Spring Baths

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Jan 6, 2022
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I hope I don't get in trouble for asking this, has anyone tried using a carpet cleaner hose attachment to get that first spring cleaning done for clipping? Long story short, my husband suggested this as we cleaned up our SUV's carpet that was soaked in soured milk. Over the years we have tried a propane Hott Wash that only put out hot water, the pilot light constantly blew out, no way to adjust the temperature, splitter for a hose from the kitchen sink which worked once and then disaster, and hauling buckets of hot water. Now we are both older and dread spring bathing, so I told him it might be a good idea. My Bissell carpet cleaner (it's not a steam cleaner!),just might work. They don't mind the shop vacs noise on them, but with the clay sticking to their skin those did a good job blowing but not extracting. and they always have such thick long winter hair. My little horses are so desensitized from our calamity of baths, not much bothers them except the ice cold water from out hoses.
My first spring clippings I don’t give them a bath, I just clip the dirty horse 🤣 and clippings after that I may or may not give baths depends on my mood. They say dirt will dull your blades but I don’t care, I just buy new blades.
Clipping Billy the last two days. First tried without the bath, and that wasn't going well so I gave him a bath first. I have a heated water system so he enjoyed it--as much as any horse could enjoy a bath!
Worked on him some more. I am no clipping artist so he isn't smooth, but I think he is more comfortable. Now I can see a couple of owies that need some attention.
Billy has the most swirls I've ever seen. I was clipping in all directions trying to tame them. I'm going to review my TTouch book to see what it says about a zillion swirls. This is my first time to clip him.
Something I learned: I bought a new Andis #10. I did my usual couple of drops of oil and it didn't work at all. I thought I had got a bad one. Handyman husband came home and gave me a lesson in oiling blades. He soaked it good, massaged it, attached it, and it clipped perfectly. So, fresh from the factory it was dry as a bone and could not work properly.
Personally, I would use a livestock blower if I had the option, plus or minus bath. It will help get the dirt up and away from the skin so the blades can cut more effectively.
I had thought of using the air compressor first, but ended up just bathing. The blades went over like butter after the bath. It is 80 degrees here; if the weather had been closer to 50-60 I would have used the air compressor instead of bathing. Nice to have options!
Ah to have heat... We're still close to or below freezing every night. It's supposed to get to a high of 57 F degrees today (I have to keep finding a temperature conversion chart to be able to relate to my Celsius!) It was a bit warmer than that last weekend, but much colder yesterday. Didn't get the snow they were forecasting, just some rain. Glad it's warmer today, I have to take my motorcycle to the mechanic for its' spring checkup! :cool:
Ah to have heat... We're still close to or below freezing every night. It's supposed to get to a high of 57 F degrees today (I have to keep finding a temperature conversion chart to be able to relate to my Celsius!) It was a bit warmer than that last weekend, but much colder yesterday. Didn't get the snow they were forecasting, just some rain. Glad it's warmer today, I have to take my motorcycle to the mechanic for its' spring checkup! :cool:
Oh, it will get cool again here. He will likely have to have a blanket one of these days.

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