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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Southern, NJ
Next Thursday, September 14, Survivor is starting up again. Survivor - Cook Island!! I'll be ready and waiting front and center with my popcorn!
: One thing they're doing different this they're dividing the tribes by race..... :eek: like HOW is that going to work?! I think there will be alot more drama and it's not going to be pretty......wonder who the one was with this "big idea"...and then who jumped on the bandwagon? It will prove to be interesting indeed. :saludando:
Right there with ya, Sterling! :bgrin

I can't wait!
Should prove to be very enlightening though. Can't wait. Especially since Big Brother is almost over.
I thought the race thing was a joke when my husband first told me about it...but it looks to be true and wow..guess they're only doing two races?

That seems odd to me. *shrugs* But we will see. The last Survivor did not hold my attention and I didn't watch much of it. Hope they fix what's wrong and go back to the way it "was!"

There are actually 4 races competing on Survivor....white, black, hispanic and asian. Alot of people have been up in arms about this and claim it's segregation all over again. Each race/tribe will be voting off their own until the tribes merge somewhere down the road. I'm looking forward to watching it. Yes, it is probably a publicity ploy as Survivor's ratings were down last year.
General motors pulled all their ads from this season and the city of new york asked them not to air it. Like we need more racial divsion! They swear that it wont be like that but I guess we will all have to wait and see. Also i guess they offerred the ad spaces to dodge, ford etc and none of them would take it

I will have to set my DVR since I will be in Tulsa.
Jeff Probst was on the View yesterday. He said they are divided into 4 races, but not for long. In the next 3 or so episodes they will jumble them like they always do. It should be interesting. My family LOVES survivor. I actually hate the summer since it is not on. We look forward to Thursdays and have a "Fun" dinner and everyone eats in the living room that night. We also TIVO it because we hate the commercials.

From what Jeff said on the view, GM actually pulled out before the decision on the race issue.

Can't wait for the season to start! Tomorrow night! YEAH!
The TV Guide channel on cable had an hour long special about 2 weeks ago. If the people competing on the show don't have a problem with the race thing nobody else should either. My's just a TV program and in the scheme of things much to do about nothing. It's called PUBLICITY and it sure did work. As usual, the teams will be mixed in no time. I think people just have to much time on their hands.
: I know I will be watching.
Wow, thanks for the heads up....I work nights so I'll have to TVO it.
It's on Tonight!! Can't wait!! I love this time of year when all the new shows are coming on. Yes....I am a TV addict!!!
I'm going to insist we finally get TVO!!! We have football games on Thursdays and there has been nothing to watch for months, and I love Survivor!
It'll be a Survivor party tonight :aktion033: My family loves will be interesting with the theme they have this time around....I thought it was a joke as well. Where is Cook Island?