Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

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Seriously...there is a HUGE difference in supporting free speech, and supporting what was said.
In supporting what was said, I agree. However, there is not a difference in supporting free speech and tolerating what was said. That's the whole point of free speech - those whose beliefs DIFFER from yours are allowed to say so, no matter how abhorrent you believe those beliefs to be. I don't see that this man was trying to incite violence or in any way what he said qualified as "hate speech". Political correctness wants to say "free speech means you're free to say what I believe in." But free speech means "you are free to say that you believe things that I cannot stand." That said, I don't know if the Chick-Fil-A day was to protect free speech or to support what he said, but I suspect some of each. While I would be disappointed to know that friends of mine went in support of what he said, it is their right. If friends of mine went in support of free speech, I'm ok with that. But I don't think we can judge everyone who went without knowing their reasons.I think I'm done on this topic, because I'm realizing the truth of my previous statements - you can't change others beliefs without changing their experiences. I have explained my viewpoint, I am not trying to change anyone else's perhaps just make you think of alternatives. If that hasn't happened by now, it won't.
The man loses several thousands of dollars every week because the stores are not open on Sunday, its says because he believes that families should be together on Sundays. Its his christian values that makes him do this. ...
This may seem like splitting hairs to some people, but I want to point out that, no, his Christian values do not make him do anything. No set of values or beliefs make a person do something, rather, they may give a person the desire to act in a specific manner. That might be the way you meant it, but since there is a big difference in making someone do something, and instilling a desire in someone to choose to do something, I wanted to draw the distinction.
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Minimom and flying minis, exactly.
There are many, many things way more serious than one member of the RR expressing his "family values" (unless you happen to be a member of the LBGTQ community and then it's quite a big deal in the everyday living department).

I think people are confusing where tolerance needs to be expressed. There hasn't been anyone here who is intolerant of Mr.C's religion. He's obviously a Christian. Everyone is 100% tolerant of that. No one has said he doesn't have the right to be a Christian. He has all the right in the world to be a Christian, to base his life on his Bible.

But some people seem to think that tolerance of Mr. C's Christianity and tolerance of his right to have his biblical "values" (and I say "values" in quotes because IMO discrimination isn't a value to value no matter where it came from) has to include tolerance of discrimination just because it's biblicaly based.. The biblical view of marriage promotes discrimination and that's where people are, and should be, intolerant.

If we were tolerant of discrimination the world would be a pretty sad place for a lot of members of our society.

That's all people have been expressing. The same way the OP had the right to eat there on Support CFA Day others here have the right to not eat there because our values do not include discrimination.

I have a little chuckle at times when the RR flaunt family values as if the only way to have family values is to be a Christian. I'm not a Christian, in fact I'm very obviously someone who worships at the alter of science and truth. Does that mean I have no family values...well you'd better ask my hubby of 24 years, my two amazingly moral, good, productive sons, my neighbors who I help when they need it, my friends who know they can depend on me, my lack of a criminal record, my yearly charity donation amount etc. etc. and my family values do not include discrimination ! I want our gay members of LB to enjoy ALL of the rights and freedoms I enjoy.

In ending...tolerant of Mr. C's religion. Tolerant of his right to express it. Not tolerant of discrimination.
I have to say, that many times I respect the right more than the left, because at least the right isn't hypocritical.
Ummm... no. Both sides are equally hypocritical - it just depends on the topic.

I think the whole situation is just stupid. Don't eat there if you don't want to, eat there if you want to, so what. This has been so blown out of porportion. So much violence in the world and we are fighting over eating or not eating a chicken sandwich.
Well said. This is not an OMG!!!! OMG!!! Freedom of Speech is being threatened!! Everyone be outraged!!! issue as it has been played up to be. Cathy can voice his opinion. Others can voice theirs. Does anyone really care what Roseanne Barr thinks? I sure as heck don't. And she sure as heck does not represent what everyone on "The Left" thinks. If a couple of lame mayors spoke up when they should not have... meh. Mayors/politicians say stupid things all the time and it is not as if they can actually ban a company from their entire area.

I ate at Chick Fil A once. Just another fast food chicken place - nothing extra special. I would not boycott it, though. And I expect there were many of those allegedly hypocritical lefties eating at Chick Fil A yesterday as well. Will Chick Fil A not sell their food to a married gay couple? That would depend on the local franchise owner - and Cathy would not issue a company-wide edict the way some have suggested.

