Positive thoughts, prayers and white light needed

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2004
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***Seal Rock, Oregon***
Yesterday was my birthday, I got a call, as expected, from my MIL. She always calls to wish me a happy birthday. Well, I could tell from the message that it was not the usual birthday call, anything but, even though she didn't say so.

Her husband has a tumor on his lymph node and they are going to do a biopsy on him on Oct. 31. Needless to say, she is pretty panicked and so am I. My father died from cancer that was too far along by the time it was dianosed, 15 years ago. I completely lost it last night. I wished that the call had been totally different, that she was calling to say Happy Birthday and that Jack's CATscan came back normal.

This man, Jack Hazelwood, has been a complete gift to our lives. He has been the husband that my MIL deserved (she got married at 19 to a complete jerk because she was pregnant with his child (my hubby), stayed married to him for 25 very abuse-filled years). He has been the grandfather that my father never got to be (he died before my children were born), the ONLY grandfather that they know and love (my husbands father chooses not be to part of their lives). He has been like a father to me in the absence of my own father. He has more friends that love him than anyone I know. He is so awesome with our kids, it's amazing. He's been there since my oldest was only 3 and the other two have known him since birth. He plays with them, sports, games, etc. He teaches them about track (he's a girls high track coach) and many other things. He just loves them so much.

I'm trying my best to stay absolutely positive and think only good thoughts about a good outcome, but with my history with my father, that is excruiatingly challenging. Plus the fact that I know so much about cancer (and have access to the internet
). Linda (my MIL) is just making herself sick with worry, but being very strong in front of him. She adores Jack, and he has been soooooo good to her (and our whole family).

I know that there is power in more than one person having positive thoughts, so I thought I'd ask you, my forum family, if you would send some healing thoughts his way.

Thank you all.

edited to add: Just wanted to say that this has all taken place right when my MIL lost her friend to a motorcycle accident. She's had a very rough couple of weeks. If you could send some positive thoughts her way, that would be so kind.
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Am so sorry, I hate it when people end up hurt or sick. I will be hoping he will be able to get well quickly!! <<HUGS>>
I am also sorry for this misfortune and hope all will come out just fine.

Please know my thoughts are with you.

My own father is going through a health crisis (found a "cyst" on his kidney while going to the dr. for a routine look at kidney stones). He has had to have CATs, MRIs and bone scans, etc. and goes to Fox-Chase on Monday to get all of that evaluated.

My dad is only 63 and living his life the way he's always wanted to..he just graduated college this year w/his teaching degree (he retired prior to that w/30 years w/UPS) and generally loving life. Doesn't seem fair, does it?

My thoughts are with you and them.

Liz M.
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Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way. He sounds like a wonderful, wonderful man...

My thoughts and prayers are definitely going out to you, your mother inlaw and her dear husband. Your "other" father/father inlaw sounds like a man so full of love, that with all of that love flowing back to him has just GOT to be healing.

Please keep us posted.

My prayers are with you all......My daughter had cancer, We found it when it spread to her lymph nodes, there was one really big and hard node, that is what told us there was something not right!!! Well Let me tell you it was a trying time, but she is now 5 years CANCER FREE!!!!

This happened when she was 18 months old.... She had to endure everything(chemo,radiation, surgery, stem cell transplant)

I know the word CANCER is very scarey, but PLEASE remember there are alot of SURVIVORS out there!!!! Positive thoughts are the best medicine!!

Hang in there...Your support means everything!

Postive thoughts and Prayers are sent your way!
Thank you all for your thoughts and support!!!! It means a lot to me.
I had a pretty rough day. I'm trying soooooooo hard to keep positive thoughts. But it's still hard, that fear comes over me once in a while. I did get to share with my best bud, cried a bit (we've shared many tears over the years) and felt better. In my case, I've had 3 close family members die from cancer, 2 very close friends die from cancer and only know 2 survivors, so for me, I still heavily relate it to a death sentence, even though I KNOW they have made major advances over the last several years (it HAS been at least 10 years since the last one died).

KsCowgirl: Thank you for sharing your positive story with me! Must have been horrifying for you to go through. You have one special little girl!!!!

Liz: My thoughts are with your father and your family also! It scary when all these tests have to been done and takes so long to get conclusive results. That is how we lost my father, by the time they fiddled around misdiagnosing him, his cancer was so spread there was no hope, but that WAS 15 years ago, there have been many advances since then!! Here's hoping they figure out what is wrong with your father and my FIL ASAP and get things taken care of!!!
They are much too young and have so many things left to do in life!!
Sending good thoughts and healing energy your way! Hang in there!

I lost my father to cancer in a similar manner as you at Christmastime last year and have also had many family members battle cancer only to lose their fight. I have also known some pretty tough cancer survivors diagnosed with a cancer that appeared to be a "death sentence". It is hard to keep a positive outlook but it is so important for your FIL. He sounds like a wonderful man and someone with some very nice qualities. He needs your strength and prayers as he goes through this coming week before the testing and the waiting period thereafter. I will keep him in my prayers.
Debra: I'm sooo sorry you lost your father. Thanks for sharing with me. It's a tough battle to fight.

Thanks again everyone. I'm off to bed now, but wanted to come on here one last time to read your support. I think I will print it out and read it everyday. It's so nice to be able to have "friends" help me through this. I need to be strong so I can help Jack and Linda get through this with a positive outcome!!!
I'm adding my positive thoughts & prayers to those of the others here.

My uncle was diagnosed with Hodgkins disease several years ago -- if that happens to be the type your FIL is dealing with, it's a very treatable cancer & has a very high survival rate. When my uncle's was diagnosed he had tumors on several lymph nodes in his neck, but after chemo he's been cancer free for a few years now.

{{{Hugs}}} to you & your family.
Holding in heart and prayers for you all.

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