The Dos and Don'ts of grieving

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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This is geared towards the loss of a child but it really pertains to anyone that has lost a loved one.

DO Allow them to express as much grief as they are able and are willing to share with you.

DO allow them to express as much unhappiness as they are feeling and willing to share with you.

DO allow them to talk about their loss as much and as often as they want to.

DO be available. to listen, to run errands, to help with the other children, or whatever else seems needed at the time.

DO deal with the grieving individual gently and positively.

DO encourage them to be patient with themselves and not to expect too much of themselves.

DO encourage them to not impose any “shoulds” or “I should be” on themselves.

DO give special attention to the child's brothers and sisters at the funeral and in the months to come (they are often in need of attention which their parents may not be able to give).

DO let your genuine concern and caring show.

DO offer specific help such as running errands, helping complete tax or medical forms, or helping to go through their loved one’s belonging.

DO offer to be a friend.

DO recognize that grieving has no time limit and varies from individual to individual both in the way they express their grief and the time required to stabilize.

DO talk about your memories of the deceased child and the special qualities that made the child endearing.

DO tell the family how sorry you are about the child’s death and about the pain they must be feeling.

Acknowledge the death through visits, phone calls, sympathy cards, donations, and flowers.

Remember important days such as birthdays, the death anniversary, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and any other significant day, which may be difficult for the bereaved. A telephone call, visit, or card means a great deal to a bereaved parent.

Make specific offers to help, i.e.

i. I am going to the store. What do you need?

ii. Can I take your kids on Sunday afternoon?

i. On Thursday I will be bringing by dinner for the family.

ii. I will take your child to skating lessons on Sunday.

iii. Can I come and baby-sit tomorrow evening to give you a break.

iv. Do you want to get out tonight to talk, walk, or both.

Offer to take the children to schools, birthday parties, and extra-curricular programs.

Immediately following the loss, take charge of the household and inform family and friends of the tragedy, help answer the phone, help dress and feed the children (if applicable), and set up a meal plan.

Call. Call often.

When you call the bereaved, ask, "How are you doing today?"

Appreciate that your bereaved relative or friend doesn't always return phone calls right away.

Appreciate that nothing you say will ever make the bereaved parent sadder than the reality of what has happened to their child.

Talk in your natural tone of voice.

Remember that when you phone, even if it is to only leave a message, the bereaved feel comforted by your efforts.

Tell the bereaved family how much you care.

Remember it is usually the simple little things you say or do that mean so much.


Continue to support bereaved parents well beyond the acute mourning period, even if it means years..

Congratulate the bereaved on good news while appreciating that they still carry a tremendous burden of grief.

Find local support through bereavement groups, church, synagogue, bereavement organizations and forward the information to the bereaved family.

Be sensitive that being in the presence of other children of similar age to the deceased may make the bereaved parent uncomfortable.

Give the bereaved time to resume the activities they participated in before their loss.

Know that effort of any kind is appreciated.

Learn how to give good hugs. The bereaved need every heartfelt hug they can get.

Expect your relationship with the bereaved to change. When you are bereaved, every relationship is affected in one way or another.

Share your own good news with the bereaved. They still want to hear it.

Say any of the following:

i. Call me at any time if you ever need to talk.

ii. I can't begin to imagine how you feel.

iii. I am so sorry for your loss.

Feed and walk the dog who has probably been forgotten about.

Talk to your children about the loss.

Talk to your children about death and the rituals surrounding death.

Find the right time and the right materials to broach the discussion of loss and bereavement with your children.

Consult with your libraries and bookstores for bereavement reading materials for children.

Provide your surviving children with a picture of the departed child as a cherished momento.

Give children the option to attend the funeral.

Give children the option of visiting at the cemetery.

DON’T avoid mentioning their loss or the child's name out of fear of reminding them of their pain (they haven't forgotten it!).

DON’T change the subject when they mention their dead child.

DON’T tell them what they should feel or do.

DON'T avoid the bereaved parents because you are uncomfortable (being avoided by friends adds pain to an already painful experience.)

DON'T let your friends, family or co-workers grieve alone. There is a tremendous sense of isolation and abandonment during the grief process. You can help by caring, by being there, and by being the best friend you can.

DON'T make any comments which in any way suggest that their loss was their fault.

DON’T point out that at least they have their other children (children are not interchangeable; they can not replace each other).

DON'T say "Your loved one is waiting for you over there," "God wanted him," "It was God's will," or "God knows best."

