Mini Mare with BAD allergies - need suggestions

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Sep 17, 2004
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Hello all-

I would love some help and suggestions. My mini mare has horrible allergies, she is scabbed on all her legs and has scab patches on her neck and shoulders. She itches constantly and will rub until she bleeds. Had two different vets out and they both thought it was culicoides and suggested fly spray 3 x's a day and benedryl. This does not seem to be helping and I am trying to avoid cortisteroids if at all possible. Unfortunately, I do not have a barn (only 3 sided shelter) so she can not be kept inside. Is there anything else I can give her? treat her with? a special wash? lotion? do the make mini fly leg wraps? any and all suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thank you!
Hello all-

I would love some help and suggestions. My mini mare has horrible allergies, she is scabbed on all her legs and has scab patches on her neck and shoulders. She itches constantly and will rub until she bleeds. Had two different vets out and they both thought it was culicoides and suggested fly spray 3 x's a day and benedryl. This does not seem to be helping and I am trying to avoid cortisteroids if at all possible. Unfortunately, I do not have a barn (only 3 sided shelter) so she can not be kept inside. Is there anything else I can give her? treat her with? a special wash? lotion? do the make mini fly leg wraps? any and all suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thank you!
I don't know if I can help....but we had a donkey who used to rub her legs continuously through the summer, and I was always told betadine (which is available at some tack stores and every vet, at least up here). I have one mini who gets patches on him when he is shedding out and I do the same, scrub him with betadine.

They do make mini fly leg wraps (or at least they used to), but I'm not exactly sure where to get them.

Hello all-

I would love some help and suggestions. My mini mare has horrible allergies, she is scabbed on all her legs and has scab patches on her neck and shoulders. She itches constantly and will rub until she bleeds. Had two different vets out and they both thought it was culicoides and suggested fly spray 3 x's a day and benedryl. This does not seem to be helping and I am trying to avoid cortisteroids if at all possible. Unfortunately, I do not have a barn (only 3 sided shelter) so she can not be kept inside. Is there anything else I can give her? treat her with? a special wash? lotion? do the make mini fly leg wraps? any and all suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thank you!
What is she eating? Sometimes food allergies can manifest as itchy skin. Just a thought.

They do make fly sheets and fly leg wraps for minis. Here's the link to one fly sheet: And, a link to fly leg wraps:

I'm sure other companies have these products, but Ozark is one of the most comprehensive mini suppliers I've come across.
We have a horse that developed allergies that have gotten worse as he has gotten older. I also avoided the steroids until this year but decided to give them a try when he had his worst reaction ever at the start of the show season The relief was almost instant - the bumps and the hives went down and he was obviously much more comfortable. They are not a cure all or a fix they just provide relief and are only something to give when they are really bad. My vet also has given me a coal tar shampoo that seems to be very soothing. I also switched him to plain oats and a vitamin/mineral supplement because he seemed super sensitive to most of the pre-mixed horse feeds on the market and that seems to help too. His allergies are bugs/flies but he is sensitive to all sorts of stuff. The best fly spray I've found for him is Pyrana (the yellow and black can) and for any spots that he has rubbed that are scabbed or raised or have lost hair, Shapelys MTG have helped soothe and heal them. A fly sheet/hood and boots would be worth the money for protection for your horse, especially since she is always outside. They will protect her but are very lightweight and comfortable. The next thing we are doing is having his blood tested to determine the exact allergies he has so that he can start allergy shots geared specifically toward his allergies. I'm told that if a horse is treated with the allergy shots/treatment that they eventually "cure" the allergies though it takes about a year of treatment for them to take full effect in their system.

I'd suggest talking more to your vet, if you are not satisfied, find another for a second opinion and do a lot of research online.
Had a mare tested once and found her allergic to a specific type of mold, peanuts & rye grass. As she aged, I did notice more annoyance with pollens than the others had. I had an RX for Albuteral to help her, which it did. It's a broncho dialator. Also, kept her on grass as much as possible, away from beddings which were dusty, etc. And she did better if in the shade on hot days, even put her in a spray mist on really high pollen days if hot. It helps.

Like a person, it does take extra care and consideration. It does help to know what she is allergic to, also. You might try using locally produced honey if it's pollen related. This helps desensitize. similar to the allergy meds.

Best of Luck.
[SIZE=18pt]My cousin's mustang has the similar thing. She puts Hydracortison (sp?) on it as well as swat and fly spray. He has to keep a fly mask on at all timea, but it's mostly on his neck and will get on his face if the fly mask isn't on. Try that. He's still all scabby, but doesn't itch it as much.[/SIZE]
We have one with major FOOD allergies.

He is doing great, BUT, we know what the allergy is.

You for sure need to find out what the horse is allergic to.

It took us just over 6 months to figure it all out. By that point he was covered from head to toe and all in between in scabs, rubbing many of them raw. It then took almost 4 months for him to get rid of all them.

During that time he was bathed in Medicated shampoo.

If it were me, I would not use the fly spray. If she is bleeding, she has open wounds and I would not get a fly spray near an open wound..........this is just my opinion and what I would not do.

Treating the scabs will do NO good, if you do not take care of the allergy first.

good luck

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