Sent a girl to jail

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004
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Straits Area Michigan
Never did this before but I was mad this time as it never happened to me before. Here is what I wrote to my sister, too tired to write it again:

Only in our family:) We're going along having a nice visit with Jessica and Mark but a busy one. Guys decided to go to St Ignace for an hours to the casino, (Carl won $76 but lost my $10 in quarters I gave him:(

Anyway Jessica and I headed to Walmart so I could buy little Evie an Easter dress to send her..I do that every year and have much fun doing it as she's the last of our little ones and a girl at that. SO many cute things out there now. Also Mar 29th is their Church's father/daughter banquet we found the perfect pale yellow chiffon Easter dress that will also work for the church event and was only $15.

Meanwhile I had to go to restroom as my water pill kicked in...

Make a long story short I came out and a weird girl who looked like Pippi Long-stockings and was dressed like her banged into me hard was in an electric cart and drove on up front to meet Jessica at the Pharmacy dept and when I got to her we both noticed at same time my purse was gone! Missing from cart. We rushed to report it and after a while security returned believe it or not with my purse saying they had recovered it!

I was thrilled but quickly discovered my cell phone missing along with my money which I carry in daddy's old money clip, a leather one with a Moose stamped on it. I had 62 in cash in there.

Also missing my yellow beaded change purse with $4,87 in it.

You know Carl had just bought me a Buxton over the shoulder organizer purse as seen on TV:) fro Valentines day. In the very back of it is a sort of hidden zippered compartment that rides against your body..anyway that's where I keep my container with my credit cards and ATM card and another with all my medical cards..they were still in my purse! She didn't have time to find them!

They had nabbed her for shoplifting something and were questioning her and she was crying so they asked if she had a phone to call anyone because she said she had ridden to the store with a friend. She said she didn't have a phone but just then MY phone rang in her purse because Mark was trying to call us girls to check on us! The policeman grabbed her purse and opened it and found my purse and the report had JUST come in that a purse was stolen and missing was a cell phone that's how they found my stuff!

Just got lucky..they rounded up the "friend" and found my money in that other girls purse!so they were working together to rip people off at Walmart. You should have seen the wad they had of money..bigger than a fist full!

Course they were arrested on the spot hauled off in cuffs, and we all had to go to the police station including by now Carl and Mark who had rushed here.We all wrote out our statements and because the value of my stuff including me cell phone was over $200 it's a felony and she will do time!

We have to probably go back to testify but we told them Jessica will be in St Maarten so if they want her it will cost them a first class ticket;) They can add it to the girls fine LOL

Well anyway I think Wal Mart did a good job, very swiftly and brought in the police so quickly and this all started happening at 4:30 pm and we were home by 7:30 pm including the police station! Not bad.
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Grrrrrrr...this kind of stuff just chaps me to no end!! I'm so glad they caught this DARE they??!! People that prey on unsuspecting innocent others minding their own business deserve to go to jail. Less riff-raff on the streets!
I've also been robbed (at Disney World) and its definately a creepy feeling. However, it always makes me wonder what drove the person to rob in the first place?
Maxinne, don't feel bad for one minute that she got busted. She's a theif plain and simple. Plus she had this pre-planned. She is going to get what she deserves. If it's her first offense, she'll probably get off with a handslap. She's probably home right now out on bail.

I had my wallet stolen years ago out of my cart at Walmart shoe department when my back was turned. She got away and went right to the mall and began charging all sorts of things. She never did get caught and I had all kinds of problems with Identity Theft. I never did get my license or sscard back or any of it. So be glad, not sad that she got caught. That was just the first time, the second time I had Identity Theft issues because I unknowingly responded to a bogus email one time from paypal asking me to verify my account. It was scammers and I didn't know any better but now I do. So by golly I know how difficult this could have been for you. Don't worry about having to show up in court if you won't be there locally. They can just take your statement and use it. This could have ended up a lot differently so again, don't be sad. You got lucky.
I have NO use for theives or anyone who can't keep their sticky fingers off of other peoples property! :arg!

She/they deserve(s) jail but like Marty said will probably only get a slap on the hand.

Our courts are too easy on criminals. If they had to suffer some consequence the FIRST time they got into trouble maybe they would think twice about a second or third offence. We need more Sheriff Joe Arpios (AZ)! (sp?)
Oh, they are a slick pair, aren't they? I really doubt this was a first offense. Sounds to me like these two have lots of experience. My purse got stolen many years ago, by someone who had taught her PRESCHOOLER to lift purses! I mean, an adult moving in on your stuff, you might notice, but who worries about a small child? Fortunately for me, I was a college student at the time, poor as a church mouse, and they only got about $10, no credit cards or anything else useful . And no, they didn't get caught, (that time) but they were well known to the mall security guards. They taught me one thing - don't let go of your purse! Ever since then, all of my purses have had shoulder straps, I keep them zipped and on my person whenever I'm in a very public place like Walmart. Do I look paranoid? Probably. I also look people in the eye and maybe greet them (this is the South, you can still get away with that!) if someone gets near me. For really quick trips, I leave the purse at home, and just put what I need in my pockets. That's one nice thing about snug jeans - no one can remove anything from your pocket without you noticing!

Rather curious that Pippi should be dressed in such a distictive fashion. Usually crooks prefer not to be noticed. Maybe it was some sort of disguise, meant to throw off security personnel that might have recognized her in her more usual persona. Perhaps the reason they caught her shoplifting is, they did recognize her, and were just watching for it. Sadly, she probably won't do any real time for this, and most likely will only learn to be a little more careful next time. As to why? Well, there's a reason people don't get their money by earning it, or need a lot more than they earn. For most, it's drugs. Pippi's crocodile tears wouldn't have moved me at all, she's a loser. If anything, you might have done her a favor. Maybe, just maybe, she'll decide this whole business is just too much of a hassle, and clean up her act. I wouldn't hold my breath.
Sometimes I think getting mad is the right thing to do. How lucky that they caught her and how coincidental that your phone rang at just the right time.

I cant believe that! Some people will just push and be as dishonest as they can!

I am glad you got your stuff back, you were lucky she was in the store and your phone rang.. I hope these girls do gets theres...

Nowadays you just cant trust people- its a shame what this world is coming too..

Marty- I also got the paypal email but had heard ahead that it was a scam so didnt do it. I cancelled my paypal account and havent used it since.. I am scared to open another paypal account due to this..

I once worked in a clothing store and all our purses (clear so you could see in them) were locked up and management had to open it . Well I (management) opened the door and this girl got her purse- well she took money out of my purse right there with me 3 ft away!! I of course called her on it, she had to be the one cause no-one else had been in the locked cabinet. She lied til I went off on her and threatened police and she gave me back my money! She got fired for her trouble... Some people dont get it!!
She deserved it! Don't feel bad. Thank God she didn't get your credit cards and then got away!

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