So who now owns Zorro for

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Well, I was trying to keep it my little secret but....

I am curious too!
I saw him at Worlds last year....what an awesome horse

Johnathan Whit bought out the rest of the partnership.

That ad in the MHW is tacky-tacky-TACKY.
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Lol Jill, did Jonathan Whitt buy Zorro for you??? LOL j/k

I don't have my MHW handy....what is the tacky ad about????

On a serious note, Zorro is a scrumptious looking little horse. NICE.
Zorro has always been one of my favorites!

Which MHW? Is it the one that's coming this month? I don't have it yet.
Zorro is very lovely indeed. Can trot a good lick too. ;)

The ad basically has 4 pictures of Zorro. 1 as a weanie, 1 as a yearling, 1 winning National Grand, and 1 as a senior horse. Under the 3 aged photos the ad reveals how much he was sold for at that age. Tacky.
I might be a little on the tasteless side, (the ad), however, I do think it is important for the Miniature Horse industry to keep a finger on the pulse of sales.

I don't know that a sale like the one of Zorro could be considered typical, nor should anyone just "getting into" minis think they will get that for theirs.

However, if properly managed and tended, his get should be able to help "raise the bar" for the Miniature Horse in that dept. (by that I mean gelding all his colts except the ones that are as good or BETTER than he, and not breeding his daughters which are inferior)

Too bad we don't have a counterpart to that ad w/the prices of some of the majority of horses that are sold. I have personally sold a lot of decent horses for under one thousand dollars, but if they are males, you bet they will be gelded at least. Not that any were on the level of Zorro, but I bet if I owned him, I'd be lucky to get $2500 for him! *LOL*

I really do like this horse, though. How tall is he?

Liz M.
So, then who is in partnership with Zorro?...the way I took the person bought him for 400,000.00...maybe I am wrong
Karin - NaKar Miniatures said:
There is a lot more to the story as to how that $400,000 price tag came about.  Not very nice.  It is a shame it had to come to that.

Yes, there is some back story to it...... but in the end, JSW farm wholly owns Zorro now.
humm humm, Who is Zorro, where can i see this fantastic he on a website....just curious....
Littleum said:
Zorro is very lovely indeed. Can trot a good lick too. ;)
The ad basically has 4 pictures of Zorro. 1 as a weanie, 1 as a yearling, 1 winning National Grand, and 1 as a senior horse. Under the 3 aged photos the ad reveals how much he was sold for at that age. Tacky.


I dont get the world but yes I agree that sounds umm not something I would do but.. he is a nice nice horse would pretty much print almost anything if it meant he could come live here
He is beautiful... But $400,000? Good Lord! I can think of a LOT of things I could buy for that! I'd think to spend that much on a horse, you'd have to have more money than you knew what to do with. Just my opinion. I love the one's I have dearly and the certainly didn't cost anywhere near that!
Please don't flame me
... but in my opinion, Zorro may be a bit overestimated. I'm not such a huge fan of the Buckeroo bloodline anyway, so it's no big deal for me that he is the only black pinto Buckeroo son. However, I'm pretty much in the minority here LOL
Anyways, everyone has to decide for themselves what they think a horse is worth to them and that's it. I find it very tasteless to promote his price like that.

I really do like this horse, though. How tall is he?
As far as I know, he is permanently registered at 33.5"
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Overestimated????????? You can over estimate my horse ANY time at that Price! Some people can't believe he sold for that. Butttttttttttttttttt,,,,,,,,,if they walked onto your lot and offered you that dollar amount for one of yours, you'd say NO!
To me, he is worth what he was sold for, and you can't argue that, because to pay that price, the new owner thought he was worth that.

Personally, I like him a lot. Saw him drive twice last year, I know nothing of driving, but I sure did like what I saw.