Smoke free one full day,,,,,anybody got more straws

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Muncie, Indiana
I laid down the smokes on the 9th. I have been preparing.

Put a patch on yesterday and man did my stomach not like it. I think it's just too strong. So I only have it on for about 1/2 hour and take it off,,,,,,,put it back on after about 4 hours and again took it off. Yuck, what a crappy taste it puts in your mouth.

Chewed on straws whenever I needed something in my hands or mouth,,,,,,,geeze,,,is there a patch for the straw????

Kept myself busy, but not sure I can keep up that pace.

Yesterday,,,,,got up fed and cleaned horses,,,,,,,came in,,,,,swept 4 floors, did 4 loads of laundry,,cleaned 2 bathrooms and put supper in the crock pot. Went back out, cleaned up all the limbs, branches from the wind storm last week. Winterized my trailer so to speak,,,,,cleaned inside and out, put conditioner on tires. Cleaned the storage shed outside, even power washed the floor.

Came in ran the sweeper, finished up a few Christmas decorations, put those boxes back down in the basement and swept the basement floor and got cob webs down.

Back out to feed horses, cleaned barn, did repairs on a few stall walls.

Came in, ate supper, cleaned up mess. Cleaned by daughters room who will be home for Christmas,,,,wrapped a few presents,,,,,,dusted the living and dining room,,,,gave the 2 dogs a bath,,,,,,and sat down and wondered why I felt tired. :lol:

Wanted to thank Deb who sent me a few stones to help me out. One I hang onto for dear life. She always steps in to help me out in whatever way she can. I sure do appreciate her,,,,alot!

Not to bad right now,,,,,just have to keep busy.

I'm thinking I may need to come to your house next,,,,,,but surely I can't run out of stuff to do.

Whew,,,,,,one day at a time. But I am kind of wondering how people gain weight when they quit. I think I worked off a pound or two just yesterday.

Thanks to all who have lended their support. I am sure I will be back for more.
[SIZE=18pt]You can do it. I chewed gum when I quite 8 years ago. It was the only thing that saved me. Straws aren't the best thing to hcew on. We are constinatly telling my mom's foster kids to not chew on them. I know I'm younger than you, but try gum instead, sugar free gum.[/SIZE]


You can do it I have faith in you. You'll feel much better.
I ate peanuts when I quit smoking. Its been almost 7 months now. If I can do it, YOU can do it too! :aktion033:
Two years ago on Christmas morning I woke up and said to myself, I have everything. There was nothing I wanted . I did want to quit smoking after 30 years so that was my present to myself. It will 2 years on Christmas I have't had a cig. I miss them alot but I needed to quit. For 3 weeks I kept a pencil to draw on and alot of gum and it worked.Good luck it sure isn't easy but breathing is so much better!
Caro, you know I'm happy to help but I suggested a regemin for you and if you choose to go cold'll be harder. JMHO
Congratulations!! Stay focused!! You are going thru the hardest part right now. Today happens to be my 8 mos. quit anniversary. I was dedicated to my habit, so if I can break it anyone can, but you gotta wanna and it sounds like you do.

Stay focused!!
Wow, congratulations and continued best wishes for success.

Your rewards will be great, and I hope you will look back with pride on what you're undertaking.

Keep it up, girl!

Liz M.
good for you :aktion033: :aktion033: keep it up! it's hard but with time WILL get better... the most important thing is try not to backslide but if you mess up and have a cig, don't beat yourself up about it, just pick yourself up and quit again! i have never smoked but my dad did the whole time i was growing up till about 15 or so (which i think is why i have never smoked) - anyway i remember the difference in my life just not having the second-hand smoke around. so again i say GOOD FOR YOU!!!
Well, I made it through one more day, didn't cheat, kept myself busy, and got through yesterday. That is how I plan to get through today.

Thanks so much for the support and words of encouragement, it is greatly appreciated and yes,,,,,it helps very much.

Deb, I didn't really go cold turkey, I have been cutting down per day, for over the past 5-6 weeks. So it has been ok.

Last night my son walked into the kitchen and he said, do you smell that?

I kind of looked around, and said no.

His reply,,,,,,,Exactly, :bgrin
Oh good Caro, I am not a cold turkey person. OMG if I had to give up chocolate you'd have to put me in a rubber room. :new_shocked:
Wishing you the best of luck in your desire to quit smoking. I quit nearly 5 years ago and had been a smoker for close to 40 years. A couple of tips to help you over the cravings....... every now and then take a big, cleansing deep breath. It feels so good to pull all that clean air into your lungs and makes you more aware of why not smoking is a good thing.. Next, brush your teeth. Every smoker has times of the day when they crave a smoke more, like after meals. If that's the case for you, get up from the table and go brush your teeth. It really dampens the craving when you have a fresh clean mouth. I was brushing my teeth 6-8 times a day, and boy was my dentist amazed at how nice my teeth were, haha.

I used Nicorette gum to help me quit, and it really did help me a lot. I used it for 3 months, and then switched over to regular gum. I think I must have chewed gum for a couple of years, and then found myself not chewing it much any more. Now I don't at all.
Good for you, Carolyn!!!! This is definitely one of the hardest things you'll ever do, but YOU CAN DO IT!!! I've been a non-smoker now for almost 11 years, and once in a while I still miss it. However, after watching my mother die of lung cancer, I'd put a bullet between my eyes before I'd light up again.

I just received an email from my brother saying that it's been 23 hours since his last smoke! Praise God!! He's had some medical scares lately, the most recent being yesterday when he went to PA to have a benign cyst removed from his throat, and that has finally made him decide to quit. (Apparently watching our mother wasn't enough.) What are the stones you referred to? If they're helping you, I'd like to see if I could maybe get some for Peter.

Don't give up, Carolyn!
PREHNITE: soft glowing green) is a crystal that can heal the healer. It can help with meditation and getting in touch with ones inner self. This stone enables one to always feel prepared, no matter what or where they may be.

Get with Degs,,Dimimore
Good for you :aktion033:

I had my 3 yr anniversary in September of being smoke free

The only advise I can give you is you might want to switch to the gum...the only reason being it is more natural than the patch. The patch is putting nicotine in your body CONSTANTLY (you don't Smoke constantly) The gum actually gives you the nicotine as you would smoke ( just remember chew & park) You'll get the hang of it....everybody chews different.

I have had MORE family & friends quit with chewing the gum than using the fact I don't know of anyone that quit with the patch for very long.

Sunflower seeds worked for me too and lots of diet soda.

Stay away from situations for awhile of people smoking...why put yourself through it...and it is so easy to say.."just give me a few puffs"

Notice how wonderful you smell
and chocolate tastes

* and never forget....everyday is different and next week will be soooo much easier than today

Tomorrow will be easier too....You can do it !!!! Teri
[SIZE=12pt]You sound like you are doing great Carolyn. Most people gain weight because they are eating to give their mouth something to do, but you don't sound like you will have that problem and that it great. A lot of times when someone quits smoking, they eat, gain weight and get depressed because of the extra weight and simply because they know they can't smoke. So it sounds like you have that licked. I smoked for twenty plus years and almost two years ago. What a difference! I still have my "Dr. Phil" pack in the drawer in the kitchen with my trusty lighter that I only use now for lighting candles... I agree with JumpinJackFarm with everything except she thinks that she loved smoking more than me...LOL It's just as addictive as heroine and so hard to quit. I love to hear when someone quits just because it's so bad for us. ((((((((HUGS)))))))))) and best wishes to you as you embark on this journey!! Shannon
Last night my son walked into the kitchen and he said, do you smell that?

I kind of looked around, and said no.

His reply,,,,,,,Exactly, :bgrin
doesn't that just say it all!!!

good for you Carolyn, KEEP IT UP!! obviously you have lots of support here if you feel the need, just holler and we will all tie your hands behind your back, put duct tape over your mouth and hide the cigarettes LOL.
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Carolyn, Taking one day at a time is the way to do it. Just look back at each day and pat yourself on the back and say...I did it and I can do another day. BTW if the patch seems too strong for you, try cutting it in half...I did and it woked much better for me. Only had to use it 10 days and I was ready to go cold turkey without any nicotine! Best thing I ever done for myself and it has been almost 9 years since I stopped and feel so free! Good going gal. :aktion033: :aktion033: Mary
You GO GIRL!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

It sounds too simple, but the KEY that got me through it was this:

I never told myself I could not smoke or should not smoke. That would have made me crave it. INSTEAD, I told myself "I DO NOT DO THAT ANY MORE". That was the mind trick. I'd crave and then I'd remember I don't smoke and I'd relax and not crave.

My last open pack in my ash tray and almost a full carton are still in the kitchen cupboard. One more month and it will be 2 years for me! It's a miracle!

I know you can do it too Carolyn!

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