Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

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and have they ever even heard of Lil Beginnings?
Carrage, I can only assume why they started to stir the pot, and as to why they continue to do so, I'll keep my thoughts on this matter to myself. I'm sitting here in tears! Our country needs to concentrant on more important matters, and to to try really hard to love and respect each other, and even to value others opinions but not to try to gain power from our own.
Jill, it's good you know why you were there. How many people did you speak with in the long line?
I did not keep a tally. I'd guess the number would be around a dozen there and far more that that before and since. You know how it is in a long line. You get involved in conversations with the people you are geographically closest to.

It was about support of free speech. It was a way to stand up for someone's right to have and express a sincere opinion. He / his business was targetted for a boycott because he expressed that opinion. That was what "we" spoke to last Wednesday. People have the right to boycott because someone has an opinion different than their own, however, the response showed both a support for freedom of speech and a stand against those who would hope to bully someone into silence.

You don't have to take my word for it, of course, but as someone who was really there, the situation I found has little resemblence to the situation portrayed by the liberal media.

Do you really think that those LONG lines of people would have turned out -- coast to coast -- because of a hatred for gays? That isn't the kind of person I am, and I did not hear that sentiment expressed even one time while there. If you do feel that's the case, that this huge group of people organized because they dislike gays, then I am honestly sorry. There is probably nothing I can do to convince you that was not the case, but I was there. You were not.

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I will say, unfortunately, that the media publicity of the attempt to bully someone into silence by the gay community hss really left me less empathetic, and with less desire to speak up, for marriage equality. Doubt I'm the only one who came away from this experience with that feeling... That has everything to do with the liberal-gay attempted bullying that was unsuccesful but attempted.
Carrage, I can only assume why they started to stir the pot, and as to why they continue to do so, I'll keep my thoughts on this matter to myself. I'm sitting here in tears! Our country needs to concentrant on more important matters, and to to try really hard to love and respect each other, and even to value others opinions but not to try to gain power from our own.
I too know why, not that most would accept or even hear it. So why bother? You a also correct in needing to focus on MUCH larger issue's as the joint is rapidly burning down right around us, YET the focus is on this far less important issue. An Oz conundrum for sure.

Those of us who have taken a peek behind the curtain are in tears. We should be as we are watching the last dying gasp from our Constitutional Republic. All I can do is attempt to deliver the message and then invest my time on those who are awakening to their slavery and are trying to become free. Love and respect lead to unity which has been my message all along. Division equals destruction, EVERY time. I've said this time and again only to watch most go right back to their scripted parts of bashing the other guy. Hopefully some "ears have heard and some "eyes have seen".

While my business is all about dogs and ponies, I refuse to play a part in the "dog and pony show". I like the comedian reference to the pure sophistry (sorry, "election") of Obama vs. Romney and think that it is quite fitting, "Alian vs. Preditor"

Ok shakin the dust and getting to work, Have a great day everybody,


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