Well-Known Member
I know a lady who goes to Colorado and buys minis and regular horses as well. It's where I bought Promise and Ginger from. She normally brings back three tailers full. Some registered, some not. She has a very flashy palomino mare. BUT, I saw a mini with what looked like growths coming from her chin with flies all over it. I have never actually seen Strangles before and I hate to sound ignorant on this forum, but I just beeped my sis on her way to work and I was asking her about it and she says it sounds like strangles to her. And she also added not to buy from her anymore. I wasn't looking to buy this time just looking at what she brought in. Does this sounds like strangles to you? I came home and washed every stitch I had on including tennies. Should I stay totally away from this seller now ?
Thank you

Thank you