Really Sad 15 Miniature Horses Seized in

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I saw this on the news last night and was thoroughly disgusted. It was awful....the story is bad enough but if you saw the pics...I have never seen horses with hooves in such deplorable conditions. The literally were so long they came out and curled up almost to their knees...looking similar to elf shoes. I hope the owner is punished to the full extent!!
I second Leia's question! I just turned my big horses out full time on their pasture and have several empty stalls in my barn and plenty of time and a good farrier. I'll do some digging....

Not sure. It never said. I know they are in Yamhill Cty and that was the extent. I guess the first place to start may be the GrandE Ronde Police dept? Not sure, but they will need help I am guessing. The pics were so sad.
I wonder if anyone at the news station/paper who did the article can help with info?
Oh my God! Just unreal! I just don't know what the heck is wrong with people?? That neglect has been going on for a long time. How long does it take for feet to get that long? How sad for those poor horses.
In the article they said a rescue group called HART has them and is looking after them. Does that help?
Here is a blog/website with contact info for HART (the rescue group involved with these horses) and its director, Jamie Cheslock.

[email protected]

She works closely (and the news mentioned) Carlton Veterinary Services, phone: 503-852-7009

As timing would have it, I'll be visiting my mother for the next few days and will have no computer available, so I'm hoping someone else in this area could provide an email in case they prefer to communicate that way, it would help. I'm going to call the vet clinic now and will post what I learn. I'm going to give them the email addresses for CMHR for starters, but I'm hoping we can locate some people with extra pasture space -- quarantined from others, as these horses appear to have had no vet care at all in many years.
I've never seen hooves that long, those POOR horses!
I would guess that they had never been trimmed, their entire lives (or at least their entire time with that neglectful owner). It's good to hear that they are out of there now. I'm entirely disgusted at that woman's lack of care or caring.

In the link that BlueStar posted, there is a box with info where people can donate to help.
If anyone finds the info for Hart rescue please send it to cmhr as we would like to offer to help them with the minis

oops nevermind i think i found it. they have a blog

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Poor guys! I hope they can find good loving homes in the next few months.
I just spoke with Jamie of HART. She is very grateful for everyone's interest and support regarding this case.

I told her about CMHR and LB -- she tried to join the forum last summer, but said it wouldn't let her.

kaykay, I'll send you a pm with her phone number.

She is an extremely kind, caring woman. She said that the 15 horses are currently rotating between her arena and a quarantine pasture, but she has to be very careful to limit the rich grass. She has had a farrier out already, but they will all need a great deal of follow-up trimming. Many also need dental work, and I'm hoping to get her in touch with Dr. Richard Vetter.

Of course, they will all need foster homes and adoptive homes...I just wish we had more room here.

Thanks everyone for you concern!
thanks for all the info susanne i really appreciate it!

OMG! I heard about this right before I had to get ready for work this morning. Now I found another link where right here in Columbia County they have rescued two dozen dogs. They had been living inside of a house for 3 yrs and the fecal matter was piled up to 8 to 10inches deep. Our humane society isn't really large enough to care for all these poor sad animals. Why do people do this. I'm in shock over all this inhumanity. I am thoroughly disgusted and heart broken for these animals who deserve so much more from those of us who are supposed to be the smarter ones on this planet.

What they will give back to us is ten fold.
I would love to see more rescues be able to have the power to seize. There is just way too much of this crap going on everywhere. Makes me sick.
Ok, so I guess this kind of reminds me of a dog that I groomed, (yes, I own a grooming business) and some people really let their dogs go WAY to long in between grooms. There is no law against it. This dog had BASEBALL mats behind his ears, never mind the rest of him. I had already shaved this dogs legs, you never would have seen the nails before. When will this END!!!!!

*Quick off topic here for luvtoridesaddleseat*

How do you cut down nails That long with out Really hurting the dog?

My dad's chi has Bad nails, and the vet just keeps kinda filing away at them, but they are not really getting any shorter. I suggested try another vet, sedate, and whack them off, but was shot down as current vet said dog would bleed out- even with the use of the coagualters. (sp there!)

Any thoughts?

Back on topic-

I have never seen feet so bad. It just defies all reasonable thought!

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