This has definitely been blown waaaay out of proportion.
...He's obviously a Christian. Everyone is 100% tolerant of that...
I disagree that this is the situation. All someone needs to do is tune into the news, read some newspapers, or visit a message board or social media spot to see that is NOT the case. Christianity and Christians are frequent targets and are not anywhere close to universally tolerated. Christian / Bible bashing is becoming as big a pastime for some as bible thumping may be for others.
This man did not say he will not let the stores serve gay people, he did not say he wouldn't hire gay people, he didn't say he hated gays, He said, I don't approve of Gay Marriage. His values Make, yes make, him think in certain ways. He didn't desire to be that way, his values that he was raised with make his mind think that way. Its not a question of does he want to think this way, he thinks this way, period. More than likely nothing anyone says will change his mind. And again, so what. Just because someone voices their opinion doesn't make them wrong because they don't think the same way I do. Doesn't make me right either, opinions are just that, truly not right or wrong. So again, if you don't want that chicken sandwich, go eat a hamburger, its a free country, eat what you want. Order a pizza, I hear some of those places even bring them to you. This has really been a very clear definition of Making a Mountain out of Mole Hill.
Andi - I don't see anywhere where Dan Cathy said anything about burning in He** for all time. He was simply sharing the values that he holds for his family and his company.

I don't see anything that remotely resembles "hate filled."

As a Christian, the song by Casting Crowns best sums up what I wish all Christians were today. We are so busy telling people what we are against, that they don't know what we stand for - the all-consuming love of Jesus Christ.

Every stitch well said Barbara, Remember the "attack" is used to stifle and silence reasoning. It is one of the primary reasons that it is used and to great effect towards those who oppose. More so against the "luke warm" as they will be easily swayed due to cowardice.

Of course their was no bigotry in his belief held answer. Perhaps he should have lied or dodged the question?... Oh wait no, that's how we got here. The bigotry is toward the Christian who obeys God's word, always has been and will be. We were warned about this by Christ himself and the Bible is replete with examples through-out time. The first amendment no longer applies to the Christian and most especially the remnant Christian. Their problem is with what God said, repeatedly. The only way to get rid of the problem is to get rid of God. And here is the rub, but it is a good and noble one. My job is to not judge as that is God's job, my job is to love as Christ did and when presented with a chance, attempt to reason with and pray earnestly for the lost. If we focus on Christ's commandment (which handily synopsizes the 10 commandments, there is no room for hate as it is focused on love of God and fellow man. Now the opposition can make all manner of false claims against us and our intentions, however they will only be that, lies. In the face of such hated filled vitriol directed at us, we are to stay the course and "endure to the end". For when "we have done everything to stand" He will cause us to "stand". Our response cannot ever be hate as we are called to "consider it all joy".

As to the "mayor's" responses. Didn't know the other one till now and now I do. He's a hater! I do know MUCH about little Rahmie and know him to be a very evil little man and give no credence to his words whatsoever. ala "They will know you by your fruit".

It's sadly funny in that the good fight has not centered around the word of God and doctrine. It has centered around a sandwich, the business and the first amendment and the supposed Christian "bigots".What makes them bigots? Nothing other than a refusal to agree with that which God has called a sin. Now Christ came for the sinner (me) and loved the sinner (me) enough to freely lay down his life for them (and me). Surely this was not an act of "hatred" or "bigotry"..........

Lastly that this is the focus, at this time, with two freight trains barreling down on us from TWO tracks proves to me yet again that the public is so easily led by the nose to their programmed talking points by the complicit and owned media.

Hmmm. difficult choice, the staged Chik-Fil-A "incident" or the planned and rapidly approaching economic destruction at the hands of central banks and their supporters. While the situation is FAR worse than mentioned in the latter sentence, lets be sure to focus on the relatively inane so as to NOT unite and fix the former. Guess we are still good little robots.. I try not to waste time here anymore but felled compelled to stand with a fellow Christian. Well done Miss Barbara.

Reading Bonhoeffer right now and find the parallels with our country today, striking.

