Well-Known Member
to make a long story hubby bought a mare against my wishes and pocketbook. she has no papers no history..She is wild, unappraochable will kick and aim right at you if cornered..... I have been around enough horses to know the type that has the potential to hurt someone..(we have children that come visit)....she is also bigger than I thought we had decided on..she is approx 40 maybe 41" WHAT WAS HE THINKING!!! Ok, back to the more pressing problem........the trouble is ..she is pregnant...getting bigger daily....I think she will go before 2006.......I watch my 17 month old grandbaby daily..hubby works.. 5 months,mare is still the same.....noone has the time she needs...can do nothing with her and I think I must have some deep seated hostility towards her because of how she came here..and I KNOW its not her fault she was made that way not born that way..I am not proud of how this makes me feel or even understand why...
but I am just trying to be honest....I have never had an animal I did not like or get along with..I always thought I was a kind and loving person....till now....
this has been so upsettiong to me...that I just cannot seem to warm up to this poor horse.......
worming..shots, brushing, bonding, treats, Vet..farrier, will this happen
I took a chance on posting this....and I am asking for your help on how to deal with this much for a 'long story short'

worming..shots, brushing, bonding, treats, Vet..farrier, will this happen
I took a chance on posting this....and I am asking for your help on how to deal with this much for a 'long story short'