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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2002
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I posted this just a few minutes ago but can't find it so am reposting. I hope it doesn't come up twice.

My grandson Cameron has been taught how to call me on his Dad's cellphone.. and I get called often.I hear this angel voice when I pick up the phone. "Hello Sweeheart" it melts my heart......

A few days ago, he called to tell me that his Mommy and Daddy were very mad at him.. I can hear them both in the background telling him how disappointed they were in him. They have been trying to (house break) or potty train him for awhile and he was doing so good but as he put to me " Nina, (that is what he calls me), I pooped my pants. I asked him how come, and he told me that he was just far to busy to run to the potty chair, and that his Mommy was mad cause he MADE A BIG MESS!! He also told me that she was really mad cause the ness had gotten on his STEM AND BERRIES.. I have tried to help Corey and Astrid with Cameron but I couldn't contain myself from cracking up.. BAD NINA.. LOL.. I asked Cameron if I could talk with Corey (son) and he called for his Dad to let him know he was wanted on the phone.. Cameron wouldnt tell Corey who it was on the phone so Corey was alittle embarrassed to say they least as both him and Astrid were in the background scolding Cameron for what he did. Corey was happy to hear if was me on the phone, I asked Corey what is up with this STEM AND BERRIES thing?? I am still cracking up!! Corey told me Cameron asked him what it was and Corey said that was the only thing he could think to tell his boy that was at least proper..

Grand kids are wonderful. YOu got to love em..

Corey and Astrid have decided that they will have no more children.. LOL

Here is a picture I hope

Oh, My! hehe!

Never heard that one before!
LOL! Being a grandparent is so much more fun than being a parent....for us at least! Thanks for sharing!

BTW--- my daughter and her husband have decided on just one child too. Our son is more adventurous...they may have more than just the one. Now they both have more respect for us as their parents on raising more than one child and working full time. Was NOT as easy as they thought it was!
Aw, he is a cutie!! My heart melts for my grandbabies too-- they have me wrapped around their little fingers (and they know it, lol). My oldest daughter has a 2 3/4 year old (boy), and a ten month old (girl). Keeps her really busy, but hubby and I babysit at least once a week so they get a break. We love it.
Grandkids are the best!!
That is really cute!! I will have to tell that one to my daughter.

My daughter has two little boys. One is 5 and the other is 2 1/2. She is working on the third one, due in July. I am keeping my fingers crossed it is a girl. That is what they are hoping for. (me too) I love my grandsons to death. I raised two girls and am finding that boys are a different species.

My oldest daughter, who will be 32 in March, has decided she want just one. So. I hope she decides to start one soon.
What a beautiful family! Cameron has grown so much since I saw a picture of him. Children are awesome! I learn so much from them and life is certainly never boring! Wish we had a houseful!

God bless,

That is hilarious...poor little guy.

I have a son that's just about a year out of diapers, so the memories are fresh in my mind. He's pretty much accident-free but he did have a few "too busy to stop" incidents at first, mostly when he was outside chasing salamanders.

What a beautiful family! Poor little guy, tell him to hang in there and keep his berries clean.
Oh man,,

I giggled about twig and berries all day! They are so funny, and their inflections on how they say thing is awesome. Glad you got a great laugh, and thanks for sharing!