need advice for a new foal

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2005
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Henagar, AL
Hello it is been a while since I have been on. I've been working on fences and pastures. More babies finally started arriving 1 a week ago Friday, two Thursday morning and 1 yesterday. The mare wouldn't let the foal nurse yesterday. We held her several times throughout the day to let him nurse. He had really picked by bedtime last night. This morning he will barely put his right foot on the ground. I can't detect any swelling, and none of the joints feel feverish. His navel stump is dry and cool. He doesn't have a fever and will still nurse when his dam will stand still. Oh and he is a line bred Johnstons Goldboy grandson. He appears palomino, with bald face, blue eyes and dun stripe. Any advice or sugguestions would be appreciated. I will try to post pictures soon.
i wouldnt be so passive. joint ill sometimes starts with lameness before the fever sets in. Id have a vet out to pull blood and check for joint ill. Once it sets in its much harder to treat. sending good thoughts
I would have a vet out to do a blood test and check for joint ill. Even if there is no heat or inflamation around the joints, it could be starting. Please let us know what you find out. Corinne
Like everyone has said, I'd get the vet out and check for infection asap.

Even if it just got stepped on, an infection can take these little ones down FAST. I know from reading this board there are scores of people that have lost little foals to infections that just got beyond manageable by "wait and see" and misdiagnosed by vet as an injury when it was joint ill or vice versa.

Babies are fragile and if it were an older horse, I might give it 24 hours before I had the vet out, or the farrier to check for an abscess, but since it's a baby, call your vet.

Liz M.
We have a few really good vets, but they have all gotten so busy that they are hard to get sometimes. We haven't been able to get one out today. We gave the little one a shot of penecillin and a dab of bute. We had to run to town and when we got back he is up and bouncing around almost as nothing had happened. If you look closely you can still see him favor that leg just a little. He still doesn't have a fever, and has a good appetite. I will keep you posted. Thanks for the help.


edited for spelling.
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I went to the barn the last time around 10 pm and the little guy is getting around like nothing happened. As soon as his dam was standing still he was busy nursing. I think he may be ok. :aktion033:
honestly this almost worries me more. obviously if a shot of penicilian made him feel better then there is some kind of infection starting. problem is the penicilian may cover it up for a bit and then he may get sick again when you stop. i dont think penicilan is strong enough to treat joint ill. my old veternarian made me promise not to give penicilian shots unless he advised me to. just because you could cover something up and then make it resistant to treatment. im hoping though that your problem is solved
I was thinking exactly the same thing- You really DO need a Vet, you could lose this foal, as, the a/bs will last for a day or so, but in NO way affect the actual problem- when the infection comes back it is going to be ten times as bad and you will/could be in real trouble.

If this foal needs a/bs it NEEDS a Vet.

And at the very, very least a COURSE of antibiotics, not one shot.

Now if you had given a pain killer and got the same result, I would suspect a knock and maybe not too much to worry about.

PLEASE listen.

You need a Vet NOW.
[SIZE=14pt]Im with Kay, I have experience with joint ill. Also my friend Rachael has a 2 day old baby with it.... it was determined that his mom has weak colostrum.... if this is the mare that was difficult with nursing, he may not have gotten enough antibodies fast enough that now he has joint ill. It can enter even from the mouth sucking, from a foal licking the ground etc. Doesnt only enter thru the navel..... I would bet money that this is joint ill.... lameness comes and goes and moves from one joint to another. Please get a vet out to be sure and get him on consistant antibiouts. One shot of penicillin isnt going to kill anything in his system.[/SIZE]

I should have stated the initial response differently, "Any advice or sugguestions on what to do while waiting for the vet to return a call would be appreciated". The first thing that I did was call the vet, then another and another. I left messages for all three and haven't heard back from either. In the last 5 years, we have lost 3 horses, while waiting on vets to get back with us. We almost lost a mare earlier this year waiting in the vet to help with a tangled up foal. I have decided that I will not just stand by and do nothing waiting on them anymore.

The little one is running around all over the place this morning. I am concerned about joint ill, but he has never lost his appetite, has not had a fever and has had no noticeable swelling in any of the joints on the leg he was favoring.
[SIZE=14pt]My filly Tess did not have a fever until day 5...she was misdiagnosed by a vet as having soft tissue damage.... NEVER lost her appetite was lame off and on for 4 days and then constantly after that. She was euthanized by a second vet on day 10 when while trying to flush a swollen joing the found that the infection had been so agressive that it ate away the periosteum, the outer part of the bone and there was nothing left to work with.[/SIZE]


pls dont misunderstand we are just trying to help. I remember like yesterday when this happened to both lyn and frankies foals. both were misdiagnosed by veternarians. joint ill is so dangerous and we just dont want to see you lose your foal or go thru the emotional pain and financial devastation of treating it once it takes hold. Those of us that have been on the forum a long time see this every foaling season and unfortunately many of them are lost. A foals mother stepping on them is truly a rare thing. so anytime a foal goes lame joint ill has to be the first suspect with or without fever.
He has been fine all day today. I still have not heard back from the vet. I hope she will be in tomorrow and I will see if I can get her to see him. I do appreciate the advice, I didn't mean to sound otherwise, but I had already tried very hard to get someone out here.
I was able to talk with our regular vet yesterday and she felt there was nothing to worry about. The colt was doing fine, and I wanted to believe he was. This morning he was limping again. I called the vet, and she is out today. I called a few others and said I need to make an appointment for later in the week. I finally got one that could see him today, if I could bring him in. I don't have a trailer, so I just chunked him into the Bronco and off we went. The joint was flushed, and antiboitics were started. Xrays looked good and showed no damage to the joint. I am taking him back in the morning to have the joint flushed again. I will keep you updated.
I will be thinking good thoughts for him and you! Good for you on getting him there in your SUV! He's probably smaller than my collie
You did good getting him there and I hope he is walking better for you in the morning!
aww dang it i was so hoping it wasnt joint ill but i knew it sounded all too famililar. Just really keep on top of it as it can seem to get better and come right back again. Sending prayers that recovery is fast!!!
He is already walking better than he was this morning. It is still sore for him, but if they poked my knee the way they did that poor little guy, I wouldn't be walking for a long time. Lynn and I have decided that we are going to buy a trailer since there is no way to depend on any of the vets in the area making a house call when you have problems. In this case, he still would have to be taken in for x-rays.

I will keep updating on his progress.

Thanks for the thoughts, prayers and advice.
[SIZE=14pt]I hope they also have him on a systemic antibiotic. Joint ill is a bacterial infection that goes throught their little bodies and tends to settle in a joint hence its name... Im so glad you caught it so early. Had I had a reliable vet at that time when Tess was sick we would probably still have her. [/SIZE]

Prayers for your little guy! Hope he recovers! I know the feeling of trying to get a vet all depends on your area but are nearest vet is 30 minutes either direction.....makes it bad for emergencies. We do have a trailer, thankfully, as I have had my mare in 4 times in the last week trying to get her problems figured out.

I wish more vets specialized in equines........out our direction is all Cow vets and I constantly am referring to my miniature horse veterinary guide.

I did have a good vet an hour away that was awesome with my mini's but he retired due to a brain tumor, and I am at a loss without him. :no:

So I feel for you on the vet situation!

Hang in there!

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