both points.

I said right after this world stopping "revelation", that the Church could easily make Chik-Fil-A the most successful franchise of all time, nearly overnight.

Well said.

WELL....... at the risk of presenting an inconvenient truth: said:

CHRISTMAS: the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus ...

Well ain't that convenient, almost like they were made for each other....

Carriage, your idea of something being staged could be very different than mine. I hope you come back (totally do get you on the wasting time comment) and expand on your view. Maybe Huckabee is trying to help us "take our country back" (a Hannity phrase) and deserves more credit than I would have ever given him in the past.

Well Miss Vickie

When I use the word staged, sometimes it is just instinct, but instinct with many years of experience behind it. History being a great teacher and all, its about looking for and recognizing patterns and events that culminate from those patterns. I have found that whenever a "news story" is waved in front of your face 24/7 and with the givens this one has especially, that there is either something of huge importance not being covered but rather buried purposefully or that an agenda is being pursued to some end. Usually with legislation (or executive order) to follow. As I understand it, this interview was with a Christian publication. While it can happen and on rare occasion actually does,... When was the last time you saw a story from a sleepy little publication and especially a Christian one trotted out and promoted to the "public" like this? Does this mean it was "staged". Well no, however it does have indications leading one potentially, to think so. I can't speak to Mr. Huchabee's intentions as I don't know. But I will say this, its far past time for the closet Christian to develop a set and be either "hot or cold".

As to my writing, I apologize, I am neither an orator or a writer and have never claimed to be. To know me however is to know that I will always speak the truth and do my best to do so in love. As I am most interested in being used to awaken folk to the the fate awaiting us, I realized that I wasn't able to make headway towards the root of the problem. Rather things like this are fought over and about rather than bailing the water out of the lifeboat that is rapidly flooding. Human nature being what it is, the fix is personal and too difficult. Human nature seems to exist on a steep hill, its real easy to go downhill. It's even difficult and requires effort not to. But to improve requires one to move uphill. And THAT is hard, never ending and requires personal sacrifice. It's also the road for me and mine. Cool thing about this road though is that there is never a rush hour and you got the road to your self many times. However, and this is an invitation, we would be happy to have company and travel together.

Suprise? yes and for sure. All of the indicators and players are in place. The question is when and to an extent in what forms.

Prepar as best you can for you and you's and understand that ministry opportunities will abound. Share the food, share the gospel kinda thing. But above all love.
WELL....... at the risk of presenting an inconvenient truth: said:

CHRISTMAS: the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus ...

Well ain't that convenient, almost like they were made for each other....

Well no duh ! Of course if you look up "Christmas" it will say that *rolling eyes* lol.

"Why do many Christians celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December, if that is not when he was born?

The date was chosen by the Roman Catholic Church. Because Rome dominated most of the “Christian” world for centuries, the date became tradition throughout most of Christendom.

The original significance of December 25 is that it was a well-known festival day celebrating the annual return of the sun. December 21 is the winter solstice (shortest day of the year and thus a key date on the calendar), and December 25 is the first day that ancients could clearly note that the days were definitely getting longer and the sunlight was returning.

So, why was December 25 chosen to remember Jesus Christ’s birth with a mass (or Communion supper)? Since no one knows the day of his birth, the Roman Catholic Church felt free to chose this date. The Church wished to replace the pagan festival with a Christian holy day (holiday). The psychology was that is easier to take away an traditional festival from the population, when you can replace it with another one. Otherwise, the Church would have left a void where there was a long-standing tradition, and risked producing a discontented population and a rapid return to the old ways."

You are good at what you say. I have a short attention span and if something is lengthy or just does not immediately get my attention I either skim past it or re-read. Nothing personal. I do get you on this, I assure you. I still want to compare notes on what to expect surprisewise but I do not think this is the place so I will possibly PM you sometime soon.
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This response will seem somewhat disjointed... so much to respond to that I don't know where to start. Here goes...

Advertisements? Yes, for a minute, Chic Fil A will be laughing all the way to the bank with the surge in profits from all of this. Let's think long-term however. His surge in support right now is the every day person who's been easily mesmerized by all the propaganda. Not to mention, regardless of one's beliefs, if all you are seeing on the news is fried chicken, that is where your mind is going to take you. Most of us have little self-control when it comes to food so it's likely that a large percentage of the surge in business has little to do with wanting to support freedom of speech, and more to do with an image being shoved into your face. When the media slows down, so will the fried chicken cravings, and so will the business. Unfortunately for Chic Fil A, the company has made a long-lasting impression on major corporations that will never support or bring business to the company again. Therefor it's extremely likely that when all is said and done, Chic Fil A has done more harm to itself than good.

