Manitoba Mini Mauled to Death by Pit Bulls

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Dangerous DOGS not Dangerous BREEDS!!! The stupid Dangerous Dogs Act which over here banned the Pitbull as a breed (but not the Am Staff!! Shows you how much the RSPCA knows about dogs since the Pitbull has never been a breed and the Am Staff is just a Pitbull) completely failed to take into account that fact that the only person actually killed, and thus caused the outcry that led to the act, was, tragically, a little girl, killed by two Rottweiler of which she was in sole control!!!!! The reason the Pitbull was banned over here was because the Police were afraid of them, and they were being used by drug dealers to guard their dealings, so, around and around we go. I am very, very sorry this had to happen but it has nothing to do with the dogs being inherently vicious. They have, merely because of their breeding and nature, more tendency to guard than do a lot of other breeds but no more tendency to attack, and certainly less tendency to attack animals like horses than, say, a border collie. Less tendency to attack a person than, say, a Doberman (which was bred solely to do exactly this) PLEASE learn from our mistakes- lobby for a law forcing people to be responsible for their dogs, not a law that persecutes a breed, and will be unenforceable anyway!! Good Luck....since no-one has yet found a way of making people be even responsible for their own children............
I am enraged at some of your attitudes. If your horse attacked someone in the field...and it has happened...should we blame YOU or the horse?

I'm terribly sorry this has happened. We have stray dogs that will enter our fields and run our big horses and our PITBULL protects our horses. Perhaps the article should have stated that two DOGS attacked a mini. Do you know the list of dogs considered dangerous? Rotts, Dobes, German Shepards, Pits.... Do you know the statistics that state more people are bitten by Chihuahuas than "dangerous" breeds? I do NOT believe that any animal reacting to its instinct should be put down. Placed in another environment? Yes. Ever heard of pack instinct?

Once again, I am sorry about this situation and I would be heartbroken. However, please remember, a breed is not bad until it is made bad. I have a pit bull AND a pit bull cross with not a vicious bone in either of their bodies!

Read this, then question yourselves again.

I see the children in the lane

They look like friends, we'll have a game

They've got a stick, oh boy, what fun

They'll throw it for me and I'll run

But someone stops me,

I wonder why their mother screams "Don't go near those"

Horrid Dogs, come here, come close

They're dangerous-I'll tell you why

They bite little children and they die

All I can do is watch and sigh

Cause now I know that Pit Bull's don't cry

Mum cuddles me up and says "My pet

We love you dearly so don't you fret"

But I love everyone out there

Why can't they love me, I do care

I wish they weren't made to pass me by

I'm a Pit Bull, I don't cry

I sit behind my padlocked gate

From early morn til quite late

When I go out it's on a lead

Is mine the only heart to bleed

I'm held in check as the world goes by

I wish the Pit Bull heart could cry

There are some dogs, and also men

Who cannot tell a foe from a friend

So all of us must bear the blame

Expected to live a life of shame

Condemned, alas and we know not why

All we know is we will not cry!

~Author Unknown~
I've always believed that there is no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners.

HOWEVER, people must pay attention to the natural desires of their animals. Dogs are born with a need to chase just as horses are born with a need to run. It's part of them and cannot be overcome without hours and hours of training.

Even more important is the need to recognize that certain individuals may not be able to conquer their desires and should be handled accordingly.

While I don't believe that any dog should be put in a situation where it has access to oher people's property, I find great value in having my dogs running the pastures with my horses. It took me forever to feel comforatble in letting them run together. A dog has to be taught to be overly tolerant of all the "strange" things that horses do and vice versa.


I was extra cautious in this, but now the dogs are considered part of the herd, just as the Llamas are.

(Actually, training the llamas to not attack the dogs was a real challenge.)

A new horse here will spend at least 2 months of introduction and short visits before it might be turned out with the dogs. Once everything is copacetic, I feel that my horses are much safer from outside dog attacks and such. There's just no way I could watch them 24/7 otherwise.

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Where were the owners of these horses AND dogs when this happened? How did the dogs get out? Why didnt anyone try to stop this? This is why my horses go inside in during the night and have CLOSE supervision in the daytime keep stuff like this from happening. Who cares what breed did this or not, any kind of dog (almost) can tear up a mini very bad. Im sorry but even if this happened at MIDNIGHT ..i would know something was wrong and be out there in a second. If there was a dog attacking Coco better darn well beleive im risking getting my arm bit off!!!!

SECOND .....

