New geldings...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
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NE Montana
Ok, so I didn't buy any horses, but I do have two new geldings. Manny and Monte were gelded Friday, and going through recovery now, seems to be going fine.

Here's Monte:

Monte - May 25, 2014 - 2 days a gelding.jpg

And, Manny:

Manny - May 25, 2014 - lt side.jpg
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Hooray for geldings! I have 4 (of the 6 horses I am down to) geldings. Two of them I bought as geldings, one we arranged to have gelded as part of the purchase (he was a breeding stallion before we got him) and the other I purchased to be my breeding stallion and was so attached to that when I decided to stop breeding I gelded him and kept him. Housing them all is so much simpler now than when I had stallions, they all 6 live together and get along, hormones are only an issue with the mares. I've always liked Monte, cool colour and nicely put together too.
Thank you very much. Monster, oops, Monte, is my favorite foal to date; despite his kicking me everyday for 2 weeks as a very young foal. I hope to keep him for some time to come. I'm not very good at sales, but did manage one sale this weekend, they wanted a colt, so Junior got a reprieve from the gelding wagon.
Nice boys, you can't go wrong with geldings.
Thank you very much. Monster, oops, Monte, is my favorite foal to date; despite his kicking me everyday for 2 weeks as a very young foal. I hope to keep him for some time to come. I'm not very good at sales, but did manage one sale this weekend, they wanted a colt, so Junior got a reprieve from the gelding wagon.
Now why doesn't his nickname surprise me, lol, it figures, I seem attracted to the brats of the horse world and even when I don't meet them in person the attraction seems to work. Apparently you suffer from the same condition

I'm not good about selling either, it breaks my heart to let them go and I worry about them once they leave. That's a big part of why I stopped breeding, just not enough good homes around me.
Looks as though the fur is starting to fly there, too! Good luck with your "new" horses.

I was just thinking, after looking at the pictures, that Monte looks really annoyed!
Yep, on both accounts. Monte was annoyed, I made him stand for a picture. He's been doing really well on his daily walks and when needed cold water treatments.

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