Debby - LB
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Annual LB Foal Announcements!
We all love to see the foals each year! Please post your 2018 foal announcements and photos/videos here so we can all see them!

You had an eventful spring. Sorry to hear of the rough start. But the babies are lovely. Creta Hills is near me and I worked with her to rescue a herd one time.Sorry for the late update.
After a rough start to our foaling season (two mares aborting and one mare losing her colt to a red bag than prolapsing (had to euthanize)) we have two healthy foals on the ground.
On April 10, Piney Woods Iniki Puzzle (HZ tobiano LWO+) gave us a gorgeous smoky black tobiano LWO+ colt by LK Buckeroo Zipit (perlino). MA2 Zipits Puzzling Picasso, barn name Picasso.
On Friday 13, Creta Hills Lotto Sweet Rain gave us a tiny and spunky buckskin LWO+ filly, by Magic Mans Top Ticket (smoky black sabino LWO+). MA2 Tickets Party Girl. We have not picked a barn name out for her yet.
Nice to see a posts from you! Nice babies!So far we have a mini spotted Jennet, a dun mini colt and a pinto Shetland filly. Lots more to come.20180502_164105.jpg
I had a feeling he was going to be one to watch, lol. He sounds like a brave one. Maybe he will be a fearless combined driving mini, water hazards won't stop him!I believe the rumor about duns being scrappy....his first day out in the yard he jumped right into the ornamental fish pond! Kept his head above water, climbed right out and took off like a bat outta heck. Scared the crap out of us. lol