This particular incident, like so many supposed religious backed arguments, makes me giggle. Having grown up going to church I'm familiar with much of the teachings. The first I'd like to point out is that God does not set a tier of sins, meaning, one is not worse than the other. All sins are mistakes in the eyes of God and all sins are forgiven with repentance. Among about a billion sins listed in the bible are homosexuality and gluttony. Again, a sin is a sin is a sin. Since Chic Fil A markets primarily food with very poor nutritional value with calorie counts exponentially higher than a body needs and uses adds and propaganda to sell more and more and more, no reasonable person could argue that this wouldn't be constituted as gluttony. Back to Mr. Chic Fil A. Here's what I don't like... For a man to stand there and take a stance which is backed on religious belief and considered a matter of morality and faith, it's extremely hypocritical to turn around and make a living that encourages and persuades people to sin. I of course don't think he, or any unhealthy fast food chain is doing anything wrong, but if we are going to stick to the word of God as it is written in the Bible, these are facts that you cannot ignore. So then we have to assume that if he feels that his living is a moral one, then it must be a matter of the way in which he is interpreting the word of God. If that's the case, who decides what scripture is to be taken literally and what scripture is considered vague with room to modify?

Furthermore... Anyone who believes the appreciation day was genuinely an act of celebrating freedom of speech is either easily persuaded or extremely stubborn. A reasonable person with a bit of critical thinking skills should have at least considered alternative motives. One being that the company was looking for a way to gain a surge in business knowing that their reputation had been shaken. Another being that the event was a way to rally the support in his stance against same-sex marriage.

I have several Christian friends that are amazing people and I respect them to a great extent. They are faithful in their believes. They celebrate their faith in a positive. They celebrate their love of Jesus. They celebrate their appreciate for the blessings they receive. They celebrate having a God to rely on.

This appreciation day was not a celebration of freedom or a celebration of beliefs. It was a celebration of hate. A celebration of their stance against a group of people. A celebration that they feel they deserve a right that other citizens do not.

The word of God teaches a love for everyone regardless of their sins. It does not teach hatred. It does not encourage an outright attack on a group of people and that is what some christians feel is their mission.

Someone here quoted something to the effect of "Some Christians are so intent on advertising what they stand against that nobody has a chance to see what they stand for." That is brilliant, and so true.

I have respect for anyone who can articulate and stand for a personal belief. I have respect for anyone who celebrates that in a positive way.

The nature of religion is that one believes their way is the "right" way. But somehow, at some point, the focus has turned towards homosexuals. I have not seen nor heard of any movement to take away marriage rights from an atheist, muslim, buddhist, murderer, child molester, etc. It's all about the gays. As someone against same-sex marriage, most of you are not taking a stand on a belief, you are taking that belief, picking it apart, and adapting it, focusing it, and choosing how to guide it. You are targeting one small piece of a large population that doesn't follow your own standard and attacking that piece. The fact that you are not looking at the big picture, and only the pieces you choose, suggests that it is more than just your religious beliefs. Something else is there. Perhaps fear or ignorance? Perhaps something else...

This is a matter of equal rights. Gays deserve equal rights just as much as women, Jews, African Americans, etc. 70 years ago having to fight for equal rights was simply a sign of the times. In 2012 we are far beyond the simple notion of equality. This is hate. This is judgement. This is self-ritiousness. Equality is not equality unless it is offered to everyone. No one can claim to stand for equality and stand against same-sex marriage at the same time. No educated independent thinker anyway.

