Parents: Here's one way to really appreicate your kids........

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Angry? Frustrated? Up in arms with your little buggars? Want to tear your hair out?

Here's one way to learn how to really appreciate your kids while you still can.

I've been writting a condensed version of Michael's biography for quite some time now. It's going to be for his website that Kim is building for him and Dan.

I wrote down all the things he has done in his life since he was a little guy and what kind of kid he was. The good and the bad.

Putting it all down on paper really hit home with me something awful. The good really outweighed the bad in huge proportions. Seems that the only negative thing that just came popping up was that Michael was the ultimate slob and well, ok, he did cuss.........

Puts things in real prospective about what is really important and what is just trivial.

It's so amazing to write about your own child.

Try it.
Thanks, Marty, from a mom of a less-than-perfect teen (he's 17), and a couple of real-annoying-at-times toddlers. It's so hard to look past the age and shortcomings of their immaturity levels and remember these good things.

I am so very lucky to have my three little men and I think that all the time. I hate to say it, but your terrible loss definitely helped drive it home in a way that many things cannot, though I wish I could give back to you what was taken from you in return for that gift....

Liz M.

I think what you have gone thru has made all of us better mothers. It reminded us all how precious life is and how quickly it can end and that we better appreciate every moment we have with our loved ones. Even the bad moments.


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A few years ago, not long after my third son, Colton, was born, I found this quote somewhere and it was titled "My son" but I cannot find who wrote it or to what it belongs, or if this is indeed it's true title, and the very moment I found out about what had transpired with Michael, I thought of it:

I'm the bow; he's the arrow that flies, and he will fly far. He is my gift to the world; he shall go forth from me bearing everything I am able to give him. and THAT will be the most heroic act of all: that when the time comes, I'll watch him go with a smile on my face, though I bleed more at that parting than I did when his body was first parted from mine.

I hope it brings some measure of comfort or enjoyment. It does me, to find something so succinctly and eloquently stated. Marty, you have to know that though your "arrow" seemingly found a different target than you intended, he is still flying, still giving, and the source was YOU.

Liz M.
Marty you always inspire me............and I have been with you in spirit throughout this ordeal....probably more than you can ever know........your loss ripped me apart as I was going through a rough spot with my own teen and feared daily that I would walk in your shoes..........I realize just how priecious life is and I know deep down how few the moments son is in trouble again and yet I try to focus on the positive.....he is the most brilliant musician I think I could ever know, he has a sense of humor that just lights up a room and at times he can be the worlds biggest drama queen and he knows it............some day I hope that he becomes comfortable in his own skin and can see himself the way others do...........

I have been writing both my boys stories off and on lately and it is a way to really check reality ....the good definately outweighs the contest

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