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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
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I have one lil mini horse, and when i went and got him(sept but seems so long ago LOL), there was a Dwarf at the same place.

Now fast forward to yesterday. I was at the vet for unrealted animal (dog broken leg), and happend to see the lady that sold me my Comanchee, And she told me now the lil dwarf is up for sale.

He is a lil male as is my boy, mine is still stud.

Now here is the Questions - Is there any chance that my boy would get along with him? What special care does a dwarf require? Should I go for this? and last but not least - How much is a Dwarf worth (money). Oh and one more Is getting a dwarf setting up for heartbreak?
JMO ~ but dwarfs should not be sold, but given away only to someone that knows what their special needs are.

Yes, some of them are really cute and precious but I feel any responsible breeder would not sell a dwarf .... the 2 breeders I know that have them , refuse to sell them , they will be permanent fixtures at their place.

And I wouldn't dream of keeping him with your stallion.

I'm sure you'll get 10 different opinions ... but this is mine.......
Your best bet is to google Dwarf minis. Many have shortened lives, limb deformities, incorrect bites etc. Putting a dwarf in with a stud could go horribly wrong. He wouldn't be able to defend himself. I think the seller sees a chance to make $ sorry :no: She should be offering him to you for free and I hope he is def gelded!
I agree with the above! I now have a dwarf because my vet asked if I would adopt him from a lady that lost her other mini and wanted him to have a good home. There is special care involved (For me an experienced and knowledgeable farrier a must and frequent teeth floatings). I also can not put him out with just anyone because he is the lowest of the low on the totem pole. Oddly enough both my stallions HATE him too!
My feeling also is that dwarfs should not be bought and sold.

There is nothing to be gained by representing them as worth money- they cost a lot, an awful lot both emotionally and physically, and the willingness to take this on should be payment enough.

I would tell this woman this- that you might be prepared to take him on but you would not be prepared to pay for him.

Buying dwarfs just perpetuates the myth that they are valuable whereas, although I am sure they repay it all with love, you are basically just buying financial trouble.
I agree with everyone. Dwarfs should be provided loving homes FREE to people who are willing to take on the medical responsibilities, the heartaches, and the rewards that go into owning them.

Do a search on Dwarfs here on LB and you will get an eyefull of info. It will also give you an idea of who on here has knowledge in ownership that you can perhaps contact for advice.

I think that most all of us on this forum agree that dwarves should not be bought or sold. First I would explain to the person the enormity of the responsibility of owning a dwarf and that generally dwarves are provided free of charge to people that are responsible and willing to care for them properly. That being said, however, if providing this little guy with a safe good home requires purchasing him from an unscrupulous person then I would do so in lieu of seeing him go to someone that might not realize what they were getting into and abandon him in the future. JMHO
I just wanted to add that I feel much the same as everyone else did.

If it's a matter of her wanting to know that a person has the financial means to care for the horse, well, then that's just her job of doing research.

Nothing is 100%, but my feeling is if I had one here, and could not keep it, I would either do all the work myself to find a good, loving home with the dedication to provide what he or she needed, or I would find a rescue to do so.

I would not just "sell" the horse because that does imply they have a value other than as a pet and they are not something we would sell as conscientious breeders.

I'm not saying they are worthless as that's not the case, it's just that they are not a financial commodity, they are likely to be a big investment for the new owner, in care and emotion.

Liz M.
I have a dwarf that I was given(the owner was just going to put him down) and he is so very special but the first few years took a lot of extra care...farrier and vet, to keep him going. He's doing great now though. I don't understand anyone wanting money for one.
Thank you all for the answers - Although I would love to have this lil fellow I am not sure if I would be able to properly care for the lil fellow --- Not to mention she was 400$ for the lil man not gelded. i would just like to be able to say something to her about this and how should be handled? thanks to all!
What are dwarfs worth? All the love you can give them as they are special, usually not long on our earth so their worth hmmm love them, let them love you, no money can do that. OK, I'll get off the podium :saludando:
I was given a dwarf as a companion to a colt that I bought from a breeder 17 years ago. They get along very well and because the colt's testicles didn't descend for years and years I gelded him when he was 12, (the dwarf was gelded as a 1 yr old) of course they weren't around any mares and so it was no problem. That being said if I knew what I know now what I was getting into in getting a dwarf, I never would have agreed to take him. He is a sweetie but again it is lots of extra care and concern.

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