OK. You take a stand for free speech and eat up at Chic Fil A. I'm taking a stand for free-flowing arteries and a stand against IBS and not eating there.
This particular incident, like so many supposed religious backed arguments, makes me giggle. Having grown up going to church I'm familiar with much of the teachings. The first I'd like to point out is that God does not set a tier of sins, meaning, one is not worse than the other. All sins are mistakes in the eyes of God and all sins are forgiven with repentance. Among about a billion sins listed in the bible are homosexuality and gluttony. Again, a sin is a sin is a sin. Since Chic Fil A markets primarily food with very poor nutritional value with calorie counts exponentially higher than a body needs and uses adds and propaganda to sell more and more and more, no reasonable person could argue that this wouldn't be constituted as gluttony. Back to Mr. Chic Fil A. Here's what I don't like... For a man to stand there and take a stance which is backed on religious belief and considered a matter of morality and faith, it's extremely hypocritical to turn around and make a living that encourages and persuades people to sin. I of course don't think he, or any unhealthy fast food chain is doing anything wrong, but if we are going to stick to the word of God as it is written in the Bible, these are facts that you cannot ignore. So then we have to assume that if he feels that his living is a moral one, then it must be a matter of the way in which he is interpreting the word of God. If that's the case, who decides what scripture is to be taken literally and what scripture is considered vague with room to modify?
Matt -
I had not heard this argument (gluttony) before used in this fight, but you make a very valid point. I had actually used a similar argument before talking to someone about sin and asked him if he was going to stand at the door to the church and call out everyone on their sin as they came through the door. When I asked him if he was going to stand there the next Sunday and call me out on my gluttony (I'll admit, I'm kind of fluffy
) and he looked appalled at the thought. Then I told him he had absolutely no right to stand there and call anyone else out on any other sin. And I completely agree with you 100% that there is no "tier to sin." And a lot of people want to forget that inconvenient truth. There is not one of us who stands blameless. Much of this, I won't get to understand until I get to Heaven. I don't have all of the answers. My awesome, mighty and supreme God does - and He is the only One who gets to judge.

I had said previously that I don't believe you should make laws against gay marriage. That is legislating morality and you cannot do that if we all don't share the same moral values. And we don't.

A lot of people on both sides of this argument want to put all Christians in this nice little "we hate everyone who isn't like us" box. And there are a lot of outspoken people (I will not call them Christians) who speak with hate and I wish someone would put them in a box and stick them somewhere. I don't lump Mr. Cathy in with these people for many of the reasons I have previously stated - first and foremost I don't see hate in his words.

There are many of my faith who would condemn me because of my view on this subject. And there are many on the other side who will condemn me because of my faith. Good thing I only face one Judge, too.

Because so many seem to like the Casting Crowns quote, I'm going to end my rambling with the link to that song. This is a Christian group that speaks a lot of truth in their songs. The song is "Jesus, Friend of Sinners" - again that would be ALL of us.

I've enjoyed the respectful tone of this topic. I don't participate in a lot of them, but I read everything. God bless!

Looks like there's a list of additional Christian companies you may choose to support or boycott (because they have decided to voice a point of view) and the list includes:

  • Forever 21
  • Interstate Battery
  • Tyson Foods
  • In-N-Out Burger
  • Hobby Lobby

Source: http://www.theblaze....le-based-faith/

This appreciation day was not a celebration of freedom or a celebration of beliefs. It was a celebration of hate. A celebration of their stance against a group of people. A celebration that they feel they deserve a right that other citizens do not.
That was certainly not what I was doing when I enjoyed a healthy grilled chicken sandwhich and sugar free lemonade on Wednesday at Chick-Fil-A. HUGE lines of people across the country were there to demonstrate an appreciation for the freedom of speech and support of someone who is being bashed because he articulated an opinion.

William F. Buckley said:
Though liberals do a great deal of talking about hearing other points of view, it sometimes shocks them to learn that there are other points of view.
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Good morning Barbara. Enjoyed Casting Crowns with my coffee...thanks for reminding me of how much music can set my mood. I guess I will turn up the Third Day to get me through the rest of the morning.
me some Mac Powell.
Good Morning Vickie! So glad you enjoyed it! LOVE Third Day too! We had a chance to see them in concert last year. They are awesome! Two of my other favorites are Sanctus Real and Jeremy Camp. My husband loves Sidewalk Prophets. Have a good morning!

P.S. - Ecuador was AMAZING! Anytime you want, I would love to have a chance to tell you all about it!

I am sure that the term 'gluttony' was refering to more than just food when it was written. And I am sure it did not refer to just an occasional meal.

It is not a sin to be gay- however it is my understanding that it is a sin to participate actively (sexually) as a gay, if you want to be really technical about things.

I am just appalled at how vicious people have gotten about all this- A Christian man talking about his OWN lifestyle and values and he gets run over by a Mack truck because of it. As I mentioned before- if he had cheated on his wife, not paid his taxes, etc... would anyone even have noticed? At least he is honest and stands behind what he believes- whether others agree or not.

