Please post your eggs or scrolls Here

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OK I just bumped my eggs up to this page. I will keep clicking your eggs everyday too. I feel like you Laurie, crazy for trying to hatch an egg but boy I really want them hatch so PLEASE click. Thanks Joyce
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Awwww... Alyx you got one of the new eggs! LUCKY!!
A new egg??? I didnt know but cool!!! I want more though!
I also showed my boyfriend and now HES addicted too!!!!
I thought I had only gotten one egg, but my scroll showed four- I was shocked!

Joyce I clicked your eggs!!! You dont have much time for them to hatch!! I clicked everybody's everything again....

This is too funny...
Can someone tell me why my egg says it was "STOLEN"? What the heck? It has no mother or father listed. :DOH!


Laurie (HG) I see you have a stolen egg too! Are we thieves?

Clicking on everyones eggs this morning!
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you dont know the parents until they hatch (usually). it says it was stolen becaquse you took it from the cave. its ok, your not doing anything illegal
They only are available for very breif periods of time and are snatched up as quickly as they are dropped. The big drop happens on the hour every hour. And every 5 minutes there is a drop that is about 3 eggs at that time. The further into the hour that the time goes, the less likely of a chance that the eggs will be there as there is a total number to be dropped every hour, and once they are all snatched up, then that is it. So after the first 1/2 hour, it is hit or miss.
Just keep refreshing at each 5 minute interval and you should eventually see something. Getting an egg is another story as I have seen upwards of 500 people all competing for that first click on the egg.


Everyone, Please help these hatchlings mature... Thanks!

Alyx you are very right. This has been a very good disctraction for me from the SALE BOARD!!! I keep getting myself in trouble if I go through the sale board.

kathryn there isn't much to understand other than it's VERY addicting!!!
Give it a try

Oh I wanted to remind everyone. More help can be given if you post the link to your scroll
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you dont know the parents until they hatch (usually). it says it was stolen becaquse you took it from the cave. its ok, your not doing anything illegal
Hi Alyx......If you look at some of the other eggs it does list the parents! Who knows. I don't know how I got the egg to begin with since when I clicked on them it said they were already taken.

But click anyway....I don't want it to die!

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Yeah, I noticed that. if you got it from the "abandoned pile" those are usually bred by other people and if its not what they want, they abandon. thats why the parents are there on certain ones :D


Got sister an account :D

Sisters Scroll

My scroll!
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