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:aktion033: :aktion033: OH THANK GOD!!! :aktion033: :aktion033:

I have tears of joy in my eyes! I'm SO glad! I'd give you a big hug of relief if I could Rita! You must have been beside yourself with fear. WHEW!

Rest well!
I was so relieved when I called Viki and she said they had been found. You two get some rest and take care now. Miracles do happen, Huh! Sheila :aktion033:
So glad you found them..... :aktion033: :bgrin

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
Congratulations..I was just about to go to bed but wanted to see if there was any news about your little girls. Thank goodness they are safe and at home. :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:
Thank goodness!

Did it seem any were trying to find their way back home or were they at a distance just waiting for you to come get them?
Again, thank you all for your concern and prayers. It was good to wake up this morning knowing all my horses are where they are supposed to be!!

Cammie, I think they got back in the wheat field which could not be seen from any section line, and just couldn't find any opening back out, which was very fortunate to keep them off the roads. Three of them were happily grazing winter wheat that was sticking out in clumps from the ice. They were not even particuilarly hungry when we got them home. Thirsty, yes! One mare looked rather "lean" so she probably did not eat the wheat. No shelter whatsoever, so I'm sure they were cold the night they spent outside. There was one corner that was grown up with tall weeds, with evidence they had been there, so I guess that's where they overnighted.

Well, today is stock up day to prepare for our next round of bad weather. I am just so thankful we found them before this next one hits.

:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

YEAH!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!

Sooo happy the girls are home and safe and you can stay out of that horrible weather too!
Wonderful news. You must be elated! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:
PRAISE GOD they are home!!!!!!!!!!! SO happy for you!!!!!!!! :cheeky-smiley-006:
I am so thankful that you found your little babies. Thank the Good Lord that they are okay and back safely at home.

Rattlesnake Branch Miniatures
YEAH! That is AWESOME news. I am so happy for you and your mares! I am sure they are happy to be home.

:aktion033: :aktion033:

Thank goodness for a happy ending!! I know the agony and fear of having lost horses.

Last summer our 4 yearling fillies literally disappeared - we even suspected horse theft - we looked for several days before finding them - the feeling of relief in finding all 4 safe and sound is just indescribable.

I'm so glad your horses are all safely back home where they belong. it just makes them seem even more precious then ever!!

Hugs to you and those little "escape artists!!"

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