Dapper Dan

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
Taking Dapper Dan to the vet hospital today. He has been lethargic, and yesterday he had trouble walking. His hind is sensitive. No manure for at least 18 hours, though he is peeing and eating/drinking.
I thought he was too hot, so yesterday I got some hair off with a #7 blade. He didn't like me clipping his hind end. He looks like a mess, but at least he might be cooler (34 degrees expected tonight, but he will be fine in a blanket). It usually takes me at least a couple of days to clip well. Maybe this afternoon I can work on him some more, depending on what happens at the vet. He is embarrassing, but health before beauty.
The vet did ultra sound to check for impaction, but couldn't see any. Blood work showed him dehydrated, but no neurological disease. Lactose reading was incredibly high; vet said he had only seen that reading in a horse that was dead. IV and laxative to see if it can help him. Vet will call me this evening with an update. He is in critical condition. I think he fears part of the intestine is dead and that is what is causing the high reading.
How could this have crept up on me? I noticed he was a little lethargic on Sunday for the bunny ear picture, but I put it down to heat and long hair. There was no rolling or classic colic signs. He was a little apathetic on Sunday, but I didn't read the warning sign. He was grazing in the pasture as usual. I wish I had taken him yesterday when I first became alarmed. I just thought I'd "watch him all night first and see if he were better in the morning." On Sunday, I had the two tied close to each other and Billy was hanging onto Dapper Dan's halter, and Dapper Dan did not care. That should have told me something, I suppose.

Also, I gave him banamine this morning, which the vet said was a bad thing for colic--I thought it was a good thing! If he survives he will likely have a lamanitis episode.
I can hardly believe this is happening. Dapper Dan is 27 this year.
I can't understand how this got so drastic without my being more aware. I've been brushing every day, farrier was here last Friday; even doing some ground exercises; a child came over to see him with his bunny ears-- Looking back, I can see some warning signals, but I had no experience to recognize them as danger signs. I am hoping the vet can tell me how to go forward. Possibly it is an age-thing, though how did he go from bossy and feisty to death's door in one week.
Billy is searching frantically for him. I sat with him for a while yesterday but the wind was blowing 40+ mph with dirt in the air, so we didn't go for a walk or do his ground exercises to keep him occupied. I hope he doesn't colic from anxiety.
I know it’s hard Marsha but try not to beat yourself up. You did exactly what any great horsewoman would have done. I too would have been aware of his behavior change, I would have stayed alert and I too would have also waited before I took him in. So you have done everything right and everything that anyone of us would have done. Kudos to you for taking him in when you did!

I hope he is ok and am anxiously waiting for the next update from the vet.
Vet called. They are so good to keep in touch. The lactate number dropped drastically! From 11.2 down to 1.5, which is normal. All the fluids helped him. They have him on a maintenance drip now.
They offered him mushy senior feed, which he is not fond of (tried that in the past) but he is nibbling. All plumbing seems to be working.
They still say he is not out of the woods; not sure what could go wrong, but I guess until he eats and drinks well he cannot come home.
Maybe because he was so sturdy and fit he has survived this so far. He had good body weight.
Thank you for all the good thoughts.
Dear Marsha, I am sorry to read this news of your lovely Dan not feeling his usual Dapper self. I’m so glad he’s getting the care he needs and is making a recovery. We all know how much you love this little horse!! ❤️

I hope he continues to improve! Looking forward to more good news on his recovery ❤️‍🩹
My sister visited him this morning. She did not take pictures because she said he looked so sad. She had to disinfect her feet after going into the stall with him; vet is sure it is a colic episode but not ruling out some viral cause. Vet called this morning. He is "spiking a fever", no mineral oil coming out, and another iv bag. He is not any better. They watched him on camera in the night. He only nibbled the alfalfa leaves. I am going this afternoon. I may have to make a hard decision. Up to $1800. We are fine with that as long as we can see he is getting better. But I cannot bear to keep him going if there is no improvement in sight.
I thought I would have 10 more years with him.
Thank you for this place where I can share this.

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