Gosh, do not have a clue what happened to the original one, maybe it missed the sattalite out in space and is on it's way to Jupiter!!!!
I want to send a special thank you to all who have been so very supportive. It has been greatly appreciated and sorry I have not had the time to respond to the pm's and emails. But thank you!
For the first time in 7 days, Prints has a normal temperature.
Her white blood cell count is down. Almost normal.
Rattle, congestion is still in her chest, but considerably less and is allowing her to be on a regular diet.
Test results on her knees/joints are very very good.
We are cautiously, somewhat hopefully optimistic at this point. It can go up and down especially in older foals, so are watching her very close.
All 3 vets say, the 10 day mark with better vitals is what we are reaching for.
Then we will get to work on boosting her system so it does a better job of fighting off this kind of thing.
Pain medicine has been taken away, but she continues on antibiotics, msm, and tagament.
Thanks again to all so much. We're hanging in there, largely in part because of all of you and your support.