Well-Known Member
Old Dominion Miniature Horse Club of Virginia (ODMHC) was formed in 2011 to promote and stimulate the sale, breeding, exhibition, and ownership of the Miniature Horse in Virginia and beyond. Virginia and Miniature Horses have a long and prestigious history. We aim to put Virginia back on the top of the industry. ODMHC is sanctioned by AMHA and AMHR.
Our plans include starting a Virginia-Bred Incentive Fund offering paybacks to reward the showing of Miniature Horses bred in Virginia. You do not have to be a Virginia resident, just a member of the club to participate. All 2011 foals bred and born in the Commonwealth of Virginia may be nominated by December 31, 2011. Future years will abide by the rules and regulations of the Virginia-Bred Program and Incentive Fund. Hopefully this will promote responsible breeding and ownership of Miniature Horses. Please visit our website for more information. We also plan to educate the public about all the wonderful and fun things you can do with the miniature horse.
We also plan to bring a sanctioned AMHA/AMHR show back to Virginia along with Virginia-Bred Futurity classes.
These are big ambitions, but we are dedicated to the cause. Please consider joining us. If you are new to the wonderful world of minis, any of the club members are at the ready to assist and advise you. Just inquire.
We plan to have an informal get-together at the Spring Fling in Williamston, NC on Friday April 15, 2011. We will meet on the concourse at 5:00 PM or during the dinner break if the show is running late. Please email us if you would like to attend and we will keep you updated and notify you of any changes. Please extend an invitation to any interested parties.
Thank you for visiting and we hope you will consider joining us in this exciting venture.
[email protected]
Our plans include starting a Virginia-Bred Incentive Fund offering paybacks to reward the showing of Miniature Horses bred in Virginia. You do not have to be a Virginia resident, just a member of the club to participate. All 2011 foals bred and born in the Commonwealth of Virginia may be nominated by December 31, 2011. Future years will abide by the rules and regulations of the Virginia-Bred Program and Incentive Fund. Hopefully this will promote responsible breeding and ownership of Miniature Horses. Please visit our website for more information. We also plan to educate the public about all the wonderful and fun things you can do with the miniature horse.
We also plan to bring a sanctioned AMHA/AMHR show back to Virginia along with Virginia-Bred Futurity classes.
These are big ambitions, but we are dedicated to the cause. Please consider joining us. If you are new to the wonderful world of minis, any of the club members are at the ready to assist and advise you. Just inquire.
We plan to have an informal get-together at the Spring Fling in Williamston, NC on Friday April 15, 2011. We will meet on the concourse at 5:00 PM or during the dinner break if the show is running late. Please email us if you would like to attend and we will keep you updated and notify you of any changes. Please extend an invitation to any interested parties.
Thank you for visiting and we hope you will consider joining us in this exciting venture.
[email protected]