His company does not choose who they serve and who they dont.

Wake up people- no one is ever going to be forced to all think the same way or they may as well just abolish the human race and replace it with robots. What a boring place it would be.

By the way, I support honesty, morals and ethics, no matter who you are. And I stand behind what I personally believe too, regardless if others agree or disagree. It's just the way life is.
And you all are fully entitled to your own beliefs as well, without me telling you it is wrong if it doesnt match mine. I would only expect that others do the same.
Again, I say 'Bravo', this time to you, Laurie(HG)! Also to a few other posters on this thread: I imagine they can guess who I refer to.

Being viciously judgemental, combined with nasty attack methods, designed to 'punish' virtually anyone who has the audacity to not share the attackers' views, seems to be rampant in our society today...that, and being absolutely DRIVEN to let those with other viewpoints, beliefs, and opinions know how "WRONG" they are...pretty sure proof of that lies with a few in this very thread, IMO. How even more piteous would our current world be if EVERYONE felt the need to do that to all who do not share 'THEIR' positions? It is bad, and sad, enough that there exist people who are obcessed with portraying differences of outlook as HATE...but then,that makes a good 'buzzword'to use in an attempt to heat emotions and (hopefully, for those using such tactics)succeed in bullying, others whose positions differ from theirs.

Of course, these are my personal opinions, which I have formed in long years of life experience and observation of human behavior.I came by them after deep consideration, and I stand by them(and I applaud Laurie's last paragraph especially; it is SO well-stated!

Bravo, Well said, and at the risk of showing my Christian beliefs, AMEN!
And then we have THIS jerk... he is - or rather, WAS - the CFO for his company. He lost his job due to this lame video that he posted on YouTube and then deleted - but others had saved it.

The girl at the window was AMAZING and should get a bonus/promotion/something...

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Yep, she handled it well for being completely sucker punched by this idiot. Glad to hear he is no longer employed there. How utterly embarrassing- but he is probably not even bright enough to be embarrassed.
Bravo, Well said, and at the risk of showing my Christian beliefs, AMEN!
I'm glad you can share your Christian beliefs too Carolyn. I'm glad that we live in a country where you and the others who have posted in support are allowed the freedom to do so. We need to cherish that freedom

The only thing that saddens me is that their are victims of those beliefs too. I've seen and heard a lot of discrimination towards the LBGHQ community and every time it's coming from the side of religion. If that give you cause to celebrate, then I'm happy for you that you have that opportunity here in this country of ours. For lists of businesses sharing the same anti gay "family values" sentiment to be posted just saddens me. Gay's don't choose their lifestyle. It's not something they have any control over any more than you have control over the color of your eyes or skin. They are born gay - why would anyone or any group want to make someones life a harder struggle than it has to be. Do you know how many gay people kill themselves because they can't live with the treatment they get from others?

I haven't seen anything on the news about CFA because I was away on vacation with no TV, I'm just participating in a debate going on here between people voicing views on either side. I'm not a Christian but if I were one I personally wouldn't be celebrating these particular family values or the right to voice them. I think my morals as a human would override any biblical "guidance" to discriminate against a group of (from my experience) very kind, loving, family orientated Americans. I'd be ashamed to know the hurt I would be causing others by holding those beliefs and IMO it would be wrong. JMHO.
And then we have THIS jerk... he is - or rather, WAS - the CFO for his company. He lost his job due to this lame video that he posted on YouTube and then deleted - but others had saved it.

The girl at the window was AMAZING and should get a bonus/promotion/something...

Wow, what a Jacka** . How could he be so mean and HATEFUL !!!! That girl deserves a medal for remaining so polite and civil to him. I think I'd have delivered his free water to the front of his clean shirt lol.
Confused here...he was exercising free speech/expressing his views, without physically hurting anyone, and people are happy he was fired? See guys, I knew it wasn't all about that.

He was an as* though and I am so impressed with how the young woman handled that (though I was expecting worse). Class act.
We had to take our puppy, Dozer, to get his last puppy shots today, we didn't feel like cooking when we got home and were hungry so it as grilled chicken sandwiches from Chick-Fil-A again today. Didn't see any "protestors" there for the "Kiss In" demonstration, either, but saw plenty of people eating chicken
. Dozer said he would like to register as a supporter of Chick-Fil-A, too, because chicken strips are what's happening in his world this evening

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