Plans for the Fourth?

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
Our city children & families are coming. It's nice and green here this year so we can do fireworks. First time in about 3 years, as it has been severe drought.

We will cook out, make some hand-crank ice cream, fill up the kiddy pools for the little ones, and set up our Horseshoe game. My dad taught my husband the fine art of knowing when hand-crank ice cream is ready, and he needs to teach it to son and grandson so the tradition can live on.

My dog will spend the afternoon and evening in the house, as one grand daughter appears to be terrified of dogs (very annoying for dog lovers, and deprives the other children of playing with Buddy). Buddy doesn't like loud noises, so it will be a trying day/evening for him. My horses will be confined in the corral, as I'm afraid they would stick their noses in the firework fuses and want to climb into the swimming pools. Dapper Dan appears to positively enjoy parties, loud noises and fire. Maybe he has a fire horse in his family tree?
If it cools down after the storms I may go to the fireworks in town, either in LaPLata or the villiage Green in Indian Head. If for some reason I'm having a bad day I'll stay home, and of course my dogs will not be allowed out after dusk and my big horses will be stalled and the little ones should be fine.
I will be going to state tournament watching my 7 year old grandson play ball. My son coaches and the team has won district and now are on their way to state. These kids are awesome. There are two little girls on the team that are absolute dolls that are bad news bears to the bone. Last year they were all playing in the dirt, dancing around, looking for bugs, whining for treats, anything but seriously playing ball. It is amazing what difference one year can make. I am talking 6 year olds catching pop up flies near third base and throwing the runner out on first. I have Monday scheduled off just in case they are playing all the way to the finals. I will be staying in our RV that is in a town where my husband works not so very far away from the tournament. I will drive down tomorrow to meet him and LET him take me out for my birthday lunch and spend some time around the lake. Then he will drive the 2 1/2 trip to our home and take care of the animals and work on projects we are trying to complete before we put the farmette up for sale. Last week we painted our concrete porch and decorated it with paint chips. This weekend he is putting a railing and lattice work up around the porch. The RV park where I will be staying is having a party on the 5th and fireworks out on the island. He has purchased me a bottle of wine and put it on the table top in the RV. This might be as close to vacation as I have seen in a while. I don't get out much.
I will be going to Saratoga to watch my grandson play in a Lacrosse Tourney. My mom who is 94 is going also. Should be a fun day.
Hope the weather cooperates for everyone. Ours looks to be ideal for a Fourth!

We set up the horseshoe game this evening and tried it out a little. It's hard. I got two ringers, but it was probably beginner's luck.

Good luck to everyone's teams! Sounds like some really nice family outings.
well with the bank closed I have a day off from my day care so I'll be working on catching up with my clients Web site updates. I have a long list of those!

I made some tater salad and slaw yesterday morning and took a smoked pork shoulder out of the freezer to make Bar B Que with so I'm good to go with the food!

I'll also be putting up the veggies and fruits that were picked this a.m.

For a few years there was a celebration with really good fireworks here in the little town of Allentown. A local businessman hosted it but due to insurance regulations it was stopped in 2012. I sure miss it too, it was fun to go sit and listen to the music and watch the fireworks so close to home. Happy Independence day to all!!
Well we had a nice 4th! On the third hubby worked midnights and I worked 12h. Right after my shift a few family members got dropped off at my work and we walked into town to watch huge fire works. Sat there for 3hr with a thousand people(I hate crowds!!) for 20 min fire works show... Hmmm yeah, I'm all set with fire works for the next 20 years! LOL! I had gone to this show about 20 yrs ago and I wanted my son to experience it. He had fun but I was exhausted. No, no I'm good no more public fire works! LOL!

So I walked around like a zombie yesterday, hubby slept most of the day because of getting off midnights in the morning and my son just hung out and road his bike. Hubby had picked up a few small fire works so we called my mom and we walked next door to the inlaws and had a small bon fire, ate hot dogs on the fire and watched a few fire works. It was nice.
We went to the fireworks show last night, of course we had to get there early to find a parking spot and then a place to sit, close to the restroom. The fireworks were awesome, but it was more fun to watch the people before the show. Seriously I don't know how some of the young girls get their clothes on without tearing them up they are so tight. I saw girls with bright red hair and guys with low riding pants. Had fun but the horses are made at me cause they are still eaiting for breakfast.
We survived the Day. Lots of cleanup today. It's amazing how much noise and fingerprints a few small children can make. The young adults all had some interesting conversations. It was fun, but we are glad to be back to our quiet routine. The chickens, dog, little turtle, and horses can recover from the chaos. And grandparents, too. It's only once a year.

The horseshoe game was a big hit with everyone.

I sang God Bless America and not one of the children had ever heard that song. I was thinking everyone would join in, but it ended up being a solo.

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