How in the world did these dogs get out???? If you have dogs that are a danger the least you can do is make sure they cannot get out!!!

I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and thoughts. That was my stallion the dogs killed and yes it was very traumatic for me. It was a week ago Thursday that I went out in the morning to feed my horses only to find the mares and foal out with my daughters 1/4 horse mare. When I reached the barn two dogs greeted me one pit and one pit cross. Both females and very friendly and happy to see me. I put them in a box stall as I was going to phone animal control after chores were done. I went out to find the fence kicked down (by the 1/4 horse), I got my husband to help fix the fence and he asked where Cody was. I went to his pen (made of rough cut 1x6 boards windbreak style) and found him down. He was still alive but in shock. I called to Terry to help me get him up (I was in shock I'm sure) but then I went to the back of him (they tore up his backend to the size of a basketball) and realized that there would be nothing to help him except put him out of his misery. I called the vet but he died before she got here. Now I am out a stallion and I have 5 mares to breed this spring.

I feel that the dog's owners are irresponsible and because of this, these animals killed my stallion and now they too will pay with their lives.

It is a matter of Dogs at large but I think being Pits, they tend to be more agressive (maybe not with people). Perhaps if they are raised with horses and other livestock they'd be just fine, but I don't think these one were. It could have been any other breed of dog but the point of the matter is my horse is dead and it breaks my heart the terror he went through because these dogs were running loose.

I am not jumping on the Pit Bull Ban Wagon... People need to take responsiblity for their actions doesn't matter what breed they are.

Well had it been me, I wouldnt of called animal control they would of been dead on the spot, no matter what breed they were
I wouldnt have killed the dogs either, moral issues and i would have felt bad to no stop.

I am so sorry for your loss ....i understand. There was nothing you could really do and this has to be so hard. I have yet to have a mini die but my dear frosty died a couple month ago and that was my first horse death, he died of old age at age 35 though so it wasnt as bad as this. No words can really heal the pain but if you need to talk IM me on aol KalsChick07


My heart is in my stomach reading how your poor little stallion spent the end of his life on this earth.....And no, it doesn't matter what breed the dogs were.

I do hope the owners are held accountable if you find them. The dogs themselves, sound like they had absolutely NO IDEA of the horrific thing they did.

The entire episode is heartbreaking.....

LoveCoco - Leeana

This happend in the early morning hours and if I had heard something I would have been out there. In the 11 years I have lived here there has never been any stray dogs EVER on my property. These dogs came from over a mile away and they unfortunately landed in my yard to reak havok. Now, I am not defending the way I look after or house my horses to anyone... and I truly hope that this never happens to you, the one time you might now be watching your horses closely.

Monica; I'm so very sorry for your loss.

I know nothing can replace your stallion in your heart, but is there any chance of getting compensation from the dogs' owners, so that you can buy another stallion to use this spring?

Leeanna--shame for your words of criticism for any horse owner who loses a horse in this awful way. It doesn't matter how closely you watch your horses--a dog can come along and in a heart beat be on a horse--there's been more than once when someone on this board alone has said they saw the attack happen, and as fast as they got out there to run the dogs off, they were still too late to save their horse.

{{hugs}} to you Monica.
Monica, I am so very sorry for your loss. You did the very best you could as our eyes cannot be on them 24/7 no matter who we are. Your horses were on YOUR property behind YOUR fences! Shame on anyone who even implies any blame to you.

Some of the larger farms on here have hired help as well as Llamas in their pastures. When they hear trouble they immediately go to help. But as someone posted on this thread much of the time it's too late because it happens so fast!

Hugs to you and I'm sorry the little stallion suffered like that.

Leeanna once again you open your mouth without knowing anything.

For Gods sake, girl, get some facts before you speak. Ever been in this situation?? No?? I HAVE, so have others on this Forum. The dogs make NO noise. The horses make NO noise. Horses do not act as they do in the movies, they are very quiet animals. My foals are very vocal with their Mamas- they have a WHOLE repertoire of sounds. When two of MY Dobes cornered one and were going to kill it, it made NO sound- it had NOTHING in it's repertoire that said HELP I'm Being ATTACKED. A stallion showing off, even attacking has a whole load of sound he makes. A Stallion being attacked has NO sounds as horses do not normally help one another- they are flight animals. If you had been there, on your own, screaming and yelling, there is every chance you would be DEAD. What you need in a situation like this is a gun, not a stupid screaming hysterical child. Now stop, please, before I lose my temper again.