DON'T say “you can always have another child.”

DON'T say “you should be coping or feeling better by now” or anything else which may seem judgmental about their progress in grieving.

DON'T say that you know how they feel (unless you've experienced their loss yourself you probably don't know how they feel).

DON'T suggest that they should be grateful for their other children. Grief over the loss of one child does not discount the parents’ love and appreciation of their living children.

DON'T tell them not to cry. It hurts us to see them cry and makes us sad. But, by telling them not to cry, we are trying to take their grief away.

DON'T tell them what they should feel or do.

DON'T try to find something positive (e.g. a moral lesson, closer family ties, etc.) about the loss.

Allow your own fears from preventing you from offering support to the bereaved.

Fear that bringing up the dead child's name will create sadness.

Say, "If you need anything call me" because the bereaved don't always know how to call and ask for your support.

Be afraid if you make your bereaved friend or relative cry.

Think that good news (family wedding, pregnancy, job promotion, etc.) cancels out grief.

Have expectations for what bereaved parents should or should not be doing at different times in their grief.

Forget the overlooked mourners (grandparents, uncles, aunt's, close friends etc.) who need your support too.

Force bereaved people to talk about their loss. They will engage you when the time is right.

Find yourself saying any of the following:

i. It was God's will.

ii. It was meant to be.

iii. He's in a better place now.

iv. Time heals all wounds.

v. I know just how you feel.

vi. You are still young enough to have more children.

vii. Are you not over it yet?

viii. At least you have other children.

ix. Your child is in a better place.

x. It was for the best.

xi. Now you will have an angel in heaven.

xii. It could have been worse...

xiii. It's been ______ amount of time and you have to get on with your life.

Expect grieving parents to be strong and don't compliment them if they seem to be strong.

Tell a grieving parent how they should feel.

Be afraid of reminding the parents about the child. They haven't forgotten.

Be afraid to cry or laugh in front of the bereaved.

Assume that when a grieving parent is laughing, they are over anything or grieving any less.

Wait until you know the perfect thing to say. Just say whatever is in your heart or say nothing at all. Sometimes just being there is comfort enough.

Underestimate the impact of grief on children. Children understand and retain a lot more than they may show.

Think that children are too young to appreciate loss or death.

(Used with permisson)
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Thank you Marty! I printed this out. Seems I'm losing one family member after another lately and friends too here and on the forum..

I'm printing ot out to keep.

That is excellent advice, Marty, thank you.

My youngest daughter's first brush with death (besides the loss of beloved pets) was when her older sister lost a baby to a late pregnancy miscarriage. My daughter was so afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing, she was afraid to even see her sister, to the point of being frantic with worry and fear. I told her, "You don't have to say anything; your sister doesn't expect you to be able to make it all better, all she needs is your presence and your support. Give her a hug and tell her you are sorry, don't be afraid to cry in front of her, and just tell her you love her. Then just listen to her, and if she doesn't talk, just be there for her."

I'm getting choked up with all of the loss that so many of our forum friends have had to endure, not just lately but over the years. It's so terribly sad.... {{{hugs}}} to you all.
thank you Marty for having the grace and kindness to post this. It is very well thought and writen out, and very true.
Thank you so much Marty. It is hard to know what to do or say for fear of doing the "wrong" thing, and this is so helpful.
great advice. in the week since i lost gary, i have had some unbelievable things said to me. on the day we laid him to rest, somebody asked me when i was "gonna get rid of his stuff".

somebody else asked me if i was gonna stay here. here, where all of my memories of the best 11 years of my life are. where would i go and why would i want to leave????

then there was the woman who said gee, now you'll have more time to spend with your friends. with friends like that, who needs enemies? :DOH!

marty, nice to talk to you today. i needed that!
great advice. in the week since i lost gary, i have had some unbelievable things said to me. on the day we laid him to rest, somebody asked me when i was "gonna get rid of his stuff".

somebody else asked me if i was gonna stay here. here, where all of my memories of the best 11 years of my life are. where would i go and why would i want to leave????

then there was the woman who said gee, now you'll have more time to spend with your friends. with friends like that, who needs enemies? :DOH!

marty, nice to talk to you today. i needed that!

E-gads, Charlene!!! I CAN'T imagine
DON’T avoid mentioning their loss or the child's name out of fear of reminding them of their pain (they haven't forgotten it

I think this one is the worse. I have so many friends that won't mention Josh cause they think it will remind David and I of the loss. Like you said.. As if we have forgotten.

