vickie gee
Well-Known Member
Please tell something you have learned lately.
This is what I learned yesterday evening: Actually two things (1) Always have a spare key hidden and easily accessible just in case you lock yourself out of your home. (2) That I am no longer limber enough or slender enough to climb through a window without feeling it the next day.
Make it three. (3) Never leave a pot cooking on the stove top if you are going to lock yourself out of the house.
I felt like a nut! After dark I was outside filling up tubs to soak hay in for the low starch gang aka The LS Gang which consists of three members. Since hubby was out of town picking up a free to us boat I was Home Alone so I had the house locked and my barn and house keys in my pocket. My brother called on my cell to see how my day went as I had taken Dad for his chemo treatment. While we talked I decided to go in and stir my soup. As I was going back outside I hung my keys back up on the key holder and shut the door. Gulp! Idiot! Panic! I did not bother to tell my brother since there was nothing he could do so why bother to let him know his sister is an idiot who just locked herself out of the house. I turned off the water hose, which was smart since I have managed to forget about it a few times and run the well dry which really displeases my husband. It displeased me even more the time I did it while he was living out of town last year. I gained new sympathy for all those "colder than a well digger's butts" I ever heard a tale of as it was winter time and somehow I managed to get water all over myself while I was crouched inside the well house priming the pump. Woops, sorry I tend to ramble. Ok, back to yesterday with me locked out of the house. I am not one to leave windows unlocked, but being ever so hopeful I knew there was a chance. Earlier in the day Dad had told me a story about an old black man declaring "the Lawd will PROvide" during a time of hunger for the old gentleman. So with Dad's tale fresh on my mind I set out to devise a plan of breaking in to my house via a window. Of course I keep my windows locked. There was just a chance maybe one was not. Have faith, right? Windows 1-7 were locked of course. Window 8 has a pole smack dab in front of it. Windows 9 and 10 would not budge either.While McGivering to remove screens with a minnow dip net and a trowel I finished destroying the screen on 9 which had seen better days before I attempted a break in. Told the Lord that if he was going to provide that my kitchen window was the last one. Screen off and hallelllllllllooooooooyah window raises! I fetch a lawn chair to stand on. As the lawn chair was falling over from soft ground and my clumsiness I managed to climb onto the little wooden structure that houses our water treatment. I remove my rain boots and put them in the kitchen sink, slide my ceramic rooster to safety and climb through the window with all the grace of a bull in a china closet. Soup was nice and warm and all turned out well. My spare key is now back in the old hiding place.
Surely someone else has had a recent life lesson. Would love to hear about them.
This is what I learned yesterday evening: Actually two things (1) Always have a spare key hidden and easily accessible just in case you lock yourself out of your home. (2) That I am no longer limber enough or slender enough to climb through a window without feeling it the next day.
Make it three. (3) Never leave a pot cooking on the stove top if you are going to lock yourself out of the house.
I felt like a nut! After dark I was outside filling up tubs to soak hay in for the low starch gang aka The LS Gang which consists of three members. Since hubby was out of town picking up a free to us boat I was Home Alone so I had the house locked and my barn and house keys in my pocket. My brother called on my cell to see how my day went as I had taken Dad for his chemo treatment. While we talked I decided to go in and stir my soup. As I was going back outside I hung my keys back up on the key holder and shut the door. Gulp! Idiot! Panic! I did not bother to tell my brother since there was nothing he could do so why bother to let him know his sister is an idiot who just locked herself out of the house. I turned off the water hose, which was smart since I have managed to forget about it a few times and run the well dry which really displeases my husband. It displeased me even more the time I did it while he was living out of town last year. I gained new sympathy for all those "colder than a well digger's butts" I ever heard a tale of as it was winter time and somehow I managed to get water all over myself while I was crouched inside the well house priming the pump. Woops, sorry I tend to ramble. Ok, back to yesterday with me locked out of the house. I am not one to leave windows unlocked, but being ever so hopeful I knew there was a chance. Earlier in the day Dad had told me a story about an old black man declaring "the Lawd will PROvide" during a time of hunger for the old gentleman. So with Dad's tale fresh on my mind I set out to devise a plan of breaking in to my house via a window. Of course I keep my windows locked. There was just a chance maybe one was not. Have faith, right? Windows 1-7 were locked of course. Window 8 has a pole smack dab in front of it. Windows 9 and 10 would not budge either.While McGivering to remove screens with a minnow dip net and a trowel I finished destroying the screen on 9 which had seen better days before I attempted a break in. Told the Lord that if he was going to provide that my kitchen window was the last one. Screen off and hallelllllllllooooooooyah window raises! I fetch a lawn chair to stand on. As the lawn chair was falling over from soft ground and my clumsiness I managed to climb onto the little wooden structure that houses our water treatment. I remove my rain boots and put them in the kitchen sink, slide my ceramic rooster to safety and climb through the window with all the grace of a bull in a china closet. Soup was nice and warm and all turned out well. My spare key is now back in the old hiding place.
Surely someone else has had a recent life lesson. Would love to hear about them.