this is so funny had to share with my forum buddies

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I was contacted today by ABC's Television show Wife Swap LOL. They saw the CMHR rescue site and they think it would be interesting to have me (mini horse breeder/rescue) swap lives with a woman from the city. I think this would be great exsposure for CMHR and miniature horses but I really doubt hubby will go for it. Ive been giggling about it ever since they contacted me. If hubby wont do it they have asked me to refer a farm. So if you have any interest please email me. To qualify it has to be a 2 parent household with at least one child living in the home between the ages of 5 and 20. Im laughing just typing this!
OHHHH KAAAAAAY!!!!! :lol: :lol:

You would be so perfect for this.

I'll come out the day you guys switch while the other lady is there and i'll bring a pair of gloves and we'll make that day 'sheath cleaning day'. Oh it would be hilarious!!

This would be wonderful, kay you have to talk hubby into it.
oh my gosh i hadnt even thought of sheath cleaning LOL. that is way too funny!! I just dont think we will ever talk hubby into it but im going to try. hey i could make her come on here to the forum to check in and you guys can make sure shes taking care of my babies right LOL
I love Wife Swap!! You should sooooooo do it!!! It would be so neat to see someone we "know" on the show.
Kay, you need to do this! Look at the life of luxury you would be going to. Rusty could always come over here to get away from whomever they sent. I love the sheath cleaning idea, Leanna! Cleaning stalls, sheath cleaning, hoof picking, putting up with Daryl's talking. Oh, what fun she would have!

ROFLMBO!! :lol: Love the sheath cleaning idea! That city girl would be blushing from ear to ear. Just too funny!! :lol:

the more i think aobut it the more i laugh. sticking her here with 3 border collies, 2 teenage boys, 16 miniature horses and two donkeys. Think she might have her hands full?? Oh but what if i get some horrible snotty rich family?? YOu guys know what a big mouth i have. Ill be in trouble for sure LOL
Oh but what if i get some horrible snotty rich family?? YOu guys know what a big mouth i have. Ill be in trouble for sure LOL
But you have an excuse, remember have a dent in your head! :lol: :lol:

Too funny!

Tell Rusty it wouldnt be that bad, tell him he would be doing it for the good of the miniature horse breed and CMHR ....i'm sure that will go over easy
:. Then he cant say no lol.
You gotta humor me and show her how to sniff noonies! :lol:

Oh Kay, I SO hope you can do it! LMAO! :aktion033:
How fun would that be! I have never watched the show, but I would watch yours! It would be hillarious to make her clean sheaths! :risa_suelos: I hope you can convine your Hubby, that would be so fun!lol!
Oh that would be TOO COOL!!!! Do try and convince hubby and keep us posted!!! :aktion033:
oh man i forgot about sniffing noonies lmbo!! im laughhing too hard to type now
:lol: I've seen some of the "good, bad & ugly" on that show.

Always wondered how they got the "volunteers"
: Sooo, tell us -- what do they PAY you to do this gig? Sure wouldn't be worth TV coverage for me, although I have ssen some families that I'd like to set up new rules that they had to follow
: :new_shocked:
Could you just imagine--we sometimes come in and get a sandwich and forget to wash our hands :new_shocked: And if it were my house--most city girls wouldn't be able to stand to sleep in it. It might have a stray mouse or spider. I just figure that makes it the more the merrier here. :bgrin I have never seen the show, but would love to watch your counterpart. Better stock up on the soaps, cleaners and especially the hand sanatizer. LOLOL

Wife already gave me the" LOOK". but the thought of someone outside of the horse world cleaning sheaths is just too funny! just think of the two weeks at someone elses house [ two maids, sleep till noon, etc...] and in the end theres the money! TOO FUNNY. DR.
LMAO! I am laughing so hard right now! I can just imagine it.. It would be AWESOME! And it sure would give us all mini owners a good hard laugh.
Oh Kay you have to do it, please, please. This would be hilarious and great press for cmhr :aktion033: :new_shocked: :aktion033:
: :saludando:
!!!!!!! YOU SHOULD SO DO IT!!!!

I love the sheath cleaning and noonie idea. Wait until she learns how to clean stalls.
OMG! you HAAAAAAAAAAVE to make your hubby do it!

for added laughs, you could put her on mare stare. not with a mare that would actually foal while she was on duty (inexperience could be very dangerous) but it would be funny to make her milk the mare, check in know. examining contents of...items kept under the tail! feeling everything. and don't forget muckings stalls of those lovely mares in heat!!!! :new_rofl: LOL! if you have preggy mares, that is. and of course sheath cleaning.

hehehe...this is gonna be funny.......

tell us what happens!

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