I also find that family members don't like it when we talk about Josh.. I say, " Get over it" Josh is still a very important part of our family. and we talk about him all the time. If they are uncomfortable, I am sorry, but its just the way it is..

I don't like it when people avoid me and act like I have a disease.

I know they don't really know what to say and that's ok.

But sometimes when I am in a store, people would see me and change isles so they wouldn't run into me.

Other people just quit calling me.

I'm like "What did I do?"

I got a note the other day from a very dear friend that I have not heard from in a long time. She told me she just doesn't know what to say to me if she calls. Well heck, does everyone think I want to talk about my son all the time? No, I really don't. I have other things to say just like everyone else. I want to talk about the horses, and my laundry, and my insane puppy, and what's for dinner, and who finally got laid and about YOU! I don't have the plague and I do miss a lot of you guys that used to call me and I do really hate being alone so darn much too. I just want a little piece of my life back; that's all.
I find it hard to believe people can be so cruel and unthinking...or maybe they are just pain downright STUPID..I tend not to go with the last one as that is such a poor excuse for being cruel.

I have a friend who lost her husband last year ...on her birthday....She was taken out to dinner for her birthday by 4 of her friends last week ...ON HER BIRTHDAY, and the one year anniversary of her husbands death. During dinner one of the %#@&^%$ said...why are you still wearing your wedding rings...your not married anymore....OMG I so wish I had been there...I would have decked this INCONSIDERATE MORON. I got the phone call from Carol at 3 am still crying her eyes out..just need to talk to someone..She left the dinner and called a cab to go home...others asked if she wanted them to take her home...she just wanted to be alone...People need to censor their mouths before they speak......or just say nothing.

I am so glad you posted this. It is true.. I will tell them, those who avoided you,

what a loss for them. All the incredible calls we have had together, and still do,

and I know it has not been as often right now, with my new job. But the calls and talks

we have, are such a blessing to me.

Yes, we talk about Michael and Dan, and the incredible life stories you have are so

wonderful. And the talks about the horses, some make me laugh.. and there is not

enough laughter in this life. And walk down memory lane with you has been a blessing

to me. We have cried, we have laughed, and I will always be there for you guys.

I will always have a shoulder for you, and I will always feel like you guys are part of

our family. And our Friendship will never end. Those people have missed out such

a incredible friendship.

And I agree its so important to be there for the other Children, to make sure they are

not left out. They have someone who will listen about their feelings, and let them cry

as well. To have a shoulder for them, to make sure they know they are so loved.

To let them cry or laugh, or tell their stories.

Dan and I have some incredible talks over the phone, and he is such an incredible person.

He is funny, he is warm hearted, and he will always be so special to me.

It is hard to know what to say, but if you just listen to the person, they will guild you in

the conversation, what they need to talk to about. Sometimes it maybe they just need to

cry or scream. Its just important to be there.

Thanks Marty for posting

Thank you for posting that, Marty. I have learned that when I don't know what to say, I tell the person "I don't know what to say except that I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm here when you need me". I hope that's okay to say to someone. I have also read to offer specific tasks like you suggested.

Here's a "should": that list "should" be given to everyone who attends a funeral or memorial service. Maybe it might help those people who just can't help putting their foot in their mouth or those who truly don't understand or have never experienced the loss of someone close to them. JMHO.
Silver Dollar--

You are so right that that list should be included with memorial service bulletin.

When my husband died unexpectantly, most people were OK. I was glad to hear their stories, and I still say, after >1year, "George would have...."

There is a difference between inquiring about how I am doing with cleaning out the house, versus "you need to clean things out".

Fortunately all around have been so supportive and allowing me my time. In fact, I insist upon it.

I found in a Bible class that was composed mainly of widows (by chance) that we often can help each other, as each is a different place along the path. I found a very helpful (for me) daily meditations on grief book that I give people. I also included a letter of my experiences to those I know who are newly bereaved. It's kinda therapy for me, but tells of what experiences I have had. I'm not saying that this is what will happen to you, but if it does, you aren't alone or crazy.

No one understands your grief the same as someone who has had a similar loss. We had a couple that were friends, and now we ladies are widows. We can tell each other honestly how we feel, and cry together, or celebrate together, or ask blunt questions. Such a friend who is not intimately involved with your grief is a great gift.

My prayers for all of us who have lost loved ones.


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