Bible bashing is becoming as big a pastime for some as bible thumping may be for others.
Could this be because of situation like this one? Look at how many threads there have been on LB regarding some of the RR's attacks on gays? It's only coming from the RR and they are basing it on biblical teachings.

I don't consider disagreeing with facts as bible bashing. It's no skin off my nose if my adult neighbor believes there's a large jolly man who wears a red suit, flies around the night sky on a sled pulled by magical flying reindeer and somehow delivers presents to every single house in the entire world one winters evening. I certainly respect his right to believe that but it doesn't mean I have to agree with it or can't discuss it without it being called "bashing". I'm still in awe that he got two full size Polaris ATV's down my chimney when I don't have a chimney lol. Guess that's where "faith" comes into play
Its not a question of does he want to think this way,
It's totally a "question of does he want to think this way". Religion is 100% free choice. No one, in the U.S.A. is forced to believe in a certain religion.
Bottom line, the man has a right to think however he wants too, he has not harmed a single person with what he believes. If he hadn't said a word, no ones life would have changed at all, you would still be eating a chicken sandwich or not. What he thinks should not make this much of a difference. Its just crazy that so many people are making so much fuss about one man's opinion. There are millions of people who do not believe in gay marriage, and have said so, but I guess because it didn't involve chicken, it wasn't catastrophic news worthy.
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But honestly...I don't expect any less from christians than to continue the hate, racism and bigotry that the bible calls for. By participating in the eatathon there today you are not distinguishing between his freedom to speak and the content of his speach and so in my eyes - ANYONE eating there today is supporting the content of his speech - undeniable discrimination against gay people - SHAME on you.
They, and anyone else, for that matter, are, of course, free to speak, just as am I when I voice my opposition to HATE!

And everyone knows that what was really said, and that was "Eat Mor Chikin" not"love thy neighbor!"
Andi - I don't see anywhere where Dan Cathy said anything about burning in He** for all time. He was simply sharing the values that he holds for his family and his company.

I don't see anything that remotely resembles "hate filled."

As a Christian, the song by Casting Crowns best sums up what I wish all Christians were today. We are so busy telling people what we are against, that they don't know what we stand for - the all-consuming love of Jesus Christ.

Every stitch well said Barbara, Remember the "attack" is used to stifle and silence reasoning. It is one of the primary reasons that it is used and to great effect towards those who oppose. More so against the "luke warm" as they will be easily swayed due to cowardice.

Of course their was no bigotry in his belief held answer. Perhaps he should have lied or dodged the question?... Oh wait no, that's how we got here. The bigotry is toward the Christian who obeys God's word, always has been and will be. We were warned about this by Christ himself and the Bible is replete with examples through-out time. The first amendment no longer applies to the Christian and most especially the remnant Christian. Their problem is with what God said, repeatedly. The only way to get rid of the problem is to get rid of God. And here is the rub, but it is a good and noble one. My job is to not judge as that is God's job, my job is to love as Christ did and when presented with a chance, attempt to reason with and pray earnestly for the lost. If we focus on Christ's commandment (which handily synopsizes the 10 commandments, there is no room for hate as it is focused on love of God and fellow man. Now the opposition can make all manner of false claims against us and our intentions, however they will only be that, lies. In the face of such hated filled vitriol directed at us, we are to stay the course and "endure to the end". For when "we have done everything to stand" He will cause us to "stand". Our response cannot ever be hate as we are called to "consider it all joy".

As to the "mayor's" responses. Didn't know the other one till now and now I do. He's a hater! I do know MUCH about little Rahmie and know him to be a very evil little man and give no credence to his words whatsoever. ala "They will know you by your fruit".

It's sadly funny in that the good fight has not centered around the word of God and doctrine. It has centered around a sandwich, the business and the first amendment and the supposed Christian "bigots".What makes them bigots? Nothing other than a refusal to agree with that which God has called a sin. Now Christ came for the sinner (me) and loved the sinner (me) enough to freely lay down his life for them (and me). Surely this was not an act of "hatred" or "bigotry"..........

Lastly that this is the focus, at this time, with two freight trains barreling down on us from TWO tracks proves to me yet again that the public is so easily led by the nose to their programmed talking points by the complicit and owned media.

