Mini Ages

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Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
NE Wisconsin
Can anyone tell me about how long a mini lives? Someone just told me they can live to be 40-45 years. My lil ones are Smokey Bear 20-22 and Ms. Winnie Pooh who is about 14. Just want to make sure I don't expect too much from Smokey if she is considered elderly...

We live in NE Wisconsin...for all of you who asked before after I first posted. IWe have had our Minis for almost a month...but as I said I have been around then for some time. Hugs right back at ya, Lori!

I would say that 40-45 is fairly rare, though it IS possible, I would also say that it is far more likely if you've known the horse's history as far as how it was cared for from conception through maturity, but that again is up for debate as sometimes a horse just beats the odds.

That said, I know very few minis or even horses, relatively, that have reached that age.

Far more common is for them to live into their 30s though many will encounter health difficulties that will require a choice of euthanasia in their 20s.

I have an old girl here that has gotten spotty care during her life, with periods of some "neglect" and periods of good health care. She's heading into her 31st year, and so far has no health issues other than a lack of teeth.

Good luck with yours, we'd love to see pics!

Liz M.

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