Monica, I am so sorry for your loss, I cannot imagine, I do not want to imagine, what you or the horse have been through. At least you were there at the end for him, that has to mean something. Were you able to bear to take photos??

If only ALL dogs had to be permanently identified- it would not solve the problem, but it would help trace the owners.

I do hope they find the owners and I hope they make them pay every penny that they can screw out of them, not just the "value" but the emotional pain the cost of the fencing, the Vets bills and EVERYTHING. Hit these people where it hurts.

And "Oh he's NEVER done anything like that before" does not cut it with me- I have tow Dobes- that is a PACK, therefore they are NEVER in a position where they can get out as they are never left alone (They come with me in the Van everywhere) If they were left they would be kennelled and the run would have a roof. You must be prepared to live up to the responsibilities of the breed before you get it, not wait to see if it will jump before you add the roof!!

Monica, {{HUGE HUG}} and know I am thinking of you. I shall hug my stallions for you, and I shall think of your boy.
Monica I'm SO sorry! I know this devatated you. My God! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
Rabbit that is a good point.. The whole thing is very quiet we had the neighbors GS go after our horses more then once and I have cameras and sound out there and still didnt know till after or during the fact and only out of luck not out of hearing anything.

The same by the way holds true to stallion fights they are not squealing and screaming like the movies ... other then the smack of hoof hitting the others body and the grunts of pain and they are biting eachother you dont hear much. I Was very surprised by that one I must admit.
Monica, I'm so very sorry for the loss of your beloved stallion and the shock and pain he must've gone through before you found him.
Cathy_H said:
I don't know how many people or animals have to die before something is done about dangerous dogs.  If animal owners can NOT be responsible then the law is going to have to make them become that way........ In todays newspaper is a story of a man that was attacked & killed while walking home.  This is the third death i've heard about with these dogs in the last month.  How many more deaths will it take!

Cathy, I couldn't agree with you more!! Right beside the article about the mini being killed by those dogs is another article about police killing two pitbulls that attacked them when they tried to arrest a man (who was wanted on a warrant for sexual assault) inside the house. I think the police officers were very lucky indeed that they didn't suffer major injuries or death.

I knew when I started this thread before I went away for the weekend that it was going to turn into a pitbull discussion more than a place to express our sympathy for the owners of this stallion. I for one am in total support of the pitbull ban, and no cute little rhyme-time sayings will convince me otherwise. If "any" breed of dog could do such a thing, then why do so many of the low-life members of society choose this breed to protect them? And in this particular case, it WAS two pit bulls, and they need to die. I would say the same thing if they were cocker spaniels, but they weren't.

Leeana, I don't know you from Adam and see that you're a very new member of the forum, but HOW DARE YOU question the owners of this horse???? They did absolutely NOTHING wrong!!! I suggest you quit with your holier-than-thou attitude and perhaps offer some compassion to these poor people, if you even know how. You disgust me.

And Monica, my heart breaks for the terrible loss you and your husband have suffered. Bless your hearts. You have my sympathy.
I am also very sorry for your loss and am in total agreement that the "owner(s)" of those dogs are the responsible ones in this sad story. I am also of the opinion that it is NOT the breed of dog but the "dogs" themselves that are problems around livestock. Some dogs are fine and some are not, no matter what the breed so blaming this on a specific breed is not fair at all. How many times have we seen posts here about just this subject and I don't recall any saying they were pitbulls but other breeds. Yes, I agree, because of the way the pitbull is built it can inflict more damage but that is not to say that all pitbulls have the tendency to attack everything. I personally know some pits that are the most docile things around cats, other dogs, horses, other livestock and yet I have seen a German Shepard go absolutely haywire around the same. The problem with the pit is that SOME people who have them TEACH them to be aggressive and so they have become the breed to "target" as being a bad breed when in effect I truly think it is so unfair and untrue in most cases.
l dug through last weeks Edmontons papers this morning to look for the artical and found it in fridays journal. l'm so very very sorry for the loss of your stallion he was very nice looking and looked much loved from his picture. l can relate to your hurt having gone through a simular incidence in the spring but not with dogs. l hope the pain lessons with time though l know you'll never forget. Don't worry about what other people think you can be home and on the ball and this can still happen very fast right under your nose. l know l had weeks of second guessing everything around the place from fences to not paying enough attention to too many horses but there is no answer really sometimes stray animals just manage to get in and do damage regardless of how many precautions are taken...

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