Hmmm. difficult choice, the staged Chik-Fil-A "incident" or the planned and rapidly approaching economic destruction at the hands of central banks and their supporters. While the situation is FAR worse than mentioned in the latter sentence, lets be sure to focus on the relatively inane so as to NOT unite and fix the former. Guess we are still good little robots.. I try not to waste time here anymore but felled compelled to stand with a fellow Christian. Well done Miss Barbara.

Reading Bonhoeffer right now and find the parallels with our country today, striking.

Carriage, first of all I will admit that I have never finished reading 90% of the posts or replies you have made in the past because my little brain, although be it somewhat analytical, cannot take in the content nor context without extra effort on my part. You come across as very intelligent and wise
and intellectual to the point that I have to really try hard to get what you are saying. Okay, so I put forth some extra effort to comprehend and I just want to say "thanks." Of course I stand with you and Barbara on the Christ based sentiment, but that is not new or news. However, when you mention central banks and staged you got my attention. I understand that if our 1st amendment rights are done away with we head down the path to destroy all Americans. Then if they can take away our 2nd amendment rights then they are well on the way to taking over the financial holdings of all Americans. Robots indeed. All the riot gear that has been purchased by the guv lately.........hmmm, October surprise, perhaps? Whistle blowers have begun to blow. I know to some people this sounds so far off topic and I certainly am not trying to trivialize the gay marriage issue for people on either side of it. As far as the Chick-Fil-A "incident" being staged I will say that when you see thousands of people turning out at a single restaurant to buy waffle fries, chicken sandwiches, and shakes and the majority of them are seemingly there because they do not want to tolerate free speech being threatened you start seeing them as "votes." The way I see it is this: If people will stand outside in the heat to even get into the wait line and patiently wait 45 minutes to place a fast food order these are people that are going to turn up at the voting booths because they feel that their everyday rights are being threatened. Carriage, your idea of something being staged could be very different than mine. I hope you come back (totally do get you on the wasting time comment) and expand on your view. Maybe Huckabee is trying to help us "take our country back" (a Hannity phrase) and deserves more credit than I would have ever given him in the past.
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Gee ozy--what does Santa have to do with believing in God? I don't recall Santa being mentioned in the bible and for most of us they are two separate things.

Which now makes me wonder-- if you don't belied in God then you must not believe in why do you celebrate Christmas (which you must do if you got an ATV down the non existing chimney)???
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Gee oxy--what does Santa have to do with believing in God? I don't recall Santa being mentioned in the bible and for most of us they are two separate things.

Which now makes me wonder-- if you don't belied in God then you must not believe in why do you celebrate Christmas (which you must do if you got an ATV down the non existing chimney)???
Santa has nothing to do with god...not sure where you got that from. My point was that I don't care what people believe in - you can believe in the Christian God, or Santa or Hanuman the monkey god or nothing at all if you so desire
Each to their own.

As for celebrating Christmas - of course I celebrate it but not as the birth of Christ that would be silly as I'm not a Christian. If you do a little research you'll see it was "our holiday" long before Christians decided to make it the day Christ was born
In fact it was some of these other myths taken from other religions that the whole birth of Christ was based on right down to the wise men, and star in the East
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Gee ozy--what does Santa have to do with believing in God? I don't recall Santa being mentioned in the bible and for most of us they are two separate things.

Which now makes me wonder-- if you don't belied in God then you must not believe in why do you celebrate Christmas (which you must do if you got an ATV down the non existing chimney)???
Okay, this post sure did make me smile and nod. YES for sure

There's a big difference in not beleiveing in something and mocking those who do...

AND, Chick-Fil-A could not purchase better advertising than the current media and internet storm
As for celebrating Christmas - of course I celebrate it but not as the birth of Christ...
WELL....... at the risk of presenting an inconvenient truth: said:
CHRISTMAS: the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus ...
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There's a big difference in not beleiveing in something and mocking those who do...
Do you find presenting facts and truth to be mocking? If so then you'll find a lot of mocking from the scientific community towards most religions. Read the signature at the bottom of my posts...I don't find the truth to be any form of mocking what-so-ever.
. Do you think Steven Hawking, one of this centuries greatest minds, is mocking religion when he says there is no scientific evidence for a god? Of course not. He's just making a statement in favor of science.

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