Showing AMHA vs AMHR

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Feb 25, 2019
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All my showing so far has been Amhr, but I'm thinking about trying out Amha, now that I have a horse with A papers. In my case the only A shows are both A and R, so it's the same people running it. I'm guessing the same judges although I could be wrong about that. Is everything else the same? Same measuring, similar rules? Will I find any surprises? Any helpful advice? Anything I should know that will be different?
How exciting!

I don’t show much, but I think the age for obstacle classes are different or they use to be anyways… I can’t remember. In one club horses had to be 2, in the other club horses had to be 3yo….or was it 1yo…. 🤔

Also showmanship class patterns and how they want you to “show the judge” I think are different.

I think cart requirements for the roadster class is a little different too, you may want to check.

Good luck! 🥳
@Kelly is correct! There are a few differences in those areas. For obstacle in AMHA, they must be 3yrs old vs AMHR where they can be yearlings.
They only use the showmanship patterns that are listed in their rulebook and they do use the quarter system vs the half system that AMHR uses.
And they do require closed wheels and reversing on the diagonal in roadster classes.
In addition, some classes have different names. Western Country becomes Classic Pleasure in AMHA for example. Jumping is decided by height rather than time. Horses are not encouraged to show stretched in halter. Western clothing is mandatory in Stock Type.
Other than that, I am not aware of any major differences on the local level offhand.
If you are at a local show that is A&R, the judges are usually the same for both. However, I have seen them use one or two different judges for an A show who were not in the R show, but they usually don't switch them all out. The show premium will give you that information.
The judging is the same as R at the local level but they use a different format for their Regional and World shows.
Just double check the rulebook and you shouldn't have any trouble!
Thanks! I would have never thought of an age limit on obstacle, they have yearling obstacle for the big horses. Is the measuring the same, once a year? Can you do it once for both registries or do they have different measurers?
Thanks! I would have never thought of an age limit on obstacle, they have yearling obstacle for the big horses. Is the measuring the same, once a year? Can you do it once for both registries or do they have different measurers?
Yes the measuring is different that way! At local shows, you do not have to re-measure if you are showing A&R, but you must re-measure for AMHA at every show, until your horse gets a permanent card which they can only do by being measured at a Regional show AND World in the same year.....once they are fully 5yrs old.
Wait, so if I don't take my horse to regionals and World, which I won't be....I would have to measure him in at the start of every AMHA show? If you got a permanent card do you never measure again? Once a year is bad enough, It's stressful.
@LostandFound Yes, that is correct. If you get a permanent card, you never measure again unless you are protested. If you do not have a permanent card, you must measure in at every show.
I like the idea or a permanent card that really is permanent, but I guess that only works for the trainers, or people who live near worlds. Someone like me doesn't get to drive halfway across the country for horse shows. Lol.
Is this a good thread to discuss registries more in depth or is there a thorough thread hiding somewhere? Trying to “teach” myself about AMHA/AMHR and their websites are not exactly straightforward…. and what in the world is World Class?
Is this a good thread to discuss registries more in depth or is there a thorough thread hiding somewhere? Trying to “teach” myself about AMHA/AMHR and their websites are not exactly straightforward…. and what in the world is World Class?
You can start your own thread on it and/or feel free to send me a PM! I'd be more than happy to answer your questions on showing.

Amha and Amhr have a lot of differences, the biggest one being height. Amha is for horses 34 and under, R also registers up to 38". There is a lot more than that, but I won't go into it here.
The World Show is AMHA's yearly championship show. AMHR's is called Nationals. Both have international entries, but A changed the name of theirs so it wouldn't be confused with R.
You can start your own thread on it and/or feel free to send me a PM! I'd be more than happy to answer your questions on showing.

Amha and Amhr have a lot of differences, the biggest one being height. Amha is for horses 34 and under, R also registers up to 38". There is a lot more than that, but I won't go into it here.
The World Show is AMHA's yearly championship show. AMHR's is called Nationals. Both have international entries, but A changed the name of theirs so it wouldn't be confused with R.
Thank you, I appreciate it!!
Both registries are confusing with their shows. I have shown AMHR for maybe 3 years now and I still get confused about some things. You can also ask questions here, chances are good someone will know the answer.

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