Princess and the pea...

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We went through the ponys closet yesterday, sorting what fits , what doesn^t , what is out of season , what is too itchy, too tight etc....We narrowed the donkeys closet down to 6 or so....of all different is the big question.

how do you know what weight to put on a clipped horse-donkey...having said that donkeys are different because they dont have an under coat, I will never clip a donkey again because Willy is almost bald. Today it is rainy, and cold...I go outside and think , if I had as much hair as willy what blanket would I want ...."the thick one " If he is not sweaty, but warm and the base of his ears , chest and between the legs are warm then is the thickness OK? What if his body temp is warm with a thinner blanket, then the wind picks up and it drops a few degreese ? Is it better to have him a little too warm then too cold?? I have a MASTA winter rug , and a Triple L economy with a little polyfil 1/4 inch , but that seems a little thin to me, what do you use for each season and weather condition? Will they sweat when they are too hot?
I wish he could just tell me " Mom , I am good , enough blankets" This winter it was -22 and I had a fleece and 2 winter blankets on him, he is also free fed grass and oat straw ...FYI he is in his late 20 s to 30 s . hope you can help

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