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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
The beautiful Mill Creek Valley~Prineville, OR
We are finally moved in at our new property and have satellite internet (with the dish) for the first time because it is all we can get outside of dial up service out here in the boonies. We are being hit with our first big snowstorm of the season and of course, all that snow is piling up on the dish mounted on the outside of our house at the two story level.

My internet service went belly up about 30 minutes ago and I finally realized why. All that snow was causing me to lose my signal. Heck if a little snow was going to put a wrinkle in my Forum viewing. Ha! I got out there in my slippers (I wasn't wasting any time to put shoes on by God), propped that super tall ladder up against the house, mop in hand and reached waaay up to the that dish in the sky, in the dark, and started scrubing to get the snow off.

Lo and behold, ALL the snow landed smack dab on my head and down my shirt. No complaints from me. I am grinning from ear to ear because here I am back online again. Mission accomplished! Ha! :bgrin
:risa_suelos: That just shows the dedication you have to this Forum!!!! :aktion033: :lol: :saludando:
:lol: Trust me, Debra.......I KNOW EXACTLY what you went through! (Too bad no one had a camera!)

:risa_suelos: That just shows the dedication you have to this Forum!!!! :aktion033: :lol: :saludando:
Welcome back Debra!!!

NOW, get your butt over here and get the snow off MY dish! Please????? Oh, okay
: I just have it for tv and we have no tv right now. Now, if it was interfering with my internet you bet I'd be right up there on the roof! LOL!!! Unfortunately, I'm still on dial up. Fortunately, snow doesn't cause any problems!
Haha, that was a giggle, indeed!

You are in the clear til it snows again... :D

I feel for you being up there knocking snow off in your jammies, but you've got me thinking...

I only have S L O W dialup, but I DO have DishNetwork. Are you saying that there is a satellite provider that ALSO provides internet service? Where have I been?!! Do you have DishNetwork or who? Wow, I need to get with the program here!!

Maybe you need to install a dish warmer!!

I feel for you being up there knocking snow off in your jammies, but you've got me thinking...

I only have S L O W dialup, but I DO have DishNetwork. Are you saying that there is a satellite provider that ALSO provides internet service? Where have I been?!! Do you have DishNetwork or who? Wow, I need to get with the program here!!

Maybe you need to install a dish warmer!!

A dish warmer! Wow, now there's a million dollar venture just waiting for someone to run with it. Kind of like those outside car mirrors that have an auto defrost. Great idea!

We use Directv/Direcway satellite which is actually called Hughes Net now I hear. You can call 1-800-Directv or go to This Website for more information. Once you have high speed internet you will do everything in your power to avoid going back.
Oh man! Too funny! :lol:

I love the dish warmer idea! :aktion033:
Glad to hear you're all moved in! We've had to dust off our satellite TV before, and now that we've got satellite internet I suspect we'll be dusting that one too! Luckily we don't get as much snow as you get. I like the dish warmer idea......sounds like a great invention! I was sitting there watching your avatar as it changed photos........I like your Liz pics! How do you do that revolving avatar?
Now that is what I call true dedication. Perhaps we need to form a NW LBer's Anonymous chapter?
AHAHAHAAH! Thats Hillarious!!! Oh Man!
: :lol: :bgrin :new_shocked:

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