Seen Any Good Movies Lately

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The most recent for me was Stardust...I LOVED it. It was a bit cheesey--come on, it is a fairytale! I thought it was sweet and charming and something I WILL add to my DVD collection.

The most recent for me was Stardust...I LOVED it. It was a bit cheesey--come on, it is a fairytale! I thought it was sweet and charming and something I WILL add to my DVD collection.

I had that on our Netflix que and just moved it to the top based on your recommendation
I just got back from seeing Definitely, Maybe. I really really enjoyed it. It made for a great afternoon.
I really liked "StarDust". Almost as good as Princess Bride.

And real life story of " The World's Fastest Indian"


Have also been using Netflix for almost a year now.

Hubby and DS got "Transformers" and hate to say it...wasn't a bad movie.
I'm a scary movie type of person and my husband is stupid comedy type so it's quite the range we watch. Feel good movies usually are not on our "want to" see list.

I was dying to go to I am Legend but wasn't near as impressed as I had hoped to be. Love Will Smith but only luke warm on the movie.

Those getting the same rating would also be;

Underworld; evolution

Resident Evil; extinction (best of the three listed I suppose but not as good as the first two resident evils)

If you think Good Luck Chuck might offend you it probably will. I did find myself laughing pretty hard every now and then but yep it's pretty raunchy.

The Simpsons Movie was a utter waste of time.
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I thought Stardust was good, also.

Watched "In the Valley of Elah" last night, and it was a similar cast to No Country for Old Men in that it had Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin and Barry Corbin in it. No Woody, though. The movie was pretty good. I think Charlize Theron is a pretty good actress overall.

Haven't gotten to Michael Clayton, yet. Maybe tomorrow.

We just saw Bourn Ultimatum, very good! Also Beo wolf(sp?) and Mr Woodcock, neither of which could keep my attention.

I have had people say that The brave one with Jody Foster is great, so thats the next on my list!

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We have TiVo so we go to and get their unboxed videos that download straight to the TiVo. We watched The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. It was good if you like historical movies (which I do). Right now in the cue we have Michael Clayton, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, and To Kill the King. I have to wait for hubby to watch Michael Clayton but I think I'm going to watch one of the other ones today with my 4 yr old goes down for his nap. I'll update when I'm done watching the next movie....

The Assassination of Jesse James : 3.5 